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Work was boring, even more so than other times. Saw someone from my school there though, who apparently works there. Had never seen each other there before, but he usually works on Sundays, so that's why.


Napped after work, as I was still tired from yesterday.


I played a bit of online Brawl in the afternoon/tonight, and thanks to Aimless helping me with my internet, I've been able to play some lag free 3 and 4 player matches! Thank you Aimless! =D


Right now watching Lions for Lambs, but it's kinda boring.



Also, does anyone know if Theme Park and Rune Factory for DS are games worth getting? =)

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No was this knowledge acquired through conversation or a random pantsing?


I have finished the boring e-learning thing for work. Should shut the fucking manager up as thats all he says to me; "Done you're e-learning yet?" (when he knows I havent as he can see my progress). Still took me 1 1/2 hours and getting paid for 10 hours for it so shouldn't complain too much.

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A pretty decent evening, I've opened my box of chocolates that my placement school gave to me, Lily O'briens, fucking awesome set of choccies.


Playing some more guitar, and watching Metro on BBC1. I'm also talking to ViPeR/Joe and Dan Dare. Relaxing. Hope all of you beautiful people are having a good evening out there. :)


In a few minutes I'm gonna go make a cuppa tea, I think. Need some toast to go with that, too! Everybody should eat toast. :)

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Also, does anyone know if Theme Park and Rune Factory for DS are games worth getting? =)

Theme Park is... well, Theme Park but on the DS. It's essentially a straight port of the original, as far as I'm aware, so if you liked that then you'll like this. If you haven't played Theme Park before then I'm afraid I don't believe you exist; everyone's found themselves having a go at some point.


Rune Factory is Harvest Moon cross-bred with a traditional JRPG. In other words the main character has amnesia, you can hit things with sticks, capture monsters to slave under you, and the farm work has been made slightly less like actual work. If you found HM a bit boring then this offers rather more variety and is generally less of a chore.


If you're just after DS games you should totally grab some of the Phoenix Wright series during the Play-Asia sale. I seem to remember you liked Hotel Dusk, and gameplay wise they're pretty similar. The Japanese copies all have English language options, too; I don't believe you can get a Dutch version, although I could be wrong.


In a few minutes I'm gonna go make a cuppa tea, I think.

And I think I might join you. Conceptually, that is.

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Theme Park is... well, Theme Park but on the DS. It's essentially a straight port of the original, as far as I'm aware, so if you liked that then you'll like this. If you haven't played Theme Park before then I'm afraid I don't believe you exist; everyone's found themselves having a go at some point.


Rune Factory is Harvest Moon cross-bred with a traditional JRPG. In other words the main character has amnesia, you can hit things with sticks, capture monsters to slave under you, and the farm work has been made slightly less like actual work. If you found HM a bit boring then this offers rather more variety and is generally less of a chore.


If you're just after DS games you should totally grab some of the Phoenix Wright series during the Play-Asia sale. I seem to remember you liked Hotel Dusk, and gameplay wise they're pretty similar. The Japanese copies all have English language options, too; I don't believe you can get a Dutch version, although I could be wrong.



And I think I might join you. Conceptually, that is.


Well, the only Theme Park game I ever played was the crappy 3D one on PC or something. I didn't enjoy that one too much at the time because I thought Rollercoaster Tycoon was better. So I honestly have no idea if I would like it or not. =P


And I actually never played Harvest Moon either. I always wanted to, but since there were so many versions out I never knew where to get started. O.o;

I don't really -need- these games, but they're pretty cheap I think (plus you can never have too many games). I'd buy the PW games, but I once played a bit of the first, and even though it was fun, I don't really feel like playing through them. Don't know why.

Oh, and no game ever has Dutch really, except for a select few. =P


Anyway, had fun on Brawl (thanks again for that!) and now I think I will watch some more X-Files. Oooooh yeah.

Will figure out if I want these games tomorrow.

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And I actually never played Harvest Moon either. I always wanted to, but since there were so many versions out I never knew where to get started. O.o;

I can sympathise with that, there are an awful lot of versions. I've only really played the SNES and GBC ones, so I'm not sure of the lay of the land these days. From what I gather the Rune Factory spin-offs are actually superior to the 'proper' HM games on the DS, though.


It does strike me as a series that you'd enjoy, though; you certainly got your money's worth from Animal Crossing and both games share similar appeals. Now I want to play Harvest Moon...


Oh well, instant noodles to the rescue!

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The ex moved out yesterday - how relieved am I!


She's still left a huge hunk of her crap here though, so I'm going to aggregate it and put it out of sight somewhere for her to collect another time.


