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I hovered over the resub button on FFXIV ARR today. I quite like the idea of playing on PC, then switching over to the PS4 couch play using the same character. Although it means buying a second copy for the PS4 so going to do that.

  MATtheHAT said:
I hovered over the resub button on FFXIV ARR today. I quite like the idea of playing on PC, then switching over to the PS4 couch play using the same character. Although it means buying a second copy for the PS4 so going to do that.


You know you can buy a PS3 copy of the game for like 3-4 quid and upgrade for free right?

  Sheikah said:
You know you can buy a PS3 copy of the game for like 3-4 quid and upgrade for free right?


Yep, and like you said, the 30 days you get with it is cheaper than subbing. :)

  The Bard said:
Is there enough to do to justify £19.00 for someone who hasn't ever played an MMO? Like, other than loot grinds and fetch quests?


As crazy as it sounds, FFXIV crafting. It's like a giant mini game. My character fishes for example and for that profession you need to find the relevant fising hole, then find the right bait to tempt the fishes in that hole. When you catch something, you can keep it, or use that fish as bait to get bigger more rare catches. It's really satisfying leveling up the class, gaining more abilities and gaining access to desert and skyfishing which is just like it sounds.


All the crafting profession play like mini games and differ slightly and even have different gear sets to improve your crafting quality. They can be done anywhere and you can make a lot of money from them, or become nigh on self sufficient.


Then add the fact that there are mini games which I haven't seen yet, sidequests like treasure hunting quests, finding special points with nice views, beast hunting sidequests and the typical achievements and challenges(those last four have logs to track your progress) and you can see there is a lot to do in the game.


It's why I say FFXIV is really polished as it has a lot of features I would moan that other mmo's don't have.


For me, if im going to pay a monthly fee then its going to be for WoW but thats the reason I was thinking about GW2, because I'm not sure I am willing to pay a subscription fee again. If I was then FFXIV would probably be right up there.

  Deathjam said:
As crazy as it sounds, FFXIV crafting. It's like a giant mini game. My character fishes for example and for that profession you need to find the relevant fising hole, then find the right bait to tempt the fishes in that hole. When you catch something, you can keep it, or use that fish as bait to get bigger more rare catches. It's really satisfying leveling up the class, gaining more abilities and gaining access to desert and skyfishing which is just like it sounds.


All the crafting profession play like mini games and differ slightly and even have different gear sets to improve your crafting quality. They can be done anywhere and you can make a lot of money from them, or become nigh on self sufficient.


Then add the fact that there are mini games which I haven't seen yet, sidequests like treasure hunting quests, finding special points with nice views, beast hunting sidequests and the typical achievements and challenges(those last four have logs to track your progress) and you can see there is a lot to do in the game.


It's why I say FFXIV is really polished as it has a lot of features I would moan that other mmo's don't have.


Yeah, I feel like there's still loads to do even though I hit L50 with my monk. In GW2 I basically maxed my ranger and got 100% world completion then felt like there was nothing to do (except the most incredible gold grind for a the best weapon). The WvWvW seemed cool at first but you come to realise what a tiny cog in the machine you are, almost like Saving Private Ryan.


Getting better equipment is really cleverly done in XIV, you could do maybe just a couple of dungeons and be able to afford a new piece of high level armour. It always feels like you're within reach of the next cool thing.


The WvW stuff you mention is exactly what puts me off going back even to something like Planetside 2. It's so impossible to make a dent in any objective by yourself, so ironically it turns into a standard team deathmatch scenario rather than the sprawling faction war it's supposed to be.


If only we could get an N-E outfit together :laughing:


I saw it on Steam, but some of the comments put me off. I suspect this is a game you´ll only play for the atmosphere and story (and not the gameplay), so I´d wait for a Steam sale..


I have Steam keys for the following games:


  • Unholy Heights
  • One Way Heroics
  • Ys Origin
  • Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae
  • PixelJunk Shooter


if anyone wants one.

  Ike said:
I have Steam keys for the following games:


  • Unholy Heights
  • One Way Heroics
  • Ys Origin
  • Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae
  • PixelJunk Shooter


if anyone wants one.


I would love Ys Origin if you still have it.

  • 2 weeks later...

Arriving stupidly late to the party here, but I finally played Left4Dead 2 tonight. Did 4 player link-up on the 360 (screw that thread) taking a measured approach to the levels on insane difficulty for the first half-hour. That is to say, the first level, singular, because we got completely and utterly mauled doing that. Eventually figured out the fun and proper way to play is to race through the game as a unit and we had a great laugh, although we only managed 3 levels in as many hours. Can't remember the last 4am sesh I've had. Good times.


Some of the special enemies are pure bullshit to be fair.


The special enemies aren't so bad when you're aware of them - you can learn the musical cues for when they spawn (or turn on the full subtitles).


I don't know if when you played it you did it local coop, 4 players in the same room on insane though? The level where you have to fuel the car is ridiculous because you're concentrating on carrying the jerry-cans, fighting through swathes of zombies, shouting at your mates to tell them to cover you, revive you, rejoin the floor you're on, or retrieve the final few cans, and in that situation it almost doesn't matter if you're aware of the specials or not. It's a complete clusterfuck by that point and you have to keep charging on to avoid being surrounded. The licking ones are the worst because they camp out and pick you up from unbelievable ranges from anywhere in the map, be it instantly when you turn a corner or above you from a balcony.


It does make the final successful lunge at the exit extremely satisfying though.


Fair point - it's probably easier to listen to in-game sounds when you've got people speaking though a headset instead of right next to you.


Still, the two games are among my favourites.

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