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Guest Jordan

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Good on ya fella - you're a better man than me - I could never leave the Midlands. I love it too damn much!


All the best for you both. Shetland is meant to be really pretty (when the weather lets up) - I love a bit of rugged terrain me.


Wolverhampton....for serious...?

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hope it works out an all dude. Pretty immense change!


how you gettin all yo shit up to Shetland?


Befriend some dolphins and get them to tow you there. It's the only way to travel really. Or else find the three magical levitation stones, and bring Shetland to you! Bit messy mind.


Good luck!

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Can only say what's been said before - Best of bloody luck man!


Hope it all works out for you and you're not making a big mistake.


Where are you going to work in Shetland though? Surely it's easier to get a job in Halifax than in Shetland??

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Go for it dude! Who cares if it's a risk? You gotta take some in life! Otherwise you'll end up like me, bored shitless, lonely and just damn irritated!


I may not know you that well, but enjoy the journey mate, Good luck and i hope it goes well for the both of you.

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Guest Jordan

Well, packing is in full swing.

My server had its wireless card removed, put into another machine which now hosts whats left of my network (two machines).


My computer has been moved to one side and i've organised which games i'm taking with me to Letty's. I've also packed up my Wii (not taking it with me) and later i'll be moving all the things i'm taking with me to one side.


Its a little bit of a mess in here, and alot quieter without my server with its 9 HDD's buzzing away.

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Guest Jordan
i never knew there was a halifax in england (one in eastern canada too)


Our Halifax is where you got the name of yours ;)


Then again, we're only famous for the Bank.

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I'm not going to pretend like I'm 100% convinced that this is the best idea however I can understand why you are doing it. However since I know whatever I say will make no difference there is no point, I will just wish you guys both the best of luck. I undersatnd what it is like to be far away from someone you care about. Hurts like hell. Kepp us updated on things mate.



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Our Halifax is where you got the name of yours ;)


Then again, we're only famous for the Bank.


i figured that one out


now why couldn't they have called our halifax, new halifax like all the other british named cities

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i figured that one out


now why couldn't they have called our halifax, new halifax like all the other british named cities


Boston, Lincolnshire and Boston, Massachusetts. Portsmouth, Hampshire and Portsmouth, Virginia. Birmingham, West Midlands and Birmingham, Alabama. Only a minority of the US cities named after UK cities have a "New" before them.

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Wow i didn't know you were moving so soon.

Good luck up there, i'm sure you'll fit in with the masses of people.


Thats a point, Shetland has what, 6 residents. If you don't get along with them you are on your own.


Thats why I like big schools, you can filter out the beligerent fuckers (no idea what that means) and still be left with like 200 people to be friends with.

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Boston, Lincolnshire and Boston, Massachusetts. Portsmouth, Hampshire and Portsmouth, Virginia. Birmingham, West Midlands and Birmingham, Alabama. Only a minority of the US cities named after UK cities have a "New" before them.


And more (as I got sent a map of MA. yesterday which has lots)


Sheffield, Cheshire, Windsor, Southampton, Warwick, Ludlow, Wales, Sturbridge (close enough to 'Stourbridge'), Worcester, Leominster, Oxford, Dudley, Shrewsbury, Shirley, Bolton, Lancester, Manchester-by-the-sea, Glouster, Essex, Plymouth, Halifax, Falmouth, Newport, Somerset, Swansea, Bristol, Uxbridge


And probably many more of places I just don't know about. Theres a town called Ashland which is clearly win. And Mashpee, which is just funny.


Thats a point, Shetland has what, 6 residents. If you don't get along with them you are on your own.


Whenever I think of Shetland I just think of a large relatively flat green area with Letty's house in the middle. Nothing else.

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;493518"]And more (as I got sent a map of MA. yesterday which has lots)


*large number of towns*


Whenever I think of Shetland I just think of a large relatively flat green area with Letty's house in the middle. Nothing else.


thats because A) thats all youve seen and B) thats all there is there

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