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I have an essay to do and I don't want to. So in an effort to cause spirals; PENDANTRY: Of the second level.



Women's ... gyp (gip)


I was taught sex ed






*back to work*

Jayseven, you're a legend. I have to stop myself editing posts to correct them sometimes. :heh:


Also: I am starting to enjoy learning thermodynamics... is this a good thing?

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I like that idea! I'd go with it, but she never leaves the house.








Yeah she's younger, and it's not fair. My dad just had a big go at me, saying that there's nothing they can do. WTF?! It's my property, I paid for it, and I look after it. She doesn't look after her stuff, but I still get accused of being the culprit of losing her own charger.


Once I've found out the location of her actual DS (because she's nicked some of my games too), I'll enact Operation Get-All-My-Stuff-Back and retrieve everything.


whack it in a place shes not gonna look for it! or ask a mate to look after it if you didn't get any lockable boxes. Your parents to me sound incredibly annoying, if my parents said that to me I'd probably say something about me borrowing there's and ask how that is different to what your sister is doing, just to prove a point

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Guest Stefkov

Two days ago I made a list of the things I need to get done for my Graphics and Photography. There was quite a bit. I could have done a lot last week but I got in the mindset of saying I'll start it tomorrow.

Now I've started and done one thing. Surprisingly it was a bit time consuming. = )

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Jayseven, you're a legend. I have to stop myself editing posts to correct them sometimes. :heh:


Also: I am starting to enjoy learning thermodynamics... is this a good thing?


Well when there's misunderstanding a-foot, it is hard not to be a leg-end *cringe*


I know utterly nothing about thermodynamics. I wish I could enjoy learning about victorian novels. My next essay after this one will be on language and literature in children's books. That's at least interesting as it deals with language acquisition and shizzle that I might've mentioned before concerning a timed-essay-thing I had to do. I dunno.


Watched two episodes of Frasier instead of doing more reading. Realised I've already seen all of season one (or at least I think I have) and thus I've run out of things to watch! Aaah!

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Guest Stefkov

I've managed to accidently slice my left thumb roughly in the same position as when I sliced my right thumb. Both with a cutting knife aswell. Forgot that one was in the bottom of my bag.

Both fingers which are needed to game. The right thumb was worse with the constant pressing...it's in the perfect place where I put the control stick ffs.

My thumbs are gonna be the death of me.

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My days been good-ish. First two lessons were business which were crap, however it was half day today so i got a lift home with me mum :D Then we went for a walk round Sherwood forest (Also including a hot chocolate) and there sempt to be alot of French folk around there today.


[Edit] Also just won £2 on a scratch card... I'm £1 up!

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What razor you using?


Ive never cut myself whilst shaving (apart from shaving off spots) Heh heh heh.


One of them Gillette Fusions, it is mainly the top blade that nicks parts like my nose, back of my ears and under the chin.


The goatie is coming in good at the moment, stands out better once i have shaved the stubble around it. Day today has been great, busy which is what i love as time flies. Now at home watching Fresh Prince before heading out for my weekly duty at the club.

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Went to grans had a fair bit to eat in 2 hours. 2 Cheese burgers, pancake, muffin, bowl of ice cream and hot apple pie then a Dairy Milk Ice Cream Cone. Then for drinks a bottle of water and lucozade :heh:


Then I came home to chili for dinner. I know chili is hot, but my mum just poured powder and in. It was that hot that I got dizzy when I was eating it. I eat it all since I seen it as a challenge and drank a load of water, but I feel like lying down just now.

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I don't want to go down to Cambridge, but my mums going on at me too. I've been working my arse off, and I'm having a nice holiday and now she wants me to go down on friday with her. She won't go on her own and does the whole guilt trip thing. Argh! I'm close to 17, and she's 50! Surely she can go see HER friends on her own? But no. Fecking parents.




