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Aw that sucks mollster. Hopefully if worse comes to worse you get a nice severance package.


I'm not in a permanent job so I'm entitled to squat all (afaik - even if i was i know I wouldn't get anything). Temporary job for 4&1/2 years... :angry: But apparently its working down the levels, bosses job is being advertised "sooner rather than later" so we should be next (gotta reapply for the perm position, bloody load of shit)


and I've gotta go to an occupational health appointment tomorrow because of my arthritic wrists/cluster headaches. It's their fucking fault that I have cluster headaches. :angry:

It sucks in that I need income, but this job grinds away a bit more of my soul each day, so I'm pretty calm about it. It'll be more annoying if I don't get any severance. This is all speculation, it may not happen.


I can't believe they've kept everyone temporary for so long, that's so harsh. Come, work for the NHS, we don't give you ANY job security!!

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It sucks in that I need income, but this job grinds away a bit more of my soul each day, so I'm pretty calm about it. It'll be more annoying if I don't get any severance. This is all speculation, it may not happen.


I can't believe they've kept everyone temporary for so long, that's so harsh. Come, work for the NHS, we don't give you ANY job security!!


I know what you mean about the grinding away your soul :P


but the ones at the top find plenty of security, just the scum at the bottom that are left to rot.


We do all the shitting work and get fuck all in return. ¬_¬

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I know what you mean about the grinding away your soul :P


but the ones at the top find plenty of security, just the scum at the bottom that are left to rot.


We do all the shitting work and get fuck all in return. ¬_¬




*Fight the power high fives* ;)

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Calculated some of my monthly outgoings; council tax, internet, rent, course fees, phone, fags and booze = £508. Electricity isn't included, nor's gas (but we have a top-up card for that).


I got paid about £500 in october. My poorness makes a little more sense now!!


But hopefully I'll get the course fees covered within 28 days. November pay cheque should be closer to £700 (yay, I can afford food, too!)

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It sucks in that I need income, but this job grinds away a bit more of my soul each day, so I'm pretty calm about it. It'll be more annoying if I don't get any severance. This is all speculation, it may not happen.


I can't believe they've kept everyone temporary for so long, that's so harsh. Come, work for the NHS, we don't give you ANY job security!!


Apparently don't we only get 1 weeks wage per year we've been there anyway? Dunno. But yeah if thats true ridiculous pittance.


I just tried Modern Warfare 2 online. A game where you get killed in under half a second, even if its two bullets to the legs? Yeah I think I'll stick with Uncharted.


So tried playing a game with (@Molly, Rob B) and my connection drops, and keeps freezing. Sigh. And it docked me a skill level.



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I know nobody cares, but;


Outgoings: £605 (minus food)

Income: £540


Plus overdraft debt, plus rent in arrears = holy bejeezus. Minus course fees would leave me with £55 p/m for food. Social life obv. can't happen any more.


I'm working 30 hours a week. I'd be financially better off on teh dole, plus I'd have more time to do uni stuff.



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I know nobody cares, but;


Outgoings: £605 (minus food)

Income: £540


Plus overdraft debt, plus rent in arrears = holy bejeezus. Minus course fees would leave me with £55 p/m for food. Social life obv. can't happen any more.


I'm working 30 hours a week. I'd be financially better off on teh dole, plus I'd have more time to do uni stuff.




Here's a man-hug. *man hug*


I hope you can find a way outta this hole, Mr. Jayseven. How much rent do you pay exactly?

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Here's my breakdown;


Council Tax £88pm

Internet £10pm

Rent £239pm

Moblie £20pm

Train to work: £62pm

Fags: £25pm

Booze: £40pm

Course Fees: £120pm

(missing: gas, electricity, food, going out!)


Way outta hole = getting that £120pm covered (will take at least a month to sort out forms) and getting Father to give me £40 per week as a kind of dole money. As for how I'm going to cover teh rent I owe, or dig myself outta my overdraft -- especially when I will be unable to work as much next semester, even then if I still have a job -- Am I missing something? Am I being an idiot somewhere?


Realistically, if I quit and went on the dole, I'd remove council tax, rent and train tickets, plus add roughly, what, £240 a month? I'd end up with a surplus of £125 with which to actually buy food and gas and electricity, plus 30+ hours extra a week to focus on uni work.


Seriously. WTF.

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I just tried Modern Warfare 2 online. A game where you get killed in under half a second, even if its two bullets to the legs? Yeah I think I'll stick with Uncharted.


