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Cheating - The Great N-E Debate


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We got some pretty good and interesting discussion going on in that meaningless post thread whatsit.


So, I thought it deserved a thread of it's own.


Cheating: What is your opinion of it?


Could you ever forgive someone who cheated on you?

Have you, yourself, infact cheated on a partner or loved one?

What exactly do you class as 'cheating'?


Talk away.


You've got to Swwiiiitttch!

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Oh that kind of cheating.


I thought you meant Up, Down, Left, Right, A+Start for the Level Select.


If someone cheated on me, it'd be over there and then. I'm surprised by guys who want to hang on after that. Even if they deny it, there must be some distrust in the back of their mind for the remainder of the relationship. It's hard to build a real loving relationship with that nagging uncertainty at the base.


I would never, ever cheat on a girl or make her jealous if I really cared about her. If I felt feelings towards another girl, I would reconsider my current relationship and break it off if there was something to persue in another direction - because that kinda meant the original wasn't meant to be. That's harsh too, but not as bad as cheating.


On the other hand, I'm not really the kind of guy who's fighting the girls off. Which has two relevancies to this topic. One, I don't really have the attention of more than one girl at a time anyway, so it's hardly a common problem. Two, if I get with a girl, I would never cheat because I'm thankful for my situation and know have to be careful with what I'm lucky to get.


To me cheating is just morally wrong... if I did it I know I wouldn't be able to hack the guilt, if it was done to me I'd be devastated. I wouldn't want to put someone else through that.



One more thing to add though, I've never really been in a non-serious relationship. That is, I haven't been with a girl I didn't feel really strongly with, haven't had a fling (except for the occasional one-day/night thing) with someone I wasn't totally interested with beforehand. Maybe if you have ground rules and the relationship is fairly shallow in the first place, it's kinda different.

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I have been naughty in the past with girls who are unavailable and have also had my heart broken a few times.


Sometimes lust just gets the better of us all. But if you truely love someone then you shouldnt need to cheat or even need to think about it.


It's part of life. If you like someone then you shouldnt hold back your feelings as you will regret not doing or saying anything.


But of course there is always a line and if you fall for someone elses girlfriend/boyfriend or wife/husband then you need to know when to stop and actually do the right thing.


Reversing the roles is always a good one. If you was cheating on your partner how would you be feeling if it was the other way round? would you still be cheating?

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I think for me cheating already starts at kissing (more than just a normal kiss of course). Basically anything quite intimate or involving lust or whatever.

Like I said in the other thread, if my partner would cheat on me, I don't think I could ever forgive them. Maybe if I really really loved them and had a lot of time to think about it, then maybe I would be able to live with it... But I'd never really be able to trust them again I think.


For me, I don't think I would be easily tempted to cheat, seeing as sex doesn't really interest me as much (and lust and sex are usually the reasons for cheating). And if it were because I fell in love with someone else, then I would break up with my current partner first probably instead of immediately diving in bed with the other person and doing even more harm.

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I could never forgive somebody that cheated on me. If somebody cheats on you they obviously don't love or care about you. Sure we all get tempted, but we should be able to control ourselves.


Sadly life is never that black and white.

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Anyone else think that girls are way less forgiving? (The rational Eenuh and her possible long-time-to-think-about-it being an exception) I think that guys would forgive a girl because they're really into her, and also because they fear not being able to find someone else. If they truly love a girl they'll try to convince themselves that it's ok, that the girl is regretful, that it was a mistake, that they've seen the error of their ways - etc. They become kind of clingy. But if a guy did the same thing a girl did, the girl would end it there and then out of principle... that's what I feel.


for the record I never have cheated or will cheat on a girl - this is from what I have observed with other couples

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It would really depend on the situation. How much I cared about the other person, what they actualy did, how many times it happened. Probably even how they told me about it. As a rule if they cheated on me that would be it. However, if they told me about it straight away admitted it was a mistake yadda yadda. I would probably be able to forgive them. But then again it would probably be playing on my mind and the relationship would never be the same.


For the record I have never cheated on anyone, or been cheated on to my knowledge at least.

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Well obivously I would be heart broken and as I said in the other thread,I would throw them out or if I could I would think about things carefully and what to do next,since at the time I would be seriously confused and messed up.I wouldn't be able to trust the person as much if I gave her a second chance.


I see no reason to cheat on people though,if I wasn't happy with the person I was with and there was someone else,I would tell her and break up with her,and this may sound odd coming from a guy but i'm not all that bothered about sex.I guess my views are a bit like Eenuh's on this one.

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We got some pretty good and interesting discussion going on in that meaningless post thread whatsit.


So, I thought it deserved a thread of it's own.


Cheating: What is your opinion of it?


Could you ever forgive someone who cheated on you?

Have you, yourself, infact cheated on a partner or loved one?

What exactly do you class as 'cheating'?


Talk away.


You've got to Swwiiiitttch!


Cheating: What is your opinion of it?


Its wrong. Destroys people and lives if its serious enough.


Could I forgive them? It would depend on what happened. If it was just a drunken kiss then I probably would - I don't really regard that as serious - although I'd be annoyed! For me, real cheating would be sexual relations - that I probably wouldn't forgive. I don't think I could trust the person again and without trust, relationships are nothing.


Would I treat? I really hope not to. I could see myself having a few drunken kisses, but I hope i wont. I would hope I have the character never to do anything further.

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Well I don't know about you but I can control myself, and so can millions of other people (control themselves not control me), especially with something as serious as cheating.


That's a very emotionally detached view on things. If you can live your enture life with that attitude then you probably never will cheat, but you'll probably never have a long term relationship either.


Human nature isn't really the correct term - It's bog-standard Animal Nature that we're dealing with in these situations.


I'm actually referring to the emotional side, not the physical.

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That's a very emotionally detached view on things. If you can live your enture life with that attitude then you probably never will cheat, but you'll probably never have a long term relationship either.


Why won't I? I'm not saying that people won't get tempted or feel attracted towards other people. That's human nature. But not being able to control yourself? That's not human nature.

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Yeah, alcohol is a pretty cack excuse to cheat on someone. It's generally isn't on. Would I forgive someone for cheating on me? I don't think so, it's a pretty unforgiveable thing by default. I would hope to find someone I can trust not to do something like that. Bedrock of a relationship and all that.

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You'll allways have me Arthur, i'll allways be by your side....we can run away to Carlisle together and not have to worry about women and their cheating ways, also have you seen Johnny's girlfriend Rebecca? see looks an awfull lot like Zoe, if she didn't have the oh-look-at-me-i'm-a-working-girl lipstick on and she cut her hair a bit.

Back on topic...everyone knows cheating is bad, they've got an entire tv show deddicated to it (Cheaters) airs every night on Reality TV and Living TV. If it wern't for people cheating nobody would have anything to watch Monday-Friday at 9.00pm

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