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This is like an episode of Grange Hill, in fact all your threads would make great source material. It's quite amazing how things are perceived when you're younger. If I saw a photo of one of my mates in a bra i'd laugh but that's about it. I find it funny that alone has destroyed his 'social life'. Should you have gone that far with it? well hell yeah why not that's what being young and immature is all about, fuck the consequences. I remember one of my mates was doing the same to me in school so I drew a pretty offensive caricature of him and showed it to everyone. He never found out it was me.

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If it was Sonic 213 (or some other combination), you would only give him more girls.


what could be more awesome than a bra...











...on a man! i R teh sexy one with the bra!




hehe, Sonic238 seems to enjoy wearing a bra.

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Destroy his social life? There are better ways to do that than a picture of him in a bra. To be honest, that would actually have no effect on someone in my school. Stuff like that's happened before, to other people and me (not in a bra though) and you just have to learn to laugh at it. Strange school if it's destroyed his social life.

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Well, I thought when you said a picture of him in a bra you meant like him posing on his own or something. Not in a room full of mates. That changes everything. Somehow I don't think you've done as much to his social life as you think you have :hmm:

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This is like an episode of Grange Hill, in fact all your threads would make great source material. It's quite amazing how things are perceived when you're younger. If I saw a photo of one of my mates in a bra i'd laugh but that's about it. I find it funny that alone has destroyed his 'social life'. Should you have gone that far with it? well hell yeah why not that's what being young and immature is all about, fuck the consequences. I remember one of my mates was doing the same to me in school so I drew a pretty offensive caricature of him and showed it to everyone. He never found out it was me.


lol, nice one.


Oh andit will make a huge deal at my school, people seem to rip someone apart fro being even the slightest bit of of synce with everyone else. And plus the fact theres already the whole gay thing going round school about him, this just puts the cherry on top of the rather huge cake that he made for himself.

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What lies did the guy actually spread about you though? Because him thinking it was you that told people his secret doesn't seem like much grounding to launch such a full scale attack on the guy. On top of it all though, the picture of him in the bra isn't actually that bad. It's not like he's dressed as a girl or anything, the bra is just over his t-shirt. I doubt he'll get much of a ripping for it, they'll forget about it within the month.

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O nreading that I thought it may have been quite good revenge but seeing that picture dissapointed me a little. I was hoping it would be funnier than that. But if that picture can ruin his social life, your school must be amazingly judgemental. I'm not so sure about the whole revenge thing, I think I may have tryed to make things better first, but if he really deserved it then good on you :D

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This is bad, my parents will slaughter me.


But, i had a friend, who has been telling lies to everyone about me. He told me, and 8! other people something he had done in confidence (he did stuff with another guy) and somehow it got out. He has now assumed, even tho we were gr8 friends, it was me. He has had all hos other friends insult me whenever they see me, hound me on msn etc. He also told me he enjoys pissing me off.


I figured if he wants to play it that way then fine. I am sick and tired of being called "week" etc and walked over by mates.


My revenge


I have a pic of him wearing a bra and posing with it. I have blown it up to A4 size, made about 50 copies of them. I made sure i left class 5 mins bfore everyone else at the end off the day, and proceeded to walk round my college sliding them under classroom doors and posting them in the main corridoor.


My friend (the girl i have that whole problem thing with lol) took about 20 off me and has given them too mates who will spread them, and a few ppl in other schools in the area.


I looked at him just bfore he went to the main corridoor at the end off the day and told him "you know what mate, you should have known from being my mate these past few years, i might not beable to punch u that hard, but i sure can ruin your social life. Enjoy"



I felt so good!!!!!


another mate of mine is going to stick copies of them in the school register on monday.



Do u think i'm one evil bastard? (hopefully u u think he deserved it lol)


Anyone else evern gone all out with revenge on someone?


i have told you before get some new friends. He should have never assumed it was you.I'd fucking kill him. No offence you seem like a nice guy but your friends really don't

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He's wearing a T-Shirt under it and people saw him do it? I'm surprised that's done lasting damage. I would've just laughed a bit then forgotten about it.

But yeah, good on ya, if the guy's a labia, then revenge is needed.
teehee! you said labia.
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i have told you before get some new friends. He should have never assumed it was you.I'd fucking kill him. No offence you seem like a nice guy but your friends really don't




lol i think i only have very few loyal friends, most of them seems as tho they could turn on me at any mo like he has.


You say kill him? lol I cant go that far, i really need some suggestions as how to get him back, make people laugh at him.


Anyone got any?

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lol i think i only have very few loyal friends, most of them seems as tho they could turn on me at any mo like he has.


You say kill him? lol I cant go that far, i really need some suggestions as how to get him back, make people laugh at him.


Anyone got any?


Know your enemy. Discretely watch him for several days until you find a pattern, for instance where he usually sits or hangs out. Grab the first opportunity you can to plant something in his bag, incriminating evidence for something or a device such as a 'fart machine' and wait for the opportune moment, and set off said device or conveniently discover said evidence. I'll leave the evidence part up to you. Use your imagination.

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A notebook which is filled with lovehearts and the name of the most well known male teacher should suffice.


If that doesn't work, put his penis in your mouth. They did it on Grange Hill to that fat kid and it worked like a charm. So well in fact that he tried to commit suicide in the school pool.

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