She insisted we go to lunch with her parents... her mum started crying at one point. I felt so bad because I could not have had a better or kinder welcome from her mum and dad, but it's not them that I had to live with.

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I appear to be too happy to write... that's a bit of a cruel joke, isn't it?


Oh well, I can still make notes on ideas even when I'm utterly failing to turn them in to something readable. I rather like this one, so I don't want to make a half-arsed job of it; it's whole arse or nothing.

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Congratulations WYB. Have you got a car?


Well, the only Theme Park game I ever played was the crappy 3D one on PC or something. I didn't enjoy that one too much at the time because I thought Rollercoaster Tycoon was better. So I honestly have no idea if I would like it or not. =P


I think you played the one I did (Theme Park World or something). And yes Roller Coaster Tycoon was much better in every way shape and form.

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Didn't wake up til half an hour ago, been watching long way down with ewan and charlie, I watched long way round a while back and found I really liked it.


Other than that today I'll probably play some zelda and no more heroes and tidy the house up slightly.

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Congratulations on passing Weeyellowbloke! =D


Congratulations WYB. Have you got a car?


I think you played the one I did (Theme Park World or something). And yes Roller Coaster Tycoon was much better in every way shape and form.


Yeah, that's the one! I guess maybe it wasn't too bad of a game (sitting in the rides yourself was cool), but I just found Rollercoaster Tycoon to be much more enjoyable. Still play that from time to time actually.

So if this DS game is sort of like Rollercoaster, I think I could enjoy it.

*thinks some more about buying it*


I feel like doing some art again, finally. Just don't know -what- to draw now, heh. Very typical.

I unexpectedly sold two more shirts in the last two days though, after a month of selling nothing at all. So that was nice. ^____^

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Passed my driving test (finally), forth time lucky and only 7 minor faults. Yeah! Been checking out doing a Masters course in October as well, the applications are a bit of a bugger though.

Congratulations. And is it just me or have you not been around much lately?


Seems it's my aunt's 50 birthday today, so the obscene amounts of Brawl I had planned will have to wait. Instead I foresee a social gathering that will inevitably see me sneakily playing Phantom Hourglass whilst awaiting the near guaranteed strangeness to come; cosmic forces seem to swirl around my mum's side of the family, for whenever numbers of them gather odd things start to happen.


See you lovely people on the flip side/around 9-ish. Whichever comes first, really.

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Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 is one of my favourite games of all time. Ive been playing it this week in fact.



Only annoying thing is not being able to complete it....seriously why do they make those stupid levels like the Brazil fair, with all those crazy paths! Pointless.

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Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 is one of my favourite games of all time. Ive been playing it this week in fact.



Only annoying thing is not being able to complete it....seriously why do they make those stupid levels like the Brazil fair, with all those crazy paths! Pointless.


Yeah, I loved number 2 as well! I should try and find that one again, as I haven't seen it for a while... Actually I think we gave it to someone to try out and they never gave it back... Darn.


Oh and if a park has too many paths that make people lost, simply remove those paths. =P

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If you want something a little closer to Rollercoaster Tycoon for the DS, try Thrillville: Off the Rails. It got decent reviews and is made by the same people who made RT (Frontier Developments, who also made LostWinds). :)

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If you want something a little closer to Rollercoaster Tycoon for the DS, try Thrillville: Off the Rails. It got decent reviews and is made by the same people who made RT (Frontier Developments, who also made LostWinds). :)


Hmm, I checked its score on Gamerankings, and it seems to actually not have gotten very good reviews at all. The average score is only 50%, while Theme Park got 74% (plus it's a bit cheaper).

I think I'll just order Rune Factory and Theme Park then. Gives me some new games for when I go to Spain. =)

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I've been spending my day making my mix cd even more awesome than it was before, and planning my job application to a really sweet job with Sheffield Uni research department. Soon my my rents head off to Grandma's I'm gonna crank UT3 up and blaze some n00bs :)

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Hmm, I checked its score on Gamerankings, and it seems to actually not have gotten very good reviews at all. The average score is only 50%, while Theme Park got 74% (plus it's a bit cheaper).

I think I'll just order Rune Factory and Theme Park then. Gives me some new games for when I go to Spain. =)


Ah sorry about that. :heh: I think Iun gave it a good review for N-E...

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Been up since 7'ish yesterday morning. Wandered an airport all night, got nearly hustled for all my cigs, had multiple pickpocket attempts on me, and decided Paris train system is retarded. (not in this order)


Well, attempting to go travelling Europe for two weeks without planning anything after the first day is a retarded idea. Yeah, I somehow failed at having a holiday :(

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