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Halifax is completely down, apparently the ATMs aren't working, and the website is down.


And the ballymena branch is closed on Saturday afternoon.




Serves you right for banking with them. Heed my warnings! :weep:


Well I picked up my comics and I read one, and something happened that was like a punch to the gut to me. :(


Got a few bits for my costume but not nearly as much as hoped.


Oh well at least I got CODMW2OPS3FFTW*.




*Guess the acronym, "winner" gets an exclusive original ReZourceman joke posted to their profile, to do with what they see fit. As long as it doesn't breach my personal copy right.


Gonna try and do some stuff for my new web show today/tomorrow, and hopefully have it posted tomorrow. Do you guys prefer the name;



Comedy Rainbow




Funny Rainbow

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Why not call it just "Rainbow".

That title will mean that people won't leave dissapointed if the content wasn't comedic/funny (I hate when titles promise things that aren't, in general, like "Fantastic Mr. Fox"), and people will be fooled into thinking the video they're clicking on will be about the classic TV show. = more views by accident.

Edited by Paj!
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Why not call it just "Rainbow".

That title will mean that people won't leave dissapointed if the content wasn't comedic/funny (I hate when titles promise things that aren't, in general, like "Fantastic Mr. Fox"), and people will be fooled into thinking the video they're clicking on will be about the classic TV show. = more views by accident.


Thats why I don't want to call it just Rainbow, but also because a tag will be "Rainbow" and of course "Kids TV Show" I will get more hits by accident like you said. :D


And I'm a big fan of multi-colours.

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Oh well at least I got CODMW2OPS3FFTW*.



*Guess the acronym, "winner" gets an exclusive original ReZourceman joke posted to their profile, to do with what they see fit. As long as it doesn't breach my personal copy right.


Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on Playstation 3 ? for the win.

One assumes it could be.. the above for the f-ing win, with a typo? ;)

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Gonna try and do some stuff for my new web show today/tomorrow, and hopefully have it posted tomorrow. Do you guys prefer the name;



Comedy Rainbow




Funny Rainbow

I like the name "Stop making new shit and concentrate on what you already have you Asylum Neglecting Bell End"


Rolls of the tongue nicely.





Came On Dad, Mum Watched. 2 Official Practices. Scored 3. Fairly Fruity, Tasted Wonderful.

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End of a thrilling 6 day week of work for me. Two days off now though. :yay: I'm going to continue my search for alternative employment. Not that work is that bad, it's just a bit poorly paid. One advantage is that I do witness quite a few famous people. So far I have observed Brian May, Richard Dawkins, David Attenborough and (famous if you like mathematics and watch Horizon) Marcus Du Sautoy.

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A brief list of todays events.


Went to work.

Went home.

Discovered that my first ever paycheck from RedBubble had arrived early (it's supposed to come when I reach £100, it was £96ish). Nice surprise.

My refund for the unused tax on my old stolen/torched car had also arrived. Bonus.

Fitted new wing mirror adjusted knobs to my new car. No more pink ones FTW.

Went for a Chinese with Happenstance and some other friends.

Watched Strictly Come Motherfucking Crap Nonsense Arsehole Crappery Dancing.




Goodish day.

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A brief list of todays events.


Went to work.

Went home.

Discovered that my first ever paycheck from RedBubble had arrived early (it's supposed to come when I reach £100, it was £96ish). Nice surprise.

My refund for the unused tax on my old stolen/torched car had also arrived. Bonus.

Fitted new wing mirror adjusted knobs to my new car. No more pink ones FTW.

Went for a Chinese with Happenstance and some other friends.

Watched Strictly Come Motherfucking Crap Nonsense Arsehole Crappery Dancing.




Goodish day.


Nice one! =)

Also mmmmm at Chinese! I want some haha.


My weekend has been pretty meh so far. Worked for about 5 hours on this project, which I keep hoping will be finished but then they keep asking me to change thingssss.

