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...sorry to hear that Haggis.


Anyway, for once my day's been pretty awful. I've had solid work since last Saturday, so even though I had no lectures, I got up at 10 and tried to work on my presentation... which took ages. I was exhausted from working so much, practically falling asleep, and then I got a bad headache (which I still have now). Then I had an extra long supervision and had to give my presentation, which I garbled a bit because I was so out of it.


The good news is that now I'm going to a party, and I go home for Christmas tomorrow.

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My parents just got back, my dogs got a broken rib and a broken/cut leg and then just general bumps etc. They are sedating him and if he makes it through ok tonight then they'll operate and if that goes Ok he'll be fine. They just aren't sure whether he'll wake up in the morning because he's old, though they say there's more chance he will than won't. Hopefully everything will be ok. Thanks for the support btw guys:)




That sucks about having to give a presentation whilst having a splitting headache Supergrunch, presentations are hard enough as it is.

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Today was pretty good for me.


This morning I did my grade 5 Saxophone exam and I'm pretty sure I passed. Then I only had two periods of school left so I did F all work, then when I left it was raining which is always awesome (yeah I'm weird), and earlier I straightened my hair for the first time and even though it's not that different I'm liking the results, and now I've got a three day weekend. :awesome:


EDIT: That's good to hear Haggis.

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Not going to Mansfield tomorrow. :(






Before all the crap that happened my day was going awesomely. I only has 2 lessons and one of those was so much fun, and the other free's were spent having a laugh in the common room. One of the best days I've ever had at college for sure, I've never laughed so much. My word of the day: Penetration. (One of the many lol moments at college)

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Saw Andy Parson's live last night. Was quite enjoyable, but he used a lot of stuff that I had allready heard on Mock the Week. Still a good night tho, and we we're sitting in the front row right in front of the mike, and he broke the mike as he was saying goodnight lol!


Been working 4 12 hours shifts during the week, so I'm looking forward to my night with Umbrella Chronicles, which I purchased on the way home from Tesco's tonight, and a lazy weekend. Woo!

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I feel like complete shite have some mutated flu cold thing inside me.


Also what the fuck is up with jeff getting fired from gamespot for a bad review. Thats horrific next thing you know someone will get put in jail for naming a teddy mohhomad oh wait they have. Fuck sake people need to check their egos in the bin and take a reality check who the hell do these people think they are its ridiculous.


Oh and learnt about postmodernism which sucks completley and holocaust denial which again is the lowest of the low.


Hmm positives oh going out with two beautiful women to london just me and them so I will enjoy that. Although one of them is a catholic who believes in the da vanchi code luckly she looks like debbie harry so I can ignore this madness.

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I feel like complete shite have some mutated flu cold thing inside me.


Also what the fuck is up with jeff getting fired from gamespot for a bad review. Thats horrific next thing you know someone will get put in jail for naming a teddy mohhomad oh wait they have. Fuck sake people need to check their egos in the bin and take a reality check who the hell do these people think they are its ridiculous.


Oh and learnt about postmodernism which sucks completley and holocaust denial which again is the lowest of the low.


Hmm positives oh going out with two beautiful women to london just me and them so I will enjoy that. Although one of them is a catholic who believes in the da vanchi code luckly she looks like debbie harry so I can ignore this madness.


Whos Debbie Harry?

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Who the hell is she? it looks like you need a pow in the kisser to fix her face :X


oh man oh man really? I mean number 1 you dont know who debbie harry is? how old are you! And secondly what kinda girls do you date although she is kinda a unique look I guess.


Man is this what being old is like where noone agrees with you and you realise young peoples views really do suck :(

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what the hell 86 aswell BUT i swear i have never seen her before.. the onyl thing which puts me off is that despite her meaning to be "attractive" you can see a hint of a granny in her. If you know what i mean. (dont get me wrong i have a thing for blondes)


Ps: i think that is just a plain difference in opinion :P

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what the hell 86 aswell BUT i swear i have never seen her before.. the onyl thing which puts me off is that despite her meaning to be "attractive" you can see a hint of a granny in her. If you know what i mean. (dont get me wrong i have a thing for blondes)


Ps: i think that is just a plain difference in opinion :P


Man your granny looks like that? Thats superb news for her. I jest but I dont see how any straight man couldnt fancy debbie harry but then again im fascinated by this girl who looks like her so my judgement may be off slightly. Ah well no need to degenerate into arguments you should listen to atomic or something though thats ace.

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I rediscovered irony today. Like an apple, infected with blades. I tried not to choke to hard because i didn't want to wake the others - but i swallowed as hard as I could, and spat the blood into the plant pots and hoped nobody noticed..


I mean.. er.. This tutor at uni was all "omg DON'T USE CLIFF NOTES!" and i just googled her name and she wrote one on romeo and juliet. That is all.

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