Went to york today for a bit of random fun/shopping. Got a few t-shirts and dvd's which is awesome. Every single t-shirt has some for of pink on! Jeez! I couldn't find one mens t-shirt with a design on that didn't have pink in. I looked in Topman/New look/Riverisland/Random shop...I'm not complaining, but it's just wierd.

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Another day of chilling with the bros. Was good, except I didn't gel my hair and so it was kind of lame. I came home and my mummy said it looked good, so I definitely know it looked crap. I thought it looked okay when I left but then it probably just looked rubbish.


Good thing I have a girlfriend otherwise I would feel so ugly and lonely right now :p


Missed out on drinking with the bros because I have work early in morning and wouldn't be able to drive home tonight. Oh well :)

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ooo I wouldnt mind getting a grey pair. What sites you looking at?


heh, i wouldn't bother with light grey, dark grey they are everywhere, light grey all I've found is ebay and amazon


I've emailed amazon and asked if thye know when there's more in, well actually amazon have them in 11/12's when I need a 6 =[ typical

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Guest Stefkov


I don't want to go down to Cambridge, but my mums going on at me too. I've been working my arse off, and I'm having a nice holiday and now she wants me to go down on friday with her. She won't go on her own and does the whole guilt trip thing. Argh! I'm close to 17, and she's 50! Surely she can go see HER friends on her own? But no. Fecking parents.

She trying the whole emotional blackmail. I've had that way too much so I can understand how you feel. Just make other plans with mates then tell her. If she says she thought you were going with her then just say sorry and go with your mates still.


My thumbs quite bad. Couldn't even play Animal Crossing = ).

Hindsights a wonderful thing.

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heh, i wouldn't bother with light grey, dark grey they are everywhere, light grey all I've found is ebay and amazon


I've emailed amazon and asked if thye know when there's more in, well actually amazon have them in 11/12's when I need a 6 =[ typical


They seem to have everything in 8's (my size :D)

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Why's my left eye gone bloodshot? I can hardly see any white in it now...it doesn't mean there's anything wrong right?


Have you been rubbing it a lot? Cause I often get that when I've been rubbing my eye a lot, or if something got in there.

Or maybe lack of sleep.

It should go away after a good night's sleep really.


Day has been okay, nothing happened. Worked for school a bit, but procrastinated more (you know, sitting in front of your work, saying you should start but then just staring at it for hours). Sister got back from Italy today, I'm jealous and wish I could've gone as well. Lucky her.

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Have you been rubbing it a lot? Cause I often get that when I've been rubbing my eye a lot, or if something got in there.

Or maybe lack of sleep.

It should go away after a good night's sleep really.


Day has been okay, nothing happened. Worked for school a bit, but procrastinated more (you know, sitting in front of your work, saying you should start but then just staring at it for hours). Sister got back from Italy today, I'm jealous and wish I could've gone as well. Lucky her.


Nope, I've not touched it, and I looked it the mirror after a shower and saw it. Oh right, thats great. I'll just go to bed in a few mins then and hope for the best. Thanks :)

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Nope, I've not touched it, and I looked it the mirror after a shower and saw it. Oh right, thats great. I'll just go to bed in a few mins then and hope for the best. Thanks :)


Did you get soap or shampoo in it as i always end up with a bloodshot eye after a shower! :)


And a stubbed toe as i stumble blindly out the bathroom unable to see...

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Did you get soap or shampoo in it as i always end up with a bloodshot eye after a shower! :)


And a stubbed toe as i stumble blindly out the bathroom unable to see...


Thats what I thought at first, but then my mum said she saw it before I had a shower, but just didn't think to mention it because she thought I knew about it. Hmm *ponders*


Ouch! That must have hurt pretty badly. That kinda thing always makes me scream things I really shouldn't. :p

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Actually Haggis I had something like that before apart from it was 2 eyes. It was all red, a bit watery with no white and it annoyed me a lot. No idea what happened but after I had a decent sleep it was all gone. It wasn't lack of sleep that caused mine, no idea what it was.

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