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Guest Stefkov

Today has been a hilarious day. Too many jokes/one liners came up to recite them all. One I remember is my Computing teacher said 'What do you do..with it'.

Immediately me and a mate turned heads and sang the rest of that 'song' if you call it that. Laughed for about 15 minutes.

Apart from that the post came at half bloody 7. My hammer/bottle opener was in the box. Success.

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Today I be awoken at two past the noon, asunder with a bounty of chills and phlegm, escaping akin to the fashion any wanton sneeze exhibits; tingling my passages and rewarding their success with giddy, anarchic feelings up my spine.


Further tales I speak of from those bedazzled hours of yonder are rife with moments of fond mirth; perusing my sand of time away, and not despairing at my spiny lot.



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well.. woke up at 12 30 after getting to sleep at 4 :(

work phoned me just after 11 but due to me being dead to the world i didnt hear the phone and therefore missed going into work



went up to coleraine with the nando to collect clothes ih ad forgotten to take home with me ( couple of pair of jeans, h oodies and some t-shirts)



now im at his house waiting for food :D

realised i could never be an anorexic as i feel sick when i dont eat :(

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Guest Stefkov

Ok so from a good day my day has become a scared shitless one.

I just saw this


As much as that thing is freakin awesome it's scaring the shit out of me.

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Some people!


At work today, some guy ordered tea, and just before he left, he goes:


'By the way, that tea was updrinkable. 2 teabags in a pot is a joke! You know, just for future refererence..."

So I was like, oh sorry, do you want another teabag?


'No!' and then he goes out of the shop!! I was terribley offended, I mean, he could have just asked for another teabag :(

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i spent all day at work today planning my dinner (entirely home made beef stew wtih dumplings), to try and make sure all the ingredients were spot on and working out seasonings etc.


the one major flaw i made was forgetting that i wouldnt even get home till 6:30. as a consequence I am only just now sitting down for my meal!


on the plus side, it is as good as i hoped, and I have an excellent tv show to accompany it (I have just started watching 6 feet under). Michael C Hall is a legend!

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I sorted out my housemate's laptop, which was my goal for the day so that was nice.


Im becoming more and more paranoid and cautious about living here. Im alone at the moment as my housemate is out tonight and just every bump or bang im worried its the neighbour having broken in. Chances are him doing it during a weekday is slim because he will have work the next day, as its always a product of him getting wasted. Its just not a healthy way to live. Im aprehensive when I go to bed and I always worry when I open my curtains he's going to be behind it (because on Friday I could see his shiloutte through the curtains). Not pleasant.

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I sorted out my housemate's laptop, which was my goal for the day so that was nice.


Im becoming more and more paranoid and cautious about living here. Im alone at the moment as my housemate is out tonight and just every bump or bang im worried its the neighbour having broken in. Chances are him doing it during a weekday is slim because he will have work the next day, as its always a product of him getting wasted. Its just not a healthy way to live. Im aprehensive when I go to bed and I always worry when I open my curtains he's going to be behind it (because on Friday I could see his shiloutte through the curtains). Not pleasant.


any way you can switch rooms at all? it's horrible when you cant feel safe in your own home.

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any way you can switch rooms at all? it's horrible when you cant feel safe in your own home.


Nah, the rooms currently unoccupied are locked.


I went to bed about half an hour ago and was fine and then (and I blame it on my mom's overworrying state) I went into my 'what would I do if...' mode, whereby I was thinking 'what if he smashes his way into my room with a baseball bat?' (as he was once caught lurking outside our house with one not long after threatening us). And now I can't sleep. My heart is pounding. I think im going to have to text my housemate. Just need to find a nice way to say 'Can you cut your night short?'

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Guest bluey

ahaha screw you guys ~ "day"?! BAH! i'ma go all out and rate my whole WEEK, baby!! :grin:


it's been awesome.

through a series happy accidents, i ended up being able to spend a whole week with jamba, and my mum, jamba's parents, my friends... and lots of stuff happened!! ^____^


jamba got to my town late on monday night, went to visit jamba's parents to pick up his suit ~ then the next day we went to a wycombe, because he had to go to court to be a witness to a crime (i was excited because i'm a phoenix wright nut, and i got to see jamba in a suit... which was just unreasonably sexy. *tisk*) anyhoo! i went browsing around town while he was busy, then we met a friend and had lunch and chatted and shoe-shopped (i was super jealous of jamba's new shoes...)


then! on wednesday we went to his parents house again, but this time we went to have dinner with his mum (and we took MY mum!) on thursday we both made the train journey to middlesbrough... it took a long time, but it didnt really feel like it at all... :-) we had to sit apart for some of the journey ~ but we played tetris via wifi on the ds... some chavvy guy next to me said something about "all the geeks" and i gave him such a death stare (i'm good at death stares...) that he shut right up. :grin:



friday was great!! jamba took me to dinner at a japanese restaurant ~ :blush: and it was our friends birthday, so she joined us for warm sake after our meal - then we went back to jamba's house and played wii and drank rum and got sleepy... the next day.. was awesome. breakfast was so good i swear i nearly cried with happiness. we watched anime in bed for most of the day. then we went out to see the dj from unkle play a set in a local club ~ but never really got to see him, cause we found a comfy table, so us and our group of friends nestled down with drinks and talked. it was really nice!!


sunday was really nice. we finally went to the park!! i've been wanting to visit the park since i first started visiting boro!! :indeed: we got soup from a machine, and fed the ducks... and i took pictures!! we were so cold afterwards that we had to resort to eating at mcdonalds (and getting mcdonalds coffee... which tbh is only really useful for warming your hands up if you forgot your gloves and have to walk to the cinema...)


then we went to see "be kind rewind" ~ jamba really liked it - i thought it was OK... :smile:


then on monday.. we went to town.. then i went home.

and tomorrow ~ i'll move to japan. ( - _ -)


but yeah! to sum up? a lady asked me if i was ok on the train ride home (i looked upset~) i said i'm fine - apart from the fact(s) that i'm sad because not going to see my boyfriend/best friend again for months, i'm terrified because i'm moving to japan tomorrow, i'm tired 'cause i've been on a train for like, 5 hours... and worst of all: i totally suck at tetris.

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Guest Jordan

...I'm less than 2 miles from you. Its not snowing.


Also, i'm a complete idiot. I just said i'd work all Easter weekend, bye bye Friday and Monday off.

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...I'm less than 2 miles from you. Its not snowing.


Also, i'm a complete idiot. I just said i'd work all Easter weekend, bye bye Friday and Monday off.


It is actually legitametly snowing in Quarff :p


I'll take pixx

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Guest Jordan
It is actually legitametly snowing in Quarff :p


I'll take pixx


... You're in Quarff right now? But I thought you were at school :o

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Jamba is a sad Panda... but only a little one.


Seeing Bluey off at the platform yesterday was really hard. I phoned a little bit after she left to inform her that I had finally been affected by her going away only to get rudely cut-off just when I was getting a bit upset! Damn networks!


Anyway, I'm good now. I'm glad that she's going cos she needs to do this. Just bear with us for the next month or so cos we migh both be a little off.

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