So tried playing a game with (@Molly, Rob B) and my connection drops, and keeps freezing. Sigh. And it docked me a skill level.




I agree with you 100% - honestly don't see the big deal with MW2 online - it's a poor man's Counterstrike - spawning is completely stupid and I don't see how Infinity Ward can even remotely suggest that the game is balanced in any way.


In short, yes I suck ass at it. Plus I didn't play COD4 online but the online really is awful compared to classics such as Return to Castle Wolfenstein.




Molly: Sorry to hear about the possibility of redundancy, I hope that they keep you (don't see why they wouldn't, seeing as you seem awesome in every regard)


Jay: stop spending so much money! Now's as good a time as any to get off the fags and save dough in the process.


wolfy: Sorry to hear about the course. I think all uni courses come down to wikipedia/some form of website that does more than your teachers but for less monies.


Me: stop distracting yourself and do some goddamn reading! Must not fail essays!

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@ Pooki, thank you! It's not a case of keeping me though, we're talking about our whole office potentially closing as The-Company-We-Work-For trims the fat! I am comparing it to... it's us or The Swindon Lot :p


Lol, well in case that I can only hope that it's "The Swindon Lot" that go!


It could be worse though, hell, you could be wasting your free time working at Argos...

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Cutting fags would save £25, cutting booze would save £40, which would tie the in/out, but don't forget I did't add food, electricity or gas! I have already cut pretty much all social occasions, please don't take away my cigarettes and alcohol :P


Flink; I'd get housing benefits as well as teh dole -- but of course, I don't want to take more money from teh system. I did it for two months, just to get on my feet, and I'm here now but I'm standing in quicksand.


I'll have to ask how everyone else at work copes, although I know already -- living with spouses or parents.


How do you guys cope?

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Well aren't you a barrel of laughs this evening? lol.


just annoyed with work, seems like the pricks get the hours, the decent people get nothing, and the floor managers are paid to not do anything.


seriosuly, people were sat shouting and chucking stuff around, im trying to talk to a frightened and upset polish woman with poor english, and people are screaming. you dont have to be a particularly observant person to notice 5 out of 30 people on call acting like pricks.


and they all have more hours then me.


my attendence. perfect

my call monetering. perfect

my punctuality. almost perfect

my floor conduct. very profesional.


apparently, if i skived off, stolled in when suited me and acted like more of a prick then pricky the giant prick, id be getting kept on.


everything about that job is stupid, im sick of the shit i put up with, im sick of the fact that one of the floor managers is blatently giving favorable treatment to the asian staff, its not profesional, and if it was the outher way around, she'd lose her job.

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just annoyed with work, seems like the pricks get the hours, the decent people get nothing, and the floor managers are paid to not do anything.


seriosuly, people were sat shouting and chucking stuff around, im trying to talk to a frightened and upset polish woman with poor english, and people are screaming. you dont have to be a particularly observant person to notice 5 out of 30 people on call acting like pricks.


and they all have more hours then me.


my attendence. perfect

my call monetering. perfect

my punctuality. almost perfect

my floor conduct. very profesional.


apparently, if i skived off, stolled in when suited me and acted like more of a prick then pricky the giant prick, id be getting kept on.


everything about that job is stupid, im sick of the shit i put up with, im sick of the fact that one of the floor managers is blatently giving favorable treatment to the asian staff, its not profesional, and if it was the outher way around, she'd lose her job.


I find this to be the case where I work although I don't really suffer from a lack of hours as I don't actually need them, but many other colleagues get a good amount of hours even though they're incredibly unreliable. Some people phone in sick on a fortnightly basis and it's more than clear that they're pulling a sickie and getting away with it. Not to mention some folk are very competent at disappearing when things get busy/they're bored.



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James of the Seventh Degree! Yes, being in a crappy dead end job will be soul destroying now but its a step. If you go back to the dole now you will be taking a step backwards which will make you feel crappy (nobody enjoys being on the dole, particularly when they have potential like you do) as well as not looking so good on the old CV. We all have to do our retail time (and I did it for five years, about time you served your sentence :p) but it leads to something. Gains you skills, friends, bitter resentment for the private sector. All those are essential in life (the middle one not so much).


Do you get a train pass? Could cut down your costs (and do you need to get a train? What about walking or biking?). I pay £100/month but that does take me about 25 miles (each way).


What about access to learning funds? FREE MONEY! And do you still need to pay council tax if you're still a student?


