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I haven't been stressed all week though, and I started getting ill on Monday. The last two days however have been pretty bad regarding my sickness. Tomorrow I have to call the doctor to hear if I'm sick because of a virus or not. I'm getting tired of the annoying pain I've been having all week. ='(


And honestly, I don't know what it is I love doing. I tried to draw, play games, watch X-files or eat yummy food, but none of it made me feel better. It actually all made me feel more crappy because I couldn't even enjoy those things. >.>;


Hey Ine do you get heyfever? I've had it reaaaaally bad this year and i keep waking up every 2 hours or so. It makes the passages that connect your ears and nose swell up and make you feel like you have flu :(


Does this sound familiar?

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When you're stressed or have things on your mind, it affects the way you feel. I think a lot of the time, headaches and sickness can be more of a psychological thing. Whenever I get ill or down, it's usually because I have things on my mind.


I get this. Even this morning my headache was to do with me worrying about this evening... (book club thing)


As sooon as I stopped worrying about it my headache was gone. Same with when I avoided the Sixth Form dinner. :)


Is it true that stress lowers your immune system so you are more suseptable to catching an Illness?


Go for a random walk, helps me sometimes. (Although probably not best to do it at night, unless you live in a nice place.)


This is good advice. :D I did this once and it helped clear my head a lot. ^___^

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Hey Ine do you get heyfever? I've had it reaaaaally bad this year and i keep waking up every 2 hours or so. It makes the passages that connect your ears and nose swell up and make you feel like you have flu :(


Does this sound familiar?


I don't know, I've never had hay fever. I just seem to have a throat and jaw infection, as well as a cough and a constantly stuffed up nose (with every thing just running out as well, bah). I did sneeze quite a bit today, plus my eyes keep watering up.

Since my blood will be checked out soon anyway, I will probably find out if I have any allergic reactions to anything (though as far as I know I don't).


Anyway, I'm a bad girl and grabbed myself some chocolate mousse (complete with some kind of liquor in it) and a small brownie. Can't taste it all too well (stupid stuffed nose), but it's the only thing I feel like doing right now.

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I got a text a few hours back from a friend saying she felt like crying, and I still can't figure out whether she's genuinely sad and came to me or just seeking attention, as several people have warned me that she does.


Confusion sucks. :(

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Woke up at 7 today feeling like I had razors in my throat. At least it wasn't 6am, but then again I did fall asleep at least an hour later than usual... Just tried to find some paracetamol I can dissolve in water, but the ones we have all expired last year, and I don't think my throat will let me swallow a pill. >.<;


Today, just like the last week, is gonna suck.

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Eh, I am confused. Just called the doctor and she said there was some trace of a virus in my blood (regarding my throat infection), but that I didn't have to start antibiotics... I thought you had to if you had a virus. So either I heard her wrong (and I don't have a viral infection) or I'm not sick enough to need the medication? :wtf:


Other than that no allergies, I think she said a bit of a high cholesterol but my good cholesterol was high so it was all good (what?)... just not enough iron in my body so I'll have to take some pills for a month (but we kinda already knew that). Man I hope I get a paper with all the stuff written down because she was talking so fast I could hardly follow. D:


*goes back to feeling miserable... and hungry*


Food time!

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Guest Jordan



Doctors try not to hand out too many anti biotics since your body can become ammune to them over time, so you're sick but not that sick so that you desperatly need them.


You can have a high "bad" colesterol but at the same time, the "good" colesterol can be high... which i assume is a good thing and the lack of iron is surely due to girly things? :p

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I don't remember the last time I ever have had antibiotics though. =O

But yeah, guess I'm not sick enough or something, meh.


Cholesterol stuff confuses me. Oh and the iron is because I don't eat much meat (only really eat fish, but not enough to make up for the lack of meat). So pills for me for a month, though I'll have to start looking for replacement food that contains iron (my cousin will help me with this).


Think I'm gonna nap a bit (if I can), since I feel a tiny bit feverish at the moment. Have to go out soon to find a present for a friend (don't want to go) and then get my grades (totally don't want to go!). Gonna cancel helping out at the my sister's party tonight though; don't want to make all those 18 year olds sick. Or do I?

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I didn't really wanna make a thread for this, and figure this si the next best place to put it.


But i just wanted to say well done to whoever made the banner for the homepage (Brawl Banner).


It's breathtaking!

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