Been playing some Mario and Luigi in between, it's a great game! Gave me some laughs already haha. =D


Right now I'm trying to write my story for my master project, but I'm failing miserably. I'm not a writer at all. Am so far behind on school work that it's kinda starting to stress me out lots heh... >.>;

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Are you saying you want to write it? =P


I accept payment for any work or consultation in good vibes, happy thoughts or compliments about my choice of shirt. These can be paid up front or over a period of months with a modest rate of annual interest. :p

Edited by gaggle64
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Pah, becareful with hounding her, you could completely put her off you even as a friend, it requires tact!!


The past couple of days have been ok, yesterday I went to my class and luckily the work I'm doing is apprently on the right track - helpful. Ran to the house and jumped into my car to come home. Considering I was supposed to last week but couldn't because of my uni work.


Today I'm stuck at home while my car has a service, parents have gone out for a meal with friends, which sucks slightly, I've missed them alot. Too much almost and I'm itching to move back home. But that'd mean quitting uni and I just wouldn't.


Back to sunny old sheffield tomorrow..hmmf. Might meet up with a friend tomorrow, well guy friend tomorrow. :bouncy:


Yeah, you're right. That's what I was trying to argue -- it's a play-by-play thing atm.


Today = work (where I mad-delegated like crazy), then shorty's place for some catalan, then fail as shorty spilled his drink on the board, then torch-led journey home, and now contemplating watching flashforward and/or/neither smallville before bed. Long shift again tomorrow.

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Went into town, like a normal person. Ordinarily I get up, have breakfast then LOUNGE for hours before I can do anything (on weekends), but I was so determined to get my Tegan and Sara tickets. Set out, fought long and hard/bought them over the counter, then came home singing the praises of the man at Ripping.


Did one of my A5 collage/mood boards. (it's) Great. Planned to do both I needed. Didn't. A Pail of Fail.



Went avec famille to see my sister in the autumn concert. Was fine, but I hate shit songs about God. If they're good, fine. But not shit. Left half-way through to be driven to my friends house since she's going back to Norwich on Wednesday etc. Stayed unusually long...played great ones on't Spotify, drank shit wine and generally got high on a trampoline until 2.30.

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Turned down the web developer job I got offered. An hour and a half is a bit far in terms of money and time to travel at the moment. Really don't think I'm up to the standard they want either. As a small company, they also wanted someone to stay with them long term while they grow and don't think I can guarantee that. Also, being in a smallish room with just 4 other blokes all day, every day and never seeing or speaking to anyone else would do my head in I think. Ah well.


tl;dr I turned down my job offer as it just isn't quite right.

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Yeah, you're right. That's what I was trying to argue -- it's a play-by-play thing atm.


Today = work (where I mad-delegated like crazy), then shorty's place for some catalan, then fail as shorty spilled his drink on the board, then torch-led journey home, and now contemplating watching flashforward and/or/neither smallville before bed. Long shift again tomorrow.


Although knowing you, you probably are completely the opposite and aren't doing anything. :p. Get a move on!


Just got back to sheffield, now its either the weather, my ex shite housemate, the workload or all three but I'm just really blah/down about things, apprently my housemate who is still here feels the same. But I just don't think anything is worth doing. Nor is anything going 'right' nothings going wrong but not 'right'. I can't explain it, usually I'm pretty happy at this level with uni going good, works alright, home life is fine, car is fine, its just this house.




Just installing Unreal tournment 3, then get the editor working, means I can do all my uni work from home then. Might see about upgrading my computer already, its pretty good as it is, but meh I want MOAR.



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Guest Stefkov

Went to Staffordshire yesterday to see the University. Seemed like a cool place, the course looked quite cool aswell.

Registered on UCAS and filled in most of my details today, also looked at other University websites. Still a little unsure on what to take next year but I've got a few months at least.

I've also got a year to try and earn a shit loa of money so that I can pay for the first years tuition fee... oh and also living money so I don't die of starvation.

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