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Resident Evil 5


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HMV dont seem tobe processing my order. They sent an email telling me that my card is not going through... and to ring them. Except the order number is wrong and does not correspond to anything in my account...


Here i hoped they would let me off their half price mistake. :red:


No decapitations on the PAL version.


Now that is shameless. Moreso than the dlc in some ways.


So RE4 and RE5 are the least 'resi' games of the series? Cos they're the only two I've actually played! Always keep meaning to try and get the older ones to play, but just never get round to it...


The others are very painful to play nowadays. Good for their time though. RE2 was brilliant back in the day.

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so far, im finding the game a little harder then resi 4. especialy the chainsaw guy, a shotgun round to the face didnt even phase him.


ammo is a bit harder to come by then in resi 4 as well, though ive not actualy even run out, just always circleing the drain.


i agree that the real time inventory system isn't as good as the one in resi 4, bu it makes sense co-op wise.


speaking of co-op, ive not gone online yet, mostly because i want to experience it alone first. shelva is pretty decent as AI, she will pick up ammo to guns she dosent have, then give it all to me, which makes her kinda like a loyal puppy. one fault i will give her is her slow rate of fire. its like shes agonising over every single shot.

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Ive not got the game yet but gamers have found ways to rake up money on chapter 2-1 by saving and quiting. :hmm:


Meh... I don't see a problem, the game is still quite hard on Veteran and Capcom were silly enough to leave such a possible exploit in the game so I say it should be exploited, I discovered it when I was playing through and of course I took advantage of it, even with the extra ammo it all gets spent and you end up scrabbling around for more eventually no matter how much you have as you can only carry so much.


Anyway if it really is a 'problem' I'm sure Capcom will patch it somehow, so if anyone wants to take advantage of the 'glitch' do it now I'd say, I only did it a few times as I wanted to carry on and play the game 'cos it's really enjoyable but you could potentially do it endlessly if you could be bothered... >>

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got mine yesterday and loving it.

justgot to the point on the ship where you have to beat the sea monster irving dude.

Game sent my figurine today which was a nice surprise, smaller than I expected but its still pretty cool.

Edited by Portlett
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Im on 6-2 now and im enjoying this more than R Evil 4. Yes its basically a HD version of R Evil 4 but what makes it better IMO is that the story takes the series back to its roots. I hated that RE4 really didnt have anything to do with Umbrella/Wesker etc. Sure it had little bits here and there with assignment Ada but this is far more enjoyable to me.


Everyone look forward to chapter 5-3 :wink:

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Procured this earlier today and gave it an hour or so to get up to the end of 1-2. That thing in 1-2 was a right pain in the backside. For some reason it took me awhile to figure out how to exactly do away with it (try to refrain from spoilers so being very vague with my description of what it was). It's like, I knew what to do just didn't know how to make it stay to do it. Did it though and completed it.


Have to say that this, much in the same way as Dead Space, is something you need to play properly and not think about the demo. I didn't like the demo but I'm enjoying this so far, albeit not as much as RE 4 but I've still got a long way to go. Sheva gets in my way too much though :nono:. I like to explore a little and although there isn't much to see in the environments, I like to take my time to look around and she always seems to get in the way. A minor annoyance though. Also looks a little better than I thought it was. Wasn't overly keen on the whole Africa setting but it's interesting as it's progressing the RE story. Just wish that the loading screens weren't so quick as it'd be nice to be able to read more than half of the Umbrella history that appears. A strange ask yes but it's interesting learning about Umbrella's history prior to the first game.

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I hate Sheva, she's way too stupid for veteran, I like how difficult veteran is because it adds real panic and excitement but she's way to retarded.

I decided then to play it on normal alone and then veteran when i have a friend around but it seems i can only have one save file...

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The others are very painful to play nowadays. Good for their time though. RE2 was brilliant back in the day.


REmake plays very well on the Gamecube with Type C controls, since R makes you walk ("click" it to run) and you steer with the control stick. I recomend this game to anyone, even today, it's great and the graphics, since they are pre-rendered, still look up to date, even in this day and age.

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I'm playing on my own on normal setting and it's not too bad. I did die like 5 times near the start at the bit where that truck comes hurtling towards you. No matter where I shot on it, it would always slide and hit me. EVentually did it by just turning around and having my back to the truck and let Sheva take care of it and it worked for some obscure reason.

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I'm playing on my own on normal setting and it's not too bad. I did die like 5 times near the start at the bit where that truck comes hurtling towards you. No matter where I shot on it, it would always slide and hit me. EVentually did it by just turning around and having my back to the truck and let Sheva take care of it and it worked for some obscure reason.


Shoot da barrels!

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