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Oooh, I'm nervoussss. Trying to pack my (tiny!) bag for London, hoping I can fit everything in there. I'm always nervous before travelling. =O


Though since the train company made a mistake, we'll be travelling on the Eurostar in first class when going (though not when coming back, darnit). X3


My day was warm and warm and dry. And warm. And busy. And now my feet hurt. Which sucks since I'll have three full days of walking ahead of me. @___@

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My sister's got the British Soap Awards on. This little clipshow came on played to U2's Beautiful Day, then this guy said "I am your father". My battle cry of "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" drew no laughs or acknowledgement.

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Guest Stefkov

Today was great. Photography exam in the morning, the last of my 15 hours. I've stuck my final piece up and all the development and such for the exam is done. Waited 4 hours before I could do anything else so I did more graphics and played the roberto baggio football game! I've not played that since high school. My day was complete. Went and did more work at 4. Got my Graphics exam done, some nice mounting work :)

Developed some film, and just talked to people. The latter was good, chatting to people I've never really engaged in chat with.

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I decided that I need to lose weight and get fit so I started eating better, walking more and going to the gym again.


Just got back from the 2nd time going to the gym this week and im hurting....A LOT >_<


But I gotta keep motivated!!

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Cleaned old house out completely, and tidied it all up. Weird. Got a C+ for my presentation, apparently not enough eye contact, I was like "What?! I gave loads." Said I was enthusiastic though, which I was. For whatever reason I was bouncing round like a child. Sat around in the sun a bit but it got to me and I felt dizzy and stuff. Done a bit of uni work and script work. Oh and watched Gossip Girl which was OMG-ey!


Oh and I forgot to mention the best (ie geekiest) thing that happened; was walking through a corridor in uni and outside a lecturer's room there was a robot that looked like the one from the Robin Sparkles video. I wanted to steal it.

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Politics Essay 40 marks

Business Essay 45 marks

Business Exam 80 marks


Can he do it before 11 pm tonight? lets hope so =[






I lie, I have full confidence in you, Mr. Dom.

Well, not in everything. Not, say, in your Halo 3 skillz. :heh:

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I lie, I have full confidence in you, Mr. Dom.

Well, not in everything. Not, say, in your Halo 3 skillz. :heh:


politics essay 3/4 done

business essay 1/2 done

*prods business exam paper* ah bugger =[



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Ehehe, Ive just been around Quarff on someone's motorbike :D


In other news: There's a new girl at my work who I can't stand!! I feel as if shes trying to one-up me at everything. And her voice is horrible.

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My room is currently a mess. The next two pictures can't even really show you just how much of a mess it is right now (cause you can't see all the junk on my bed and desk and my closet and whee).






Still trying to pack my stuff in this tiny suitcase. Not sure what to pack and what to leave at home. =P

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My day has been shit. I stayed up a little too late, and was nearly falling asleep at my desk... My nose has been bleeding constantly since the weekend... I swear my blood just doesn't want to stay inside any more ¬_¬


But I have a half day at work on Friday! Yipee!!

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Final day at school tomorrow! Have a little leavers' booklet that i've been getting people to sign. Got my good (buff buff buff) female freind to sign it, and read what she wrote. " God, i'm going to miss you so much, so many memories, love you from the bottom of my heart, don't know what i'll do without you", yadda yadda. I guess it's much easier to express yourself through words...Going Yr11ball with her as well soonish so should be interesting.:heh: Even better someone i don't like has a thing for her, and wanted to go with her to the ball! Beautiful.

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Guest Jordan
I played Phantom Hourglass today. I too, feel empty.


Zelda: PH is a pretty sub-par Zelda game. The dungeons DEAR GOD.


I forced myself to finish that game, the only time i actually enjoyed it was the final boss.

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Just got back from a club which was ok but I wasnt in the mood! :S


@eenuh: lol that is a noob mess! i'll take a picture tomorrow of the clothes mess in my room! epic mess... + what are those red bottles? looks like you drink a lot of those!

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Just got back from a club which was ok but I wasnt in the mood! :S


@eenuh: lol that is a noob mess! i'll take a picture tomorrow of the clothes mess in my room! epic mess... + what are those red bottles? looks like you drink a lot of those!


Those bottles are all sparkling water. =3


Anyway, I'm off! =D

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Got back from a lovely 2 days in Southend last night. Had a wonderful time serving my friends as a maid, cooking and cleaning for them, was a little bit naughty though and ended up getting hog tied, gagged, crucified (without the nails) and getting a damned good beating, you should see the state of my arse. Also found time for a couple of walks along the beach and a visit to a sex shop (for want of a better label), had a really good time and can't wait to go back, but it looks like they'll be coming to us next for my birthday next month.

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