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Oh damnit, i allways forget about doing that...


I didn't know a Teenager could have problems with his sexuality? That's news to me...


Wait, is it possible that one guy in my class is gay? I've seen one looking at me suspiciously...


Urgh, im talking about this way too much.


Edit: Maybe he thinks im gay too? I kinda look gay by my looks...

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Haha maase. I do love you with your odd ways. Yes, a teenager would be the time you are most confused about your sexuality. It happens. Yeah, I'm only 17. I remember that thread baout Homophobic etc...you said you thought you might be slightly homophobic right? Howcome? (I'm NOT flaming in the slightest, I am honestly interested. Thats all)

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Hot enough :P


Haha, oh dear. X3




Haggis: I kinda, sorta know how you feel. I am still very much unsure about what exactly my sexuality is right now (though my doubts are between being hetero or asexual). It is very confusing and annoying at times, but you shouldn't worry about it too much. Just let things flow the way they flow. If one week you prefer boys over girls and the other week it's the other way around, then so be it. You can't do much about it, except for wait. It's possible you'll figure it out in the future, but just don't worry about it too much, as that won't help you. =)

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Well, in forums there is no problem, because let's face it, im talking with an avatar, not a guy...


But in real life, i often find gays, and i kinda feel uncomfortable being next to him, you know, most of the gays i know are easily found, they talk like it was nothing, and it really messes my head.

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Thats the point. One week I'm "I'd love to sleep with that guy, shit he's hot" and then the next week I find the idea of having sex with guys no way as appealing as having sex with a girls. It's like the complete polar opposite. It makes me so confused, and I get really aggrivated with myself. I would love to either just be gay, or straight. I couldn't give a toss which.

Yeah... but! You find your preferrence alternating. One is more appealing than the other suggests there's still appeal there for the other option. For me, sex with women isn't just more appealing - it's the only appeal. You see the difference I mean? This would make a lot more sense irl with gestures and shit.

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Oh damnit, i allways forget about doing that...


I didn't know a Teenager could have problems with his sexuality? That's news to me...


Wait, is it possible that one guy in my class is gay? I've seen one looking at me suspiciously...


Urgh, im talking about this way too much.


Edit: Maybe he thinks im gay too? I kinda look gay by my looks...


Post of the forever.

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Yeah... but! You find your preferrence alternating. One is more appealing than the other suggests there's still appeal there for the other option. For me, sex with women isn't just more appealing - it's the only appeal. You see the difference I mean? This would make a lot more sense irl with gestures and shit.


I do see the difference and thats the point. It's so confusing feeling that way because you feel so odd for liking both guys and girls rather than one. It's like I'm able to join in a conversation with my guy mates about a hot girl, and then the same with some girl mates. It makes me feel like I belong..everywhere, rather than one place. I know it sounds like I'm moanng when I don't need to, but until you know what it feels like, you don't really..well know.

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I compare your predicament to how often my answer to my 'perfect woman' changes. Sometimes she's blonde, sometimes she's brunette. It's just mood and stuff!


The default answer is Diana Rigg playing Emma Peel in The Avengers, in case you ever get stuck.

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That old quandry, eh? You have several options:


a)Invite him to come to the pub for a drink after work.

b)Invite him round to your place to "listen to some music."

c)Club him over the head.

d)Hire a team of mercenaries to kidnap him and come to his rescue.

e)Hire a team of mercenaries dressed as Daleks to kidnap him and come to his rescue.

f)Hire a team of mercenaries dressed as Daleks to kidnap someone else while you watch and use the anecdote to strike up a conversation with him.


All the classics really.

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right an advice situation here.. right there is this guy i kind of like.. right fair enough he likes me too.. but both of us are so damn awkward we cant say a thing to each other.. I know he likes me.. how the hell do you kickstart something haha :)



If neither of you take the plunge, then you'll be in a never-ending situation where all you will be are "close, but not quite there yet." When a person walks down the street, and you step to the left to move out of their way, but they step to the left as well. Then, you step to the right to correct, but so do they. A never-ending situation until one of you steps the other way.


It may as well be you. If you like him, tell him. Be honest. Ask him out/some time alone for both of you together. Do eet, mon.


Do eet NAAAW!

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If neither of you take the plunge, then you'll be in a never-ending situation where all you will be are "close, but not quite there yet." When a person walks down the street, and you step to the left to move out of their way, but they step to the left as well. Then, you step to the right to correct, but so do they. A never-ending situation until one of you steps the other way.


It may as well be you. If you like him, tell him. Be honest. Ask him out/some time alone for both of you together. Do eet, mon.


Do eet NAAAW!


What flink said, you don't want to have a "What if" hanging over you forever. If all goes wrong you can have horrific facial surgery, abandon your friends and entirely relocate. :heh:

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I do see the difference and thats the point. It's so confusing feeling that way because you feel so odd for liking both guys and girls rather than one. It's like I'm able to join in a conversation with my guy mates about a hot girl, and then the same with some girl mates. It makes me feel like I belong..everywhere, rather than one place. I know it sounds like I'm moanng when I don't need to, but until you know what it feels like, you don't really..well know.


Nah, it's everyone else that's putting stupid rules in place - to eliminate 50% of the surrounding scenery without even looking at it. A lot of people probably felt the similar to how you feel now, when it wasn't socially acceptable to find someone of a different race attractive, or age range, position/status, etc. (Going back decades or even centuries here).


You do get my sympathies tho for having all these feelings combined with late teens hormonal rollercoaster. Give yourself another 5 or 6 years and you'll likely feel a lot more comfortable with yourself than most of the supposedly straight people around you who have never approached themselves about these issues.

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right an advice situation here.. right there is this guy i kind of like.. right fair enough he likes me too.. but both of us are so damn awkward we cant say a thing to each other.. I know he likes me.. how the hell do you kickstart something haha :)



Pull down your pants and jump on him.

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as The Flinkinator said: 'Do eeeeiit naaaww!'


nothing worse than regrets with stuff like this, trust me. If you're right, and he likes you (sounds like you're pretty sure) then you have so little to loose. I know you're probably counting up reasons it could be a disaster that are, in your head, legion, but you gotta shut that out.



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