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Lol ReZ. I would day I put that there purposefully as a joke, but that would br a complete lie. :D


Argh! So much work to be done. Biology, Pyschology, English, Sociology. Shiz sticks.


Oof, I feel your pain. Too much work, too little time. =(

I got so much to do but at the moment I can't even get myself motivated to work on Illustration (which is the thing I normally like most).


Doesn't help that school keeps switching our lectures around, which is very confusing. And tomorrow I have classes/lectures from 8:30 until 20:30/21:00. >.<;

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I just typed burp instead of brup, and burst out laughing to myself. :blank:



Has been an iffy day. Nothing wrong, but I just spent like 3 hours driving and doing random stuff because father is in America which is even more annoying because he won't let me drive his car!!!!! Its just sitting there on the drive, taunting me :(

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Guest Jordan

Don't you just love travelling?


I've had a bag stuck in Edinburgh for three fucking days. I've got hardly any clothes here to wear...


Flybe are the biggest load of fucking bull shit on this planet.

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I seriously doubt it's Flybe, its usually the airport baggage guys that lose your stuff.


It is the most annoying thing ever though, you just know though when your waiting for your suitcase to come round and your just standing there and you just know. And then you have to and say and then they make you wait just a bit more etc, it really is the most annoying thing ever. I think my HDD for my 360 was in it as well but I can't remember now...


Damn I can't even remember what airline I took, pretty sure it was BA but I seriously doubt that my mum would of pair BA's prices. Probably BMI know that I think of it.

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Guest Jordan

No, it really is Flybe.


I'll go into detail about what happend to me and Letty.

Saturday morning, at 7am we got to Manchester airport to check into our 8:45am flight to Edinburgh. We were informed that the flight was delayed till 11am.


Problem was, our connecting flight to Sumburgh (Shetland) was at 11:10, so Flybe 'rearranged' our flight so that we would get the afternoon flight to Sumburgh. We arrive at Edinburgh at 11:50am and wait around a few hours before we can check in for our next flight.


We arrive at the BA desk to check in. "Sorry, you're not on this flight." we're told. I stared blankly, got out the piece of paper i was given from Flybe saying my flight was changed. The lovely women from BA looked it up (she was really trying to help tbh) it turns out we were stuck as "open". Flybe didn't change our tickets like they said and they didn't transfer our luggage.


BA changed our flight, but there were no spare seats on the flight. However, thankfully two people didn't turn up (this was before 2 hours of me and Letty shitting ourselves). So me and Letty got on the flight, sans bags to Shetland. We arrive in Shetland and are told that our bags weren't transfered.


Yesterday, Letty's bag showed up. Mine was no where to be found. It had around £100 worth of cables inside it and most of my clothes. I was promised it today, it didn't arrive. Apparently, even though my bag had a unique ID it was "difficult to find" and "looked similiar" to other bags. Note, its a pretty weird looking bag, its not a suitcase. Its like a big grey sports bag.


So, i had to tell them just now what was in it... and i have to wait till tomorrow.

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No, it really is Flybe.


I'll go into detail about what happend to me and Letty.

Saturday morning, at 7am we got to Manchester airport to check into our 8:45am flight to Edinburgh. We were informed that the flight was delayed till 11am.


Problem was, our connecting flight to Sumburgh (Shetland) was at 11:10, so Flybe 'rearranged' our flight so that we would get the afternoon flight to Sumburgh. We arrive at Edinburgh at 11:50am and wait around a few hours before we can check in for our next flight.


We arrive at the BA desk to check in. "Sorry, you're not on this flight." we're told. I stared blankly, got out the piece of paper i was given from Flybe saying my flight was changed. The lovely women from BA looked it up (she was really trying to help tbh) it turns out we were stuck as "open". Flybe didn't change our tickets like they said and they didn't transfer our luggage.


BA changed our flight, but there were no spare seats on the flight. However, thankfully two people didn't turn up (this was before 2 hours of me and Letty shitting ourselves). So me and Letty got on the flight, sans bags to Shetland. We arrive in Shetland and are told that our bags weren't transfered.


Yesterday, Letty's bag showed up. Mine was no where to be found. It had around £100 worth of cables inside it and most of my clothes. I was promised it today, it didn't arrive. Apparently, even though my bag had a unique ID it was "difficult to find" and "looked similiar" to other bags. Note, its a pretty weird looking bag, its not a suitcase. Its like a big grey sports bag.


So, i had to tell them just now what was in it... and i have to wait till tomorrow.


I was at Edinburgh Airport on Saturday too! My flight arrived at about 1pm, maybe you saw me land! :heh:




If anyone was wondering where I've been for the last week or so (how could you not wonder where the most proactive and awesome mod was?) I was skiing in Tignes, France. And we had free wine in our chalet. It was awesome. The free wine in the chalet had nothing to do with the awesomeness obviously...


I actually got home on Saturday but then went out again on Saturday night (and pulled a hot girl, again, if you were wondering) and was working on Sunday afternoon.


A few pictures of me from last week. Got loads more coming when I speak to the other guys who were there and took the majority of the photos. A few awesome photos of me wearing my Nessie hat.








Top 2 are shitty quality because I screencapped them out of a video. Bottom one was just a shitty day weather wise - blizzard. We were snowmen by the time we got to the top of the lift.

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This morning I had the fun task of putting tofether a desk. It was too hot in the room making my progression slow and uncomfortable. Then Jordan came and finished it for me :heart:


The desk scratched my arm though, and I have a blister from the drill >.<


I also went to work for the first time in 2 weeks - I'd totally forgotten how to make some of the types of coffee though, so I mainly did dishes.

