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What's a controlled coma when it's at home?


Afaik its a drug induced coma. Controlled as in the doctors can bring her out at any time.


Its so fucking shit, shes just had cancer, now pneumonia/this.


Adn it doesn't help that Shetland's hospital cant actually do anything, so she had to be air ambulanced to Aberdeen.

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Afaik its a drug induced coma. Controlled as in the doctors can bring her out at any time.


Its so fucking shit, shes just had cancer, now pneumonia/this.


Adn it doesn't help that Shetland's hospital cant actually do anything, so she had to be air ambulanced to Aberdeen.


That fucking sucks about your friend Letty.

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Fuck, my friend's been put into a controlled coma for 2 weeks. Fuck.




Bugger. :blank:


Actually, to be honest, for them to be doing that, it must be a much better option for her than being conscious, as horrible as it sounds...

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Bugger. :blank:


Actually, to be honest, for them to be doing that, it must be a much better option for her than being conscious, as horrible as it sounds...


I know, I think she was in a lot of pain, and couldn't breath properly. At least this way she has a machine to do it for her..



Thats her.

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Hey MBAM, tis OK! I totally get that feeling when everyone in the pub or in a shop gets served before me just because I'm short. Feels so stupid when everyone else is leaning on the bar and it kind of feels like you are almost hanging off it :(


Ya see, being small means that you have the same amount of energy, personality and general awesome in a smaller space, so you get a nice and high concentration (which usually makes us a bit mental ;) ) We're not like everyone else, whose souls kick around kick around their insides like an empty house. I like being full to the brim with me-ness :D


lol.. there may be many many many disadvantages to being short (when i told my friend i was 5ft 2 she went "awwww" - meh)

but one of the best things is that i can still just fit under the sign for the kiddies play are (hurrah).. you can also sneak into places for free cause u just hide behind taller people *hehe*

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Guest bluey
At least the docs are on the case, I hope she makes a full recovery soon.

me too letty ~ i hope she's ok! *e-hug*

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I have an exam in 40 minutes, I have no slept. Afterward I need to get on a train for 2 hours in order to get to Rye for the ATP festival. If I miss Glass Candy I will be royally pissed off at myself. ATP best put a second show if I do. I CANNAE MISS THEM.

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Afaik its a drug induced coma. Controlled as in the doctors can bring her out at any time.


Its so fucking shit, shes just had cancer, now pneumonia/this.


Adn it doesn't help that Shetland's hospital cant actually do anything, so she had to be air ambulanced to Aberdeen.


Shit. It always seems to be the people who have had it really hard in life that stuff like this happens too. :(























And also. I fail. Seriously. :( Not in a good mood at the moment at all. Re-hu-hu-hu-eaaallllyyyy pissed off right now. Seriously not good. I'm actually too pissed off to be hungover if that's possible. I'm dreading getting the bus home later on because I'm just going to get even more annoyed with myself because I'll have an hour to think.

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Shit. It always seems to be the people who have had it really hard in life that stuff like this happens too. :(


And also. I fail. Seriously. :( Not in a good mood at the moment at all. Re-hu-hu-hu-eaaallllyyyy pissed off right now. Seriously not good. I'm actually too pissed off to be hungover if that's possible. I'm dreading getting the bus home later on because I'm just going to get even more annoyed with myself because I'll have an hour to think.



Perk up mate! an hour is plenty to think! puts things into perspective as to what was really important! allows for streamlined thnking!

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Perk up mate! an hour is plenty to think! puts things into perspective as to what was really important! allows for streamlined thnking!


Seriously, you don't know what happened and I really can't say it here. I'm really not looking forward to the after school MSN rush. :blank:

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I often find like the 20 mins I have back to my house after training to be plenty of me time but its often better to ask other people what they think if you are trying to figure some stuff out. Since you could be swimming in circles in your own mind.

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Guest Jordan
Afaik its a drug induced coma. Controlled as in the doctors can bring her out at any time.


Its so fucking shit, shes just had cancer, now pneumonia/this.


Adn it doesn't help that Shetland's hospital cant actually do anything, so she had to be air ambulanced to Aberdeen.


Letty texted me earlier, her friends heart stopped during the night but they managed to get it going again.


Bad times >_>

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Soo.... I met up with the girl I asked out and she said it was the sweetest thing she's ever heard. Going out on the weekend :)


To make it 50million times better; this dickhead I know is really, totally in love with her, and was going to ask her to the prom a week ago until he found out that she asked me. Also, it was the last day of school. Wohooo!


Edit: Sorry, bit rude, (didn't read Letty's comment). Hope she makes a full recovery!

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Wow, nice one matey. Must be a fantastic feeling.



Go enjoy the sun and have a nice ice lolly to top off the day with a summer shine.


(i'm assuming you're talking to me?:heh: ) Just been enjoying the sun with mates at the park, and got an ice lolly on the way back.:smile:

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