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City trip


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Well -I- wouldn't be going; just gonna be a trip for my parents. But I've been to Rome and I know it's a very lovely city with lots of things to see. Not exactly sure my parents are really into that stuff though...


And what's wrong with Athens? I thought there were a lot of old Greek buildings left there? Or am I wrong?


Also to the people who suggested London, what exactly is there to see and do there and would two people who pretty much don't understand English very well (or at least can't talk it) find their way around there?


Both my gran and step-grandpa who went at different times said it just wasn't very nice. The people weren't very friendly, it was dirty, not a very nice smell about it. Apparently there aren't all that many things to see either.


Nah, I'd avoid Edinburgh. It's a strange mixture of high art and shortbread. Glasgow is pretty decent though, and I've heard excellent things about the night scene in Dublin.


For the type of short break that Eenuh is talking about, Glasgow is not the place to go really. Glasgow, to be frank, is horrible. It is full of drunks and junkies, there isn't anything to do other than shop or get drunk. Edinburgh is great, it's a beautiful city that wasn't built for the industrial revolution as Glasgow was. The castle is great, there are loads of other places too. I would still choose Rome over Edinburgh though.

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As I live there im backing London all the way.


Me too!


I imagine it'd be a pretty cool city for visiting, though I can't really say having been near all my life. I'd definitely say London, Greenwich in particular. Greenwich park is really nice! Then you could stay around Greenwich for the evening, or go into london for something, maybe a west end show. Not sure how well they might be able to get around without English, as again I've never had the experience of it myself. Do they speak dutch, or french?

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Cologne in Germany, my parents went there last year for their anniversary, and my dad goes there all the time for work, so they get air miles which they use to visit cologne. Apparently theres some breathtaking places, like a major catherdral etc. I would say London, but tbh its not the most romantic, Paris or Prague I reckon would also be good to go.

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Me too!


I imagine it'd be a pretty cool city for visiting, though I can't really say having been near all my life. I'd definitely say London, Greenwich in particular. Greenwich park is really nice! Then you could stay around Greenwich for the evening, or go into london for something, maybe a west end show. Not sure how well they might be able to get around without English, as again I've never had the experience of it myself. Do they speak dutch, or french?


They speak Dutch and a tiny bit of French. And I'm sure they can understand some English, but speaking it is pretty much out of the question.


Cologne in Germany, my parents went there last year for their anniversary, and my dad goes there all the time for work, so they get air miles which they use to visit cologne. Apparently theres some breathtaking places, like a major catherdral etc. I would say London, but tbh its not the most romantic, Paris or Prague I reckon would also be good to go.

Been to Cologne with school, and my sister actually went last week too. It's a nice city with lots of museums and the Dom (the cathedral you speak of), but not really something my parents would like I think.


Right now, I'm thinking cities like Rome, London, Venice and maybe Florence (lovely city, been there already too) would be nice candidates. Paris got mentioned a couple of times, but we've been there more than once already, so it would be silly to send them over there. ='3


Thanks for the suggestions so far though. I'm gonna have another chat with my sisters soon to see what they think of these cities. =D

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1) Rome

2) London

3) Paris


I absolutely loved Rome, and I intend to go back an spend a week (or two) there instead of three days. So much to see and do. Loved the place!


London is pretty great too. I'm taking my little brother (he hasn't been) to see the tourist traps sometime in the summer hopefully. There's a thread I made some where (search around July timr, 2006) when I went and I wrote a little diary of it!


Paris is overrated, but nice. A few decent sites, but I prob couldn't spend more than a couple of days there.


Anyway, imo, go for Rome!




Rome is the nicest city I've ever been to!

Ferrara, a small walled city near Florence and Venice (both have way too many tourists...), is also really nice, and, being kinda small, is not to busy, but still has that air of city life about it.


I also have affection for St Albans, in Hertfordshire, as it's my closest city/place with anything to do in it. Luton doesn't count. :heh:



Edinburgh is rather lovely, if you don't mind the butt-ugly exterior of the Scottish Parliament (the inside is really nice though).

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All these people mentioning Rome as being the nicest city suprises me.


I went with a school trip (I blame the crapness on the schools organising skills tbh).


I'm sure they picked the crapiest part of Rome to stay in. The hotel was terrible, little kids begging in Mc Donalds, an underground worse than Londons. The coliseum and that stuff were ok, however everything felt tacky.

What i picked up on was there was a LOAD of graffiti around and you couldn't go anywhere without someone trying to sell you an umbrella or some glasses.

