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WENT TO SHEFFIELD did an exam and an essay and an DRINKING lots with shorty and co. Didn't play any gears of war. 5 hour train home was put off a little by me kinda forgetting when the train was, and thus I ended up in Doncaster for two hours.


So no I'm touring those websites, y'know, like postsecret and overheardinnewyork and married to the sea and watching big bro, even though I've got to catch another train at - get this - LEET O CLOCK tomorrow. Awesome. Bishing that bitch right up.. Well I would but chances are I'll be on the train so it'll be trickier.


Lost mah juggling balls :( But! I am slightly prepared. Got tent, fork, tin opener, chili vodka, cup, chess board, a weird towel that makes no sense because it won't work unless it's wet, but surely a wet towel won't dry me?





has the single most quotable post ever just occured?

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Offer of Accommodation


We are pleased to offer you a room in University accommodation as follows. If you have not been offered your first choice of accommodation it is because it is no longer available.


Oh hell yeah! First choice accommodation!


Offers should be accepted within 5 days. This is the only offer of accommodation which will be made.


No problem!


Deposit: £375.00 Due within 5 days





Basically..I need to somehow get £375 in 5 days. Or else I won't be offered accommodation at BU. I have no idea how this has slipped past me but it really has. I did not know I would need to have this money ready at this time because if I had, I sure as hell would have been ready for it.


This is just the tip of the iceberg though. I've got no savings for uni, at all. I haven't budgeted at all. I've got a part time job and I've never had to save for anything up until now; which just so happens to be the most important part of my application so far.


So I'm realising just now that I'm essentially..fucked. I don't know what to do or where to start, and I know things can only get worse from here, financially. I'm in serious trouble.



Edit: In fact I now have to start thinking about this even more. Financially, is it wise for me to go to Uni? Will I actually be able to cope with it? Why the fuck am I having this realisation now, though, when earlier today I was celebrating the fact that I was going to uni? I don't know what to do all of a sudden; and I've got until Tuesday to work it out.

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Oh hell yeah! First choice accommodation!




No problem!







Basically..I need to somehow get £375 in 5 days. Or else I won't be offered accommodation at BU. I have no idea how this has slipped past me but it really has. I did not know I would need to have this money ready at this time because if I had, I sure as hell would have been ready for it.


This is just the tip of the iceberg though. I've got no savings for uni, at all. I haven't budgeted at all. I've got a part time job and I've never had to save for anything up until now; which just so happens to be the most important part of my application so far.


So I'm realising just now that I'm essentially..fucked. I don't know what to do or where to start, and I know things can only get worse from here, financially. I'm in serious trouble.



Edit: In fact I now have to start thinking about this even more. Financially, is it wise for me to go to Uni? Will I actually be able to cope with it? Why the fuck am I having this realisation now, though, when earlier today I was celebrating the fact that I was going to uni? I don't know what to do all of a sudden; and I've got until Tuesday to work it out.


You clearly wish to go to uni, you're just having second thoughts because of the money. A lot of people do. Stick with your gut.


As far as raising the money goes nobody you can borrow it off? Have you opened up your student bank account yet? The three main ones (Halifax, HSBC and Natwest) offer you over £1000 in being withdrawn. If you have go double check with your bank that this is the case and use it. If you haven't opened an account get your arse into town and sort one out asking it will be active by.


And in me news. Just phoned up Phones4U. Being posted today so it'll be here tomorrow :D (still kinda gutted its not here tonight because im going out and wanted to go "oooh new phone" but ah well). Now I need to get myself ready for househunting!

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You clearly wish to go to uni, you're just having second thoughts because of the money. A lot of people do. Stick with your gut.


As far as raising the money goes nobody you can borrow it off? Have you opened up your student bank account yet? The three main ones (Halifax, HSBC and Natwest) offer you over £1000 in being withdrawn. If you have go double check with your bank that this is the case and use it. If you haven't opened an account get your arse into town and sort one out asking it will be active by.


+1, borrow money off a bank for the deposit, have you not sorted everything financially with student finance? Need to get it done asap. Then when it's sorted send it first class recorded, tends to get there the next day (except when my mum sent it, somebody cocked up and it was the day after that) so you know they get it then and in time. :)


Definately go to uni, besides it'll be fun and worth all the hard work and stress! :yay:

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Basically..I need to somehow get £375 in 5 days. Or else I won't be offered accommodation at BU. I have no idea how this has slipped past me but it really has. I did not know I would need to have this money ready at this time because if I had, I sure as hell would have been ready for it.


