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No, it's the other way round, the book is far better than the film. Have you read Enduring Love? The film isn't done very well, but I don't want to spoil anything if you haven't read it. It's a good read though, and you could get through it in a couple of days.


I've seen Atonement, haven't read it though, it's quite good actually. I haven't read the book yet, I guess there's less of an incentive now that I know the story though...

I haven't read Enduring Love, but I have seen the film, which I thought was quite good, though not phenomenal.

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Today so far, has been lolz.

I found out many things.

1.Letty will talk to any random person in the street, and then be under 18 so she cannot provide monies to them so i am then forced to talk to them while they make me feel bad :(.

2.Mountain Dew is phail.

3.If something has nips in its name, its not always good. And could contain wax :(

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Lecture was fun. Was given a short story to adapt in groups. As I was with two of my friends who are dyslexic they asked me to read it out loud in the coffee shop we went to. Which would have been fine if the story wasn't all about sex and porn and stuff. Even had to declare the fact I had the clap. Fun.


And now I am trying to decide when I'm going to mosey back to my home town. Wanted to leave as late as possible but I need to wash, tumble dry and iron my uniform so I gotta leave soonish :(

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You can't beat an afternoon nap. Watched the latest episode of Prison Break at around 4 and then have been sleeping since it's finished.


So tired after last night. We went to The Arches official Student night, Octopussy. Great night apart from a grumpy blonde girl who wouldn't let anyone near her hot friend.

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Guest Stefkov

My day just got worse. Not only have I endured having to take pitures with a manual camera, I now have to take up 100 more digital ones. I've managed 57.

I can't take it anymore, no way after a night of circles am I going to last a years worth...

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My day just got worse. Not only have I endured having to take pitures with a manual camera, I now have to take up 100 more digital ones. I've managed 57.

I can't take it anymore, no way after a night of circles am I going to last a years worth...


Why are you doing that with your camera?

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My day just got worse. Not only have I endured having to take pitures with a manual camera, I now have to take up 100 more digital ones. I've managed 57.

I can't take it anymore, no way after a night of circles am I going to last a years worth...


Not good, then?

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Had one of them days which was great. Had to do a presentation of software to some American guys from a company wishing to invest in where i work. The boss was watching me and thought i was very professional in the way i did it and knew what i was doing.


I felt really nervous doing it as i had no time to prepare for it either.

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My day went alright. Finally got a call back from GameStation and I'm going in for an interview tomorrow at 12:20. With me the best guys!


Good luck :)


My days been boring, so boring infact I've been thinking about when i was little in primary school. No worrying about exams, not worrying about jobs or having to hand coursework in on deadlines. In less than two years time i'll be going to uni or full time job and its scary. I want to be a kid again.

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My day went alright. Finally got a call back from GameStation and I'm going in for an interview tomorrow at 12:20. With me the best guys!


I've been wishing you the best guys for ages.


Anyway....my train back home was cancelled. Every train I have tried to catch in the last two days has been frakkin' cancelled!

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Good luck Mr Fresh!


Cheers :)


Good luck :)


Thanks :)


Good luck with that Fresh. Turn on the charm offensive, and youll have it in the bag.


Hehehe, always. Ta. :)


I've been wishing you the best guys for ages.



Ahhh, you sweetie. Can you think of any question they might ask me?

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