I'd most likely like it if i went with my family, but from what i saw i didn't like it.


What i did like was Naples, you have pompei and the volcano and your by the sea.


If not, i'd say London.

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I'm sure they picked the crapiest part of Rome to stay in. The hotel was terrible, little kids begging in Mc Donalds, an underground worse than Londons.

You see, this is what I love about cities. I call it 'character'.

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Send them to Newport.


It'll be an experience. Trust. We've got a Castle, which used to be occupied by the Goths. Excellent.


Goths vs. Chavs is pretty much a nightly spectacle. Do eet. Do eet naw.


Or Brighton. It's lovely down here. There's a lot of places to go eat, bars, pubs and clubs, etc. Lovely hotels, too.


And a beach, but it's a bluddy pebbly one. And plus, you can visit the coolest admin of them all. Yes. Platty!

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Valencia. It's fantastic. There's plenty to do in the city and outside it (such as Segunto, nice beach and Segorbe which has an amazing restaurant). The food is fantastic:



Pan con tomate





And other quality Spanish food if you go to the right place. If you do choose to go, I'll tell you an amazing restaurant in Castellon (town nearby) which my brother knows the people who run it. It's about £4 for a meal and it's utterly superb, better than some meals which I've paid for more than double.


So yeah, check it out, it's great.

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Valencia. It's fantastic. There's plenty to do in the city and outside it (such as Segunto, nice beach and Segorbe which has an amazing restaurant). The food is fantastic:



Pan con tomate





And other quality Spanish food if you go to the right place. If you do choose to go, I'll tell you an amazing restaurant in Castellon (town nearby) which my brother knows the people who run it. It's about £4 for a meal and it's utterly superb, better than some meals which I've paid for more than double.


So yeah, check it out, it's great.


Valencia is the city where we usually arrive by plane when going to Spain, though I don't think we've ever really visited the city itself (my parents might have). There's actually plans already to maybe visit the city during this summer when we are on vacation around there. =3

And I'm totally not a fan of Horchata (or Paella). XD

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They should go to Venice which is a beautiful city and the second best city i have ever been. It is so different than any other place. In venice you go everywhere by boat. The first time you see the city floating on water is amazing. There is also a lot to see in venice and lovely resturants along the canals and down the little back streets.

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Only reason I was asking what language they spoke was if their english isn't too great, then I dunno how they'd get on. It might be worth considering Paris or somewhere instead as they'd be able to get by a bit easier there with the whole language barrier thing.

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Sheffield is the best City in England, but not as packed with tourist features as London or Liverpool. However I hate both those citys. Crowded, filthy, busy, dangerous - bleh. A friend recently went to Rome and didn't like it, said it was a giant tourist resort, I would imagine Florence or Venice would be nicer. Florence is often considered the best city in Europe.


Oh and off topic, NYC is the best city in the world :D (Well I haven't been to West Coast America or Australia yet, but it's the best I've seen so far ^^, followed closely by Hong Kong)

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Go to Rome. I was there abouta month ago and it was amazing. There are so many things to see and do. Just going around The Vatican alone can take you a day or 2. Then you still have other things such as The Colloseum, The Forum and The Pantheon.


I would stay away from Athens if I were you, I've heard it isn't actually very nice there.


... I saw all of that in a DAY... In fact, we only had a day to see Rome, and perhaps that's why I didn't enjoy it. Far too touristy. You can't even get inside the panthenon these days - just up to the entrance so you can have a look at the 'perfect dome' and that's it.


And what on earth took you two days at the vatican? My local tescos is bigger.

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... I saw all of that in a DAY... In fact, we only had a day to see Rome, and perhaps that's why I didn't enjoy it. Far too touristy. You can't even get inside the panthenon these days - just up to the entrance so you can have a look at the 'perfect dome' and that's it.


And what on earth took you two days at the vatican? My local tescos is bigger.


I went right inside The Pantheon when I was there last month. We had a very good tour guide who had loads of interesting things to tell about everything. On the first day at the Vatican, which was a Sunday, we went into the square and saw the Pope, then got a tour around the rest of Rome, then came back the next day and did the Sistine Chapel and St Peters.

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When i went to the vatican on the school trip, we queued for about 2 hour and it was boiling hot (It was the week when they were choosing the new pope). We finally got inside then 10 minutes later we were outside again. The most i got was a glimpse of the dome... then it rained.

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How can you not like paella :shakehead


I don't like meat so I won't have the meat one, and I only like certain kinds of fish. Squid and shrimp and mussels and whatever else they put in the fish one is absolutely not my thing. =P

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