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Halo 3 is awsum


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Wow that was epic, I just jumped and dodged all the brutes etc and the planted the nade as you said, got into the warthog and made it to the checkpoint. :D


Thanks Caris, thats saved me a lot of time. :smile:


If you don't have any plasmas, board it anyway and use the beatdown button until it dies.

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Matt I tried the 1st level by myself doing a scoring run and was like 2000 off. I could easily do it if we got some co-op on the go. Let me know if you are up for it today.


HoT, i'll help as soon as i get back from work. I need those meta game achievements :p

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Sorry I had to drop out of the co-op game earlier. The girl phoned and wanted to meet-up, I couldn't say no. :heh:


I'm up for some multiplayer ownage tonight though if anyone wants to play some ranked matchmaking with me. I think my sisters playing too, so we need 2 other good players. Will be at about 10:30 I think.


You chose a girl over a video game?


Hmm so this is where I went wrong :(

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I got to this one point where it saved a checkpoint, but the (Covenant tank) was firing at me. Every time it started again I woujld get his by the tank. It was so annoying. I had to plan it out in the end, getting hit while in the car because it would kill me otherwise, then jumping into the (chopper?) then driving off. Took me quite a while that bit.

The scarab was a bitch, did it in the end.

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What's meta mode?


You put a score system on when playing co-op or alone and you have to achieve certain scores per level for achieveys. You basically have to be as fast as you can, kill enemies quickly ( headshots give good scores ) and not die. You get better scores for the more Skulls you put on but they make the game harder. The same goes for difficluty, the higher the difficulty the better the score you get so you have to find the right balance.

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Well, I did manage to get Halo 3 yesterday, and here's how it happened...


I was walking to my girlfriend's house, and on the way there, what do I see parked by my town's library? A Parcel Force van! Feeling lucky, I headed over, but no one was there. I decided to carry on, and as I turned the next corner, I saw the Parcel Force delivery bloke walking across the road. I asked him about my parcel, he checked his van, asked for id, etc, and I got Halo 3 off him. I hurried home, unpacked it to check out the Legendary Edition's awesomeness, then caught a taxi to my girlfriend's house. Luckily, I go to hers just a few seconds after she got back from college. Well timed and lucky methinks! :grin:


Although I didn't have time to play it yesterday, and only got round to playing it about 1hr 30mins ago (because of uni today.) Imo, it's pretty awesome so far! It's not all the hype, but still a worthy purchase! I'm on the 3rd mission atm.


I would join you lot for co-op/multi-player, but I can't play Halo 3 in huge sessions atm, as I have uni assignments to do. Plus it's my final year at uni, so I want to do the best I can. I'll deffo join a game at some point though (even though I suck at the game. :p)

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Is this shit actually any good,or should I stick with Gears?


The multiplayer is far more frantic than Gears and a lot less broken, you can't go wrong with buying the Normal version.


BTW Ash that elite in the final pic was me, I think I actually manage to kill some of those guys before my brutal death. :heh:

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No Problem Rez


I'll show you Halo 3 Tommorow Night instead ;)




Also Guys


Since we have many players of Halo on Here...


I wouldn't mind putting the work in, Would anyone like to form some sort of league have little Clans in this Group and play a league? Designed for the forum


I would put in alot of the work myself :)

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Just apologizing to never joining anyone's game when they invite me... it's not that I don't like you! It's just that I'm usually busy pwning away in some game and forget about the invite at the end. :heh:


Completely love this game online though. Totally kicks Halo 2's ass, it's just way more fun and balanced. And Team Hammers rocks.

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