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Guest Jordan

God damn your mother and her fucking DIY.


I've lost count the amount of crap i've put together.


Also, i've decided i want Star Wolf's theme for my death music. Its needlessly epic.

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I was at Edinburgh Airport on Saturday too! My flight arrived at about 1pm, maybe you saw me land! :heh:




If anyone was wondering where I've been for the last week or so (how could you not wonder where the most proactive and awesome mod was?) I was skiing in Tignes, France. And we had free wine in our chalet. It was awesome. The free wine in the chalet had nothing to do with the awesomeness obviously...


I actually got home on Saturday but then went out again on Saturday night (and pulled a hot girl, again, if you were wondering) and was working on Sunday afternoon.


A few pictures of me from last week. Got loads more coming when I speak to the other guys who were there and took the majority of the photos. A few awesome photos of me wearing my Nessie hat.








Top 2 are shitty quality because I screencapped them out of a video. Bottom one was just a shitty day weather wise - blizzard. We were snowmen by the time we got to the top of the lift.


I can remember once when I went skiing in Sweden. It was minus 29C and it was so cold. Icicles were forming on our noses from our nostril moisture. They were at least a centimetre long. The when we were stood at the top of a slope a cross country skiier walked by (well skiid(sp?) by). No exxaguration he had an icicle from his nose at least a foot long. I'd estimate it at about 2 foot long. I wanted to run up and snap it off.

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I shall sum up the majority of my day(the rest was a long family discussion with my mum and sister spanning a variety of things, but more pleasant than the usual I'd say, maybe cos I wasn't the focus :P). Anyway, a picture or 5 to sum it up, whilst I'm not too pleased with the lid(probably not noticeable in pictures) I am rather happy with the rest. I just tried plugging in though, and think I've broken something cos it wouldn't work :s I'll fix that tomorrow though, along with doing a pad :)










Looks best/goldest in pictures with the flash. For a random assortment of too many photos from the journey, http://s126.photobucket.com/albums/p102/Threereef/Tricktrockery/

The gamecube formerly known as Esequiel's!

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Guest Stefkov

Today was a mighty, mighty long day.

Went to college for half 8. Had an RE lesson on HIV and AIDS. Fun lesson.

Day went on, at half 11 I went to Prestwich Pharmacy to get some of my photos printed. Got back to college at half 1 for my Computing lesson. Had that and there were plenty of laughs. I've come to the conclusion that my teacher knows that the right mixture of sterness and be able to talk with the students makes us respect him more.

Stayed till 7 o'clock getting work done. So I was in college for a total of about 7 and a half hours.

Tommorow is a different story. What a fun day that will be.

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I suppose I could write about servers, but that seems to boring, :( though it really needs to be done.


At least you have something to write about, I've gotta do a minimum of 3 paragraphs on why I think my menu system suited my project.


The god damn menu. It's just buttons for fuck sake >_<

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One of my best mates emailed me and said she'd been emailing a fellow Lib Dem (she's on a council or something for younger people and is in the local paper alot).


She'd been "having an email sex session" with him. He's the same age as her (and me) but GODDAMN those emails she showed me were mighty kinky. Seriously, the kinkiest thing I've ever read.


I showed another really good mate (that guy) and he almost wet himself. She then said "Tell no one" and I was like, "Sorry, have done. You didn't say not too". She went mental (in a funny way). She's gone so over the top crazy thinking everyone will find out. No one will, but it's so funny seeing her realise how dirty she was.


She takes the mick out of my rubbish sexual encounters with many innuendo's all the time. She's in for it tomorrow.

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Everyone has just come over to watch the last episode of season one of Dexter. As I was sat there (seeing as I knew what was happening I could slip focus occassionally) I realised how nice it was to have this transition between old house and new diggs to bring us together. And of course knowledge superiorty, I always enjoy that.


Oh and it gave me an idea for the impending superhero night im not prepared for:



Anyone have a black trenchcoat and leather boots I could borrow?


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Hehe.... my day has been ok. Been working really hard on uni stuff and had a day of just recouping and sorting a few things out. Gonna sell my entire DC collection tomorrow :( but i need the money. It's all Pedros fault for suggesting that I should sell ToS (insert shameless plug to the tradesboard *cough*) but I guess it will get me the money that I need for all of these expensive things that I want to be doing.


Silly, going to Japan :/

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Guest Stefkov

Just been drawing a load of letters for my graphics. I've done the whole alphabet! I like the outcome of them, they've even appeared in my sig. Simple, not unique, but I like it.

What I've been doing for the past 3 or 4 hours probably has no relation to my final piece in the end which sucks. Shazzam.

Need a matching av now...damn.

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Guest bluey
Now I'm interested too :D


same 0___o add me to the mailing list!! :grin:


...all 5-ish mins of my day have been 100x better than yesterday because i didn't wake up to "BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" ...it's my day off so i woke up in my own time (a not-too-unreasonable 10:30am :smile: )

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Guest bluey

gaaaaah @____@ i just spent about an hour frantically searching my room for my ticket to the explosions in the sky gig i'm going to on saturday



...i finally found it! my day could have been super crappy O__O!!!

but instead it's been good! went for lunch in town with my housemate, and had a crepe from the nice little crepe seller lady who's always outside the train station on a friday :) posted some stuff to jamba, bought some random bits and bobs from town then came home to enjoy a nap in the sun ^_^


...i shoulda been a cat. :grin:

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