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Wii Fit


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Mines was steadily improving during this week. My goal was to gain 5 pounds over 2 weeks since I was underweight. Was closing in on Tuesday or so, but i've barely had enough time to do exercises. Though saying that, i've done my test really early today, I normally do mine around 10/11 so i'll see what it's like then :heh:


When I done mine today it said I lost 3 stone. I'm starving though.

You mean pound? Haha :P

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Dammit, I always mix those for up some reason. But yeah, I meant a pound :heh:


If it was 3 stone I lost, I would be busy injecting fat into myself.


Cool to hear it's working for you though. icon14.gif



I ordered a Wii Fit yoga mat a while back, it arrived today:




wiifitmat3db0.th.jpg wiifitmat4iq8.th.jpg wiifitmat5xs9.th.jpg wiifitmat1zy1.th.jpg


Bit pricey at £17 but the quality is very good, it's made by Hori though so that goes without saying really.

It will definitely make some of the exercises a bit more comfortable, like the dreaded Jackknife! :heh:

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I'm seriously thinking about buying this (i have a BMI of 24 and find jogging extremely tedious), but I have a few questions:


1) Do I really need any extra accessories?

2) Is there any kind of exercise that should be incorporated into my workout that can't be done on the wii fit?

3) How long do you think it will take me, if I commit an hour every day, to lose 20 pounds?

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Where can I find wiifit? Its seems to have sold out everywhere plus gameplay doesn't seem to even acknowledge its existence :P :(


Keep looking on the argos website for ur local stores. Soon as one says it's instock reserve one. Thats how i got mine. I had checked loads and eventually it said 'in stock'. It said in stock in a few of my nearest ones n all.

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I've been keeping this up for a week, and gotten into a nice routine. Today I did the body test and got what I thought to be a strange result. My BMI went down from 29.09 to around 28.50 yet my weight went up by a pound. Is this normal? I thought with such a big drop in BMI, that my weight would have went down a little.


Oh, I just remembered, I corrected my height so that changed 1 inch, I bet it is because of this.

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I haven't really been following this thread, so sorry if this has been mentioned before, but I was playing WiiFit earlier before Doctor Who and I did some yoga and a few of the other things. I'm near certain that my yoga trainer (the girl) had a different hair style. Can anyone confirm or deny that this is possible??

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I'm really pissed off with Nintendo, I went into a few shops in town today looking for Wii Fit and I was told by a number of GAME employees that the next WiiFit shipment to the UK will be in July. What the hell is all of this about.


Is http://www.gameseek.co.uk reliable? I don't mind paying £30 extra if I can get it before July. :P

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I haven't really been following this thread, so sorry if this has been mentioned before, but I was playing WiiFit earlier before Doctor Who and I did some yoga and a few of the other things. I'm near certain that my yoga trainer (the girl) had a different hair style. Can anyone confirm or deny that this is possible??


It's true. Just been doing some Yoga, and I noticed she didn't have a pony tail anymore, just short hair at the back. There was also a slight pause before she came in, as she had slept in late. Also, have you had the male trainer "step in" as the female can't make it? Nice touches, even if they can be somewhat annoying at times. (I don't wanna look at a male's arse :heh:)

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It's true. Just been doing some Yoga, and I noticed she didn't have a pony tail anymore, just short hair at the back. There was also a slight pause before she came in, as she had slept in late. Also, have you had the male trainer "step in" as the female can't make it? Nice touches, even if they can be somewhat annoying at times. (I don't wanna look at a male's arse :heh:)


I've never had any of those other things happen yet but they sound cool, and definitely are nice touches. To be honest I've not played WiiFit that often since I got it... like every 3-4 days lol, so thats likely why I haven't seen all this stuff yet. Sounds good though... and I'm glad you've seen her with different hair too- I wasn't sure if it was an insanity effect or what. :o

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Yeah, on my third day the female trainer stood in for the first exercise, and on the fourth day my trainer turned up a little late because he stayed up to late the night before! Appropriate levels of sleep are important for a healthy lifestyle don't you know!


Am loving Wii Fit!


Can't complete the ultimate balance test yet though! I've managed to keep it in the third zone [the single line thick one] for one second, but that's all!

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Yeah, I noticed the male trainer had a different hairstyle. I wasn't sure before, but then the female trainer showed up and yup, definitely changed. Nice little touches :)


I havent been playing daily now, which is quite a shame. My routine basically goes from a few Balance games to warm, after that I do some Aerobics stuff, then I'll be doing some Muscle training. I think those are my favourites. Not fun, but they're challenging.


The Boxing game gets a special training. It looked boring on the screenshots, but it definitely gets me sweating! Love it. The missus hasn't touched the game for quite some time now. Couldn't be motivated to do it. Maybe tomorrow :)

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BBC Breakfast feature about the young girl who was branded fat by Wii Fit


Anywhoo, had the game 2 weeks now, and my piggy bank has just turned silver (spent 20 hours with the software) and I do actually feel fitter and I'm pretty sure my body looks slightly more toned. Look forward to seeing if there's any diffrence to be seen, over the next 2 weeks.

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