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Guest Stefkov
I got up especially!


My day was good, I got 2 tests over with, and have an evening of free time :D

So that's why your family also go early to bed. To bake cookies...:blank:


My day was alright. Then it got good when Huddersfield tell me I have been offered a place. Doesn't say if it's conditional or unconditional but I have a place!

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Oh dear, I think one of the neighbours must have seen me come home on Saturday night, none of the neighbours are being their usual friendly selves and some have blanked me completely.


Were you not going to a fancy dress party? ;)


(Or was it something you did rather than what you were wearing?)

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Man I need sleep. Only been getting a maximum of 5 hours the last couple of nights and I'm seriously feeling it now. I could probably fall asleep right now if they would let me (but they won't). I almost fell asleep during the boring Art Theory class, where it's simply impossible to pay attention for two full hours.


Glad I got to hand in my painting. I'm pretty happy about it (being finished), even though there are some things I could've done better. Which the teacher pointed out to me. Didn't like the fact that she pretty much only gave me criticism while some other people (whose work was technically not as good and done in one night) only got to hear good stuff.

But I guess that happens when your work is of a pretty good quality; people will be more likely to point out flaws since they know what you're capable of.


(And I'm not trying to be cocky or arrogant or whatever, I simply know my painting skills are a bit higher than most other people in my class. The teacher even said "this is from a person who loves to paint", to which I said that I only really paint for her class.)


Bla bla bla!



Now to draw/paint this DVD cover for my sister's school project. Boooh.

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But I guess that happens when your work is of a pretty good quality; people will be more likely to point out flaws since they know what you're capable of.


not that i know this anything other than second-hand from hearing my classmates work critiqued ~ but thats true eenuh, when your work is as good as yours is, people tend to give criticism rather than praise because they tend to assume you always hear "omg tats amayzin!!" and try to be more helpful by suggesting ways to possibly improve - its great that you're not disheartened!! :yay:


my day - work... *sigh* but tonight i'm packing up my wii, gamecube and a load of dvds and games and then i'm heading to coventry tomorrow to trade it all in at cex. bluey needs moneys :(

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Had an awesome day, like every wednesday.


-Only one lesson, PE, which we did some heart rate test in.

-Two and a half hours time wasting around college.

- Most of the afternoon in Costa on the sofas with my best mate.


Only bad thing is I got soaked doing my paper round :(


And I think I may be falling for my best mate :hmm: Dunno what to do bout it.

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And I think I may be falling for my best mate :hmm: Dunno what to do bout it.


i knew it! muahaha


i mean dude, chill and ride, still if you see her in a different light there's ways to go...e.g. seeing if you both like each other and so on


My day had my computing teacher shout at me for forgetting to do the homework, so i did it in my free next and then gave it to him, shocked was the word i would describe his face as

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My day has been not too bad actually. I've got a bad cold, have 3 essays due in tomorrow and I am screwed with my ICT due to missing 2 weeks and not knowing what to do, same with Philosophy and Ethics. But I've laughed so much today which makes up for it.


I know I need to do work, but I just can't be arsed.:heh:

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i knew it! muahaha


i mean dude, chill and ride, still if you see her in a different light there's ways to go...e.g. seeing if you both like each other and so on

Thanks for the advice mate.

That's the main problem, i dunno if she is interested and I dont want to ruin our awesome friendship. And I don't really want her ex, one of my best mates, to hate me.

I'll see how it goes and will keep you guys posted.

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My day has been not too bad actually. I've got a bad cold, have 3 essays due in tomorrow and I am screwed with my ICT due to missing 2 weeks and not knowing what to do, same with Philosophy and Ethics. But I've laughed so much today which makes up for it.


I know I need to do work, but I just can't be arsed.:heh:


What's the Philo+Ethics one? I might be able to help you if i can remember anything...


oh, as for my day... somehow woke up at 8am despite drinking last night. Went to bed at a 'sensible' 1am. Been playing Half Life 2 today, trying to get all the achievements on teh first run through but alas I have no idea where teh hidden cave for the vertigaunts (i think that's their name... completely forgotten!) is on the Water Hazard level. Worried I've missed a Lambda point because of it, too.


Does anyone know if the lambda points carry over if I did a new game, or just chose to play the chapter? I know the camera kills on portal doesn't...

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... man it's on the tip of my tongue in my head :P There main argument against it was that creationalist one - with the watch/eye analogy. Ok, er, great. Sorry i looked for my text book to try and rekindle any memories, but I can't find that or the essay I did on pretty much the same question!


Constructionist view, wasn't it? Shit. Man. Er... Wikipedia? :P


ah! Cosmological.. those four laws! Unmoved mover, uncaused causer all that malarky! Aquinas is your man.. Then there's the teleological arguments and deontological ones.. that which nothing greater can be concied... that business by, what, bernardos saying "what if my island has an extra palm tree?" Man, it's all fragments of sense i'm afraid.

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It was all going fantastic.


Till a college of mine TAINTED MY EYES with an iPod Touch. I literally saw it and ran out of the room.


Tru Faks.


Don't complain, you own colleges. You must be raking it in.


My day was average workey day. An old colleague who transferred for uni came back and we 'lunched' which was nice (except some drunk doll-leaching person talking to me in the pub) and I booked my hair appointment for next monday. Got a new remote and nunchuck which finally makes four.


Came home and not done much. Tidied my room a bit. Am drifting in and out of England game. And then later I shall watch Nip/Tuck and Pushing Daises so it will end on a high note.

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That is sad roKhed00.


It is sad, that they'd be so narrow minded.


Were you not going to a fancy dress party? ;)


(Or was it something you did rather than what you were wearing?)


You could have called it fancy dress in the broadest sense, but it would be better called reality dress. And you know what that means with me.

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