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What do I do...?


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You're 17 right? I assume she is as well....... You need to tell her to stop fucking about with you....... :-/ What she's doing is wrong and you seriously need to tell her that. I mean if she doesn't want to be with you she needs to say that so you can get on with things... If she still wants to be with you then she's being fucking stupid and playing with your emotions here....... If this is the case what she really needs is a good slap. >.>;

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Guest Jordan
Oh, and the first paragraph of your (Goron_3's) post is really sweet...:)


Me and Letty are waaaaaaaaaaaay cuter than that, we just spare you all the details... because youd'e be violently throwing up. Hehehe.

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This is a risky one but you could try it all the same:


Tell her you won't wait.


It gives you the power back, you're the one deciding if/when the relationship ends and it makes her think hard about whether she wants to loose you.

If she doesn't then you'll be back together by the end of the week!

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This is a risky one but you could try it all the same:


Tell her you won't wait.


It gives you the power back, you're the one deciding if/when the relationship ends and it makes her think hard about whether she wants to loose you.

If she doesn't then you'll be back together by the end of the week!


So do you think I should just tell her that I don't want this break and that she needs to decide whether she wants me or not, then walking off leaving her to think about what she wants?

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You're 17 right? I assume she is as well....... You need to tell her to stop fucking about with you....... :-/ What she's doing is wrong and you seriously need to tell her that. I mean if she doesn't want to be with you she needs to say that so you can get on with things... If she still wants to be with you then she's being fucking stupid and playing with your emotions here....... If this is the case what she really needs is a good slap. >.>;


darkcloud, telling it like it is. This is my kind of view, though he expressed it alot more bluntly than I did lol, awesome post.

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It's pretty simple really. Just tell her to take however much time she needs, and you'll be there for her.


This is definitely a brilliant plan. I have been in your exact situation before, and I was totally on love with the girl who did it. I basically said fine, you need time, so take some time and I will be right here waiting for you if/when you decide you want to be with me again.


Then just act like a friend to her. DO NOT kiss her, don't hug her too much (obviously you can still hug, just not like you would if you were going out), don't hold her hand. Just be a friend to her, show her what she's missing.


After a few days of me doing this with this girl, she came straight back to me, told me it was really sweet of me to do that and that she loved me. :smile: Result!


Anyway, all these ideas are pretty good so I suppose it depends on your situation. We don't know all the details, so it's really up to you which advice is the best to take! Good luck,m mate. I'm sure she'll come around eventually.

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This is definitely a brilliant plan. I have been in your exact situation before, and I was totally on love with the girl who did it. I basically said fine, you need time, so take some time and I will be right here waiting for you if/when you decide you want to be with me again.


Then just act like a friend to her. DO NOT kiss her, don't hug her too much (obviously you can still hug, just not like you would if you were going out), don't hold her hand. Just be a friend to her, show her what she's missing.


After a few days of me doing this with this girl, she came straight back to me, told me it was really sweet of me to do that and that she loved me. :smile: Result!


Anyway, all these ideas are pretty good so I suppose it depends on your situation. We don't know all the details, so it's really up to you which advice is the best to take! Good luck,m mate. I'm sure she'll come around eventually.



Wow that is such awesome advice btw. I reckon I'm going to do that; I don't want her to feel like i'm not there for her so i'll be there as a friend, but at the same time I won't be too clingy. It really hurts me to just be friends with her because just last week everything was perfect, but she wants me as a friend so i'll just show her what she's missing.


Thanks a lot mate :D I'm going on a walk with her tonight so i'll let you know what happens..

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Then just act like a friend to her. DO NOT kiss her, don't hug her too much (obviously you can still hug, just not like you would if you were going out), don't hold her hand. Just be a friend to her, show her what she's missing.


I say you follow this advice to the word...

It means you can still be around her, but it still gives her the space she wants (it sounds paradoxical, but think about it...)


Good luck to you, mate. :wink:


Me and Letty are waaaaaaaaaaaay cuter than that, we just spare you all the details... because youd'e be violently throwing up. Hehehe.



Thats not cute, sweet or romantic then, is it? :nono:

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We can't give you the right answer, only our opinions. What worked for Nintendohnut won't necessary work for you. It all depends on what your girl is thinking. But read the advice and try to see whats best for your situation.

The better you know your girl, the better you are at doing the right thing.


I hope you where clever and used some protection.

And maybe you should try to get the chance to talk to her about the sex you had. The first time is normally always a disappointment for girls, it hurts and isn't pleasurable. Maybe she thinks shes "broken" and don't want to come in a situation where you guys have sex again.


I'm just throwing some ideas. I trust you in the end know what advice to follow or not.

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Wow that is such awesome advice btw. I reckon I'm going to do that; I don't want her to feel like i'm not there for her so i'll be there as a friend, but at the same time I won't be too clingy. It really hurts me to just be friends with her because just last week everything was perfect, but she wants me as a friend so i'll just show her what she's missing.


Thanks a lot mate :D I'm going on a walk with her tonight so i'll let you know what happens..


Bollocks to that, it's my plan NOT HIS!

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Will a Hylian Shield suffice?

Yeah thats not funny.


The irony is is that I have a hylian shield in my room (Zell made me one for my bday)........


But yes, we did use protection. Would be a stupid fool if i didn't. Also, to what Diemetrix said, I don't think that she feels 'broken' and stuff after we did it. We talked about it and she said that she actually quite enjoyed it and stuff, so I don't think it's that.


The whole situation is really weird, but i'm a lot more confident now than i was yesterday about us getting back together eventually. I'll just be myself around her and show her what she's missing :)

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Simply the peer pressure going around your school is pretty powerful stuff for it to affect her (which IMO is what has).


If she gets judge with you then the break was to avoid exposure time with you but deep inside she probs likes being with you hence all the extra time kissing and the i love you thing.


If anything just give it some time, caus things l[ike this in school always goes down in a couple of weeks. After that it wont be a big deal but keep up the "this is what you are missing" thing so that when the dust has settled she knows she has someone to go back to :)

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The whole situation is really weird, but i'm a lot more confident now than i was yesterday about us getting back together eventually. I'll just be myself around her and show her what she's missing :)


Yeah sho her what she's missing, show her the Juggerwang.

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Well she just cancelled on the walk with me....


but she offered to meet up after school during the week. Hmmmm


Cancel on her one day. You won't want to, but this really seems to me like she's totally playing you for everything to be her way. You start off like this and it'll come back to kick you in the arse later on.

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Cancel on her one day. You won't want to, but this really seems to me like she's totally playing you for everything to be her way. You start off like this and it'll come back to kick you in the arse later on.


I've always been tempted to do that. But, hmm. It could backfire terribly. :D

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