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I had a good day yesterday. Started off with getting up early at 8:30am which is unusual for me really on a Saturday. Pity it was 1st March which is a bad day for my family these days, 2 years since the passing of my mothers mother (my nan). Spent the morning keeping my mother company and went for a visit to the cemetery with my uncle and mum. Afternoon was spent watching Reservoir Dogs round with a few mates and a few cans.


Evening was a lot different than the daytime, the original plan was for me, rob, andy nd linzi to play snooker and chill out down the club with a few pints and music, of which it started off as planned in the snooker room, 3 games played i won 2 of them. Then came the difference, she wanted to go to the measure with 5 blokes who she knew so she told them she would only go if i went with her, and they agreed. Went up there, she went to the bar and me into the lounge where i met a few old mates and caught up with things with them, took a few hours and drank a few pints in the process.


Then came the moments she was thankful i was there, these blokes she came with had all became drugged up and were demanding that they take her home, they had moved into the lounge where i was so i could hear everything that was going on and so could everyone else. She got scared i think, and asked me to take her home at the end of the night of which i agreed to do so. By then, these guys who were all demanding and all started threatening me and demanding that they take her home, 3 of them gave up and left but 1 of them wouldn't quit and kept threatening me on the way home. I nearly beat him up because of the threats but was being held back by linzi because she didn't want to see me get hurt as he was carrying a blade. So from the last hour until i got her home, she was holding onto me and making them think me and her were a couple of which i was going along with it. And all on the way home, this one lad kept threatening me but then gave up and went home. And so did we.


And now today, being a Sunday it is the day where i chill out all day and as today is Mothers Day the usual cards, chocolates and wine was given out. Currently chilling on MSN, planning on watching a movie later on as well and i don't know what to watch either.


Oh, and i woke up this morning and hucked up a huge orangy red blob, think i may have a cold.

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Guys I'll swap you, do my portfolio? I've only got six pages which covers my vinyl work, now I need another theme to focus on, I need my website finished and my photos printed and stuck in my other pad..


:( I'm screwed.


Deal. Anything but this. :( 8+ hours and counting.

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Deal. Anything but this. :( 8+ hours and counting.

Sweet ^.^ I'm quite sick of doing art when I'm not pushed to do it, I just cannot get creative like I used to, I hope that changes if I get into sheffield, I can see myself getting bored at manchester


it's really worrying me :(

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Fucking coursework, 4 weeks and another two sections to do, aswell as going back and changing shit that needs to be changed.


Worst part about it all is I know it's all my fault I've got loads to do in so little time ¬_¬

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Guest Stefkov

Got to bed at 3ish last night. Got woken up at 10 and then got to work at 11. It was really a good day, I just felt like smiling and being responsive today. Finished at 6.

I should really crack on with my Computing coursework due in for Friday or Thursday. I should also do something for my Graphics.

I think I'll play some Warhawk.

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I had quite a busy weekend, and this will continue a bit.


On Friday I went Ice Skating, which you know didnt go amazingly well.


On Saturday I went bowling with Claire and her extended family. I didnt do very well really...I guess Im not very good at things when I have to put on hire shoes? *Shrugs* But yeah it was pretty cool, apart from I split my nail a bit, but its fine, was only like a top layer or whatever. Then went round her aunts house for an hour and a bit, so got back late.


Then yesterday, I had planned on seeing There Will Be Blood (Yipee) because everyone was going to Claires nans, but Claire didnt get ready in time, so yeah. :indeed::blank: Just bought a LEGO set, Live subscription, and a big lasagne and other bits and chilled some.


Out of the nine weeks Ive worked this week, Ive taken 368 calls each for three weeks...exact same amount...thats kinda weird.

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Whoop, I think I can be classed as a weird person.


I skipped my last class today (Graphic Design) so I could go home and work on my Illustration assignment a bit, since I'll be gone to a concert tonight. Plus I also have a bit of a throat infection and apparently Graphic Design was boring anyway (or so I heard from my friends who had it in the morning).


Anyway, I go home, but instead of actually entering the house, I stay outside and kinda hide away on the little driveway next to our house. I sat out there (on some wooden things) and worked on my laptop. Reason I didn't want to go in was cause of the cleaning lady being home and cleaning downstairs.

After a while though I got bored of sitting there (and my cats were bothering me) so I grabbed my bike and biked away, not knowing where to go.


After biking through some random streets in town, I ended up in the little park thingie where I used to go run with mom. And then I placed myself on a bench there and worked a bit for school again until my fingers and toes were frozen. =P

And then I finally came home. With still no work done for my Illustration assignment. X3

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Boxed away my PS2 yesterday. I have only space for three consoles and I have four when I get my 360 so one had to go. It isn't working anyway, it eats memory files and downscales dvd movies to black and white movies from WWII.

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Well today's been alrightish, though when I had my talked with my tutor she decided to say that I blamed everyone but myself when just before that I had said it was my own fault for not storing my work on a disc...sigh


But other than that she was ok even gonna write a letter and whatnot for me...but then she wonders why I moved tutor groups for my iva...stupid woman xD

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I had the most awesome of days. :)


Extra sociology during lunch (Argh!) was awesome! When going round collecting money for charity (via tutors) I and two other mates got stuck in the lift. We were stuck for 10 minutes (No one heard our screams!). We had awards around college for people, i.e best teacher, funniest guy, etc etc. I got one for "the guy with the most awesome voice". Woo!:)


Also, I've randomly begun snorting when I laugh. It's utterly embarassing.:heh:

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