Sorry to hear about that Chris the Great :(


Finished off (well, finished for now) some Maya project. Did some drawing. Should go to bed soon. Work all day tomorrow. I've got an exam! (well, im being an amanuensis for a student) First one in six years.


But for now I'm listening to Disney songs on Spotify.




Oh and I was in Currys earlier and they were playing Star Wars on TV. Some woman said to her partner "is that the new film you want to see?" Women. Why do they even bother? :heh: (except you Molly, for obvious reasons)

Edited by Ashley
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Oh and I was in Currys earlier and they were playing Star Wars on TV. Some woman said to her partner "is that the new film you want to see?" Women. Why do they even bother? :heh: (except you Molly, for obvious reasons)


Pfff not all women are like that. I've seen Star Wars plenty of times (all of them, first trilogy being the best). I even got my ex a super expensive lightsaber once. =P

Then again I'm a geek.


And yes to Disney songs! I should get more Disney films. Disney love!


Day has been crappy and have been feeling shitty, afraid tomorrow isn't going to be any better. Also been having a weird slight chest pain (only on the left side) that creeps up from time to time. No idea what it is but it's annoying. Leave me alone pain!

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James of the Seventh Degree! Yes, being in a crappy dead end job will be soul destroying now but its a step. If you go back to the dole now you will be taking a step backwards which will make you feel crappy (nobody enjoys being on the dole, particularly when they have potential like you do) as well as not looking so good on the old CV. We all have to do our retail time (and I did it for five years, about time you served your sentence :p) but it leads to something. Gains you skills, friends, bitter resentment for the private sector. All those are essential in life (the middle one not so much).
The thing is I like the job, it is just maddening how ridiculously poor I am. I could theoretically work two or three short shifts there a week while on the dole to balance the pros and cons, but I can't do that before xmas because they'll be less likely to keep me hired in Jan.


See? I really am doing waht you say - staying there for as long as I can even though I've considered selling my teeth.


Do you get a train pass? Could cut down your costs (and do you need to get a train? What about walking or biking?). I pay £100/month but that does take me about 25 miles (each way).
Train is the cheapest way there for me, actually! Journey's only 10mins. I did lose my train pass :P needed to get a new one in december as it was. That would cut it down to £40 indeedy!


What about access to learning funds? FREE MONEY! And do you still need to pay council tax if you're still a student?

Student finance office is, 'to cope with demands', only contactable between 2 and 4pm. Once they send me the form, I fill it in, get uni to fill in their bit, send it to mum to get her to fill her bit in, then she sends it to the LEA who then go over it [and probably tell me I missed a bit] before sending something back for me to sign, then I send that back in and then they commence the beginning of the planning to start to activate the paying of me. They told me it'd be a month or so. Fingers crossed!


P.S. I genuinely think I've forgotten how to 'get to the point of the thing that you are trying to say when you are telling someone something that you feel strongly about'.


If you get me.

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Flink; I'd get housing benefits as well as teh dole -- but of course, I don't want to take more money from teh system. I did it for two months, just to get on my feet, and I'm here now but I'm standing in quicksand.


Oh jesus fuck, just take the benefits your entitled too will you? That's what they're there for. It's always pissed me off that people actively turn down the help that's built into the system for them out of some bizzaro sense of twisted social pride knitted out of snatched headlines from the Daily Mail. You're SUPPOSED to take money from the system - that's why we HAVE a system. I mean, you're a student but your not even exempting yourself from Council Tax? The eff?

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Oh jesus fuck, just take the benefits your entitled too will you? That's what they're there for. It's always pissed me off that people actively turn down the help that's built into the system for them out of some bizzaro sense of twisted social pride knitted out of snatched headlines from the Daily Mail. You're SUPPOSED to take money from the system - that's why we HAVE a system. I mean, you're a student but your not even exempting yourself from Council Tax? The eff?


Its sometimes not just pride, that system is a piece of shit and works on some ridiculous rules.


Take for example Jayseven, he can claim benefits for two years, he's worked a few years of his life. Good for him.


My dad, worked for 30years of his life, never asked anything of the system, this year like alot of other people my dad becomes unemployed, he can claim benefits for about 6 months.


I hate that JSA system I really do. Why work for that f*cking long and get hardly anything out of it.




Anyway morning is off to a bad start, was supposed to be up for 10, its not 12:11 and I've been up 11 minutes. :weep:

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