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Some kid filled in one of those "How was your shopping experience?" forms at work today, and gave me an awesome rating which means I'll be getting some sort of voucher, or something.


Got home at ELEVEN PAST ELEVEN. Fucking hell! Got to be up at 7am.


That's not fair. I got the highest level of positive feedback ever received at our branch of Woolworths and got arrested. Granted, these events were about a year apart but still.... congrats dude :D


And that's nothing. Try getting back at 4am, up at 6 and run a shop ;) I kinda miss those days....


Today = picking up some parcel that came for my mother the other day (which im guessing is my xmas present), going to Brum to finally buy a graphics tablet aaaaand Dollhouse. And should probably do some work or clean or something.

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I feel like death. I have a 7hour shift, which I won't be doing if my housemate doesn't hurry the fuck up and get out the shower.


She always does this, spends like half an hour JUST in the shower, I mean ffs, she regularly has two showers a day, whilst the rest of us have to sneak in the bathroom and try and fit a shower in whilst she's not around, even then she'll try and force her way into the bathroom like she did to becka (for some reason she doesn't seem to understand that when the door doesn't open, somebody is in there'


Argh, do.not.need.this.

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I wanted to give blood once, but they couldn't take it because I'm an Epi. Before I was diagnosed I got a Donor Card, I suppose that can't be used now.


oo I didn't know that!


I can't give blood evar (because of meds and illnesses). Sucks because i've always wanted to. My veins collapse under pressure of needles, so its near on impossible to get anything more than a sample from me :D


Maybe i'll make amends when I die and all of my organs are transplanted to someone! :bouncy:

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Guest Captain Falcon

Despite saying last week that we definitely aren't going out this week we still ended up town.


Last week was a bit average so we thought we'd forget it. Then earlier this week, it was suggested we go for a curry on Friday instead. When we're finalizing the details, it becomes maybe we should dress just in case we decide to go out. That swiftly becomes, let's dress appropriately anyway but we might not go out after. And a couple of plates and drinks later, it was we are definitely going out.


One of the guys did have to swing it with his girlfriend though so it was touch and go for a while as to whether there would be 3 or 4 of us - one, she didn't want him to go, and two, he's a bit skint after his car decided to stop working. But we all chipped in and paid for his evening out and after his theatrics on the phone, it was a go.


Given it was the last Friday before Christmas, I expected there to be a lot of people out and yes, there were a lot of people.


Quite disappointed though a there hardly seemed to be any girls out. Maybe they'll all be tonight but I very much doubt I'm going out again until Christmas Eve.


First place we went to was an 80s bar and sure, the music was cool but honest to god, I've seen nursing homes whose residents had a lower average age.


Got in about 4 as seems to be the norm these days. Now I'm off to the gym to sweat that alcohol out... apparently...

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Gooood it's cold outside! Just spent some time with the dog and it's soooo cooooold. Our pool is frozen over and the ice is probably thick enough to carry a person (I stood on it with one leg and it didn't crack; didn't dare stand on it properly).


Poor dog's water keeps freezing over so I let her drink from the watering can (she prefers drinking flowing water haha). Ended up with a huge spot of ice on the ground, which is fun to slide on but also dangerous. Dog was confused as to what this was and kept scratching at the ice like a maniac. XD

Also the bottom of my trousers got wet and they froze; they're now hard as rock haha.

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Yeah but I wasn't on lunch, I was just sitting at my desk doing my work :D


Yeah well my 'desk' was the counter so would have been a bit...unprofessional :heh:


Went to pick up something from the post office collection area (about 3 miles way), to Brum and back (train station is about 1.5 miles from house) in 2 and a half hours. Nicely done I think. Although got some stuff on behalf of my mother in Brum; £110! I think I may ask for more stuff for xmas if she's spending that on others :heh:


Trying to get used to my Bamboo tablet. Will take a few days I think.


My friend informed me of this yesterday;



The guy in the last minute (and in the next part) called Lawrence (Laurence?) owns a music shop that was down the road from Game and advertised his Thai brides in the window. Vile creature. Used to come in expecting discount/privileges because he owned a local business. Told him where to go, although my manager used to let him.


Festive muck around with tablet;



Edited by Ashley
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My god Play's customer service sucks. I ordered the new version of 90210 two months ago but I used my old address so I decided to let it be and pick it up when I got back for Christmas. When I got here my dad told me no packages had arrived for me. So I go to Play to complain but the option for complaining about missing item was gone for that particular order, maybe because it's been so long. And because it's impossible to get in contact with them without filling out an order related to an item I had to use a more recent order. Why don't they have a general contact e-mail address? Not everything has to be about an order and when they remove the option to complain it makes even less sense. Anyway, I used the order for Star Wars IV-VI to get in touch with them. Aside from wanting a replacement or my money back I wrote a lengthy complaint with quite a few curse words assuming they weren't going to read it through like usual and just copy paste some shit. And they did. Now they are sending me a replacement for Star Wars IV-VI >_> Would be nice if I got I-III first, should been here weeks ago, it was ordered on the 26th.


Any idea how I can get in contact with them about 90210?

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I ring them personally, they tend to be quite helpful.


This is why I don't particularly like play, unless everything runs smoothly they are complete balls at doing their jobs, they still haven't given me a refund on my usb external, going to get mum to help me with it monday.

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Set them up, but pretend like its still with you. Send Dan along and film it, then send it into You've Been Framed (or whatever its called now). Humiliate him and make money. Win win.


Found out my mother has bought her partner, who I think I've seen play on the Wii once since I've been here, New Super Mario Bros. Just hope he opens it then I can play it when he's not here ^_^

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Might be quitting my job. Putting in a complaint in with HR about the way the manager treats me at work, let's just say I'm not a happy bunny right now.

Go on... I'm tempted to tell my boss to bite me. Even though I only told them a week ahead I didn't want to work Christmas Eve, they had a go at me saying how it was too late to tell them, but if I didn't want to work Christmas Eve "They can find someone to do my job for me"


So it's too late to tell them, but they can fire me and hire someone else really quick :hmm:

Explain more details. I'm still completely confused about your unpaid overtime stuff.

Word, I think I'm going to have to start a legal battle with their accountants.


Have you contacted the National Revenue thingy Dyson?








But when the full moon strikes [or I play with it] It turns into the Bear of WERE!





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I have £7 in my account, £1 in my pocket. I need to save £2.80 to get to work monday night (maybe £2.20?) which means I have ROUGHLY £5. With this I can buy 12.5g of tobacco and two litres of cider so I can enjoy my day off... But it's all rather risky and I look like a proper hobo - especially as I'll be giving them a handful of change then saying "can I put the rest on my card?" for something that'll be less than a fiver.


And I have to make up my mind soon as the place shuts at 4!

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