This is just the tip of the iceberg though. I've got no savings for uni, at all. I haven't budgeted at all. I've got a part time job and I've never had to save for anything up until now; which just so happens to be the most important part of my application so far.


So I'm realising just now that I'm essentially..fucked. I don't know what to do or where to start, and I know things can only get worse from here, financially. I'm in serious trouble.



Edit: In fact I now have to start thinking about this even more. Financially, is it wise for me to go to Uni? Will I actually be able to cope with it? Why the fuck am I having this realisation now, though, when earlier today I was celebrating the fact that I was going to uni? I don't know what to do all of a sudden; and I've got until Tuesday to work it out.


It's a crappy excuse not to go to uni because you dont think you can afford it. However, perhaps you could talk to the uni and see if they will let you defer for a year. Then you can use that year to get some money together and be in a better state to go next year.


I geniunily wish I had taken a gap year before I went to uni, I wasn't in the right state of mind during the first semester to really enjoy it properly.

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You clearly wish to go to uni, you're just having second thoughts because of the money. A lot of people do. Stick with your gut.


As far as raising the money goes nobody you can borrow it off? Have you opened up your student bank account yet? The three main ones (Halifax, HSBC and Natwest) offer you over £1000 in being withdrawn. If you have go double check with your bank that this is the case and use it. If you haven't opened an account get your arse into town and sort one out asking it will be active by.


And in me news. Just phoned up Phones4U. Being posted today so it'll be here tomorrow :D (still kinda gutted its not here tonight because im going out and wanted to go "oooh new phone" but ah well). Now I need to get myself ready for househunting!


Yeah, do what he said. Take loads of documents with your name and address plastered all over them (mobile bills, utility bills, bank statements, passport, driving license) and get one set up. They'll authorise an overdraft and then you can pay it off as soon as you get you loan.

Failing that you can sponge it off your ma and pa (paying them back with your loan)? Surely they have savings, or a credit card, or an overdraft?

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Guest Jordan

Sooo... Clydesdale bank are awesome.


I'm setting up a mortgage for them and essentially, so far things are going great. I'm getting a survey set up on the property in the next couple of days and I've put in a bid (£1K over estimate, because I'm nice). So its all going ahead great :D


Now i just have to get my parents to dump £7.6K in my account.

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ouch, 7.6k? I'd go mental! ^_^


Got 40quid in the bank now thanks to all the pennies I counted yesterday, as it is that's only four bags and I have about 20 odd left. Get to see dark knight in a few hours so that's pretty awesome. I hope the guy I invited doesn't get the wrong impression..0.o


I'm starving too, I really didn't eat enough yesterday, bloody stupid really but I forgot.

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Guest Jordan

I have around £700K and its only 11 days till payday. W00t.


I should be on around £200-£250 more a month due to my pay rise :)

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I just had a chat with a friend with a sweet hook up- she can get me voluntary work over at BBC Radio Sheffield :yay:


It's perfect! And if all goes well it could be a foot in the door in exactly the right place.

Awesome, could you put in a good word for me also? Hopefully I'll last longer than I did at Leicester.


MY DAY HOWEVER! I'm still recovering from my amazing fit yesterday, my arms are killing me and my throat feels weird. Imagine the feeling you get when you have something spicy then take a drink... It's like that, except it won't go away and it happens all the time.


I pretty much spent the last 24 hours in bed.

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my dad came home today, had to help him on his cruches a bit, which is kinda funny. my mam is babying him to much, which i can see is winding him up. hes having a streach to reach things, and its uncomfortable but hes been told he should streach. she keeps making a fuss, im taking a let him do little things but offer help when needed stratergy.


also, been forced co cancle to gym, which i hate, so i can do all the house work for family staying tonight, which is awful, as i really need to go, and im letting a mate down by not going.


and, due to house work and family events over the weekend, im not going to get a chance to fill out my aplication form to be a psychological nurse.


no money, no job, no social life, no girlfriend, no time to play video games. commiting sepukku is looking better and better each day.

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Yeah, day was cool yesterday. Bluey and I were in London and spent some of the morning at speakers corner enjoying some of the sunshine, coffee and general observing of people running and looking silly.


Met up with some friends and had a really nice lunch (mmmmm risotto!) and then went on to see Dark Knight at the IMAX which rocked so much balls that we had to spend most of the rest of the day chilling out at the Southbank Centre drinking and enjoying the view (highly recommended but stupidly expensive!).


Oh yeah and I got a job with Sega... but you all knew that right?

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Guest Jordan

I have a flat! My own place (well... mostly)


My offer on the new place got accepted, the survey went ahead today and on Wednesday i'll find out if i have mortgage! Then its just a couple of weeks and i'll be moving in :D

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