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"f*ck off, i'm ginger" (bbc3)


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did anyone watch this last night?


A random program about how hard it is for a ginger bloke to geta girlfriend. I wouldnlt know, because i;m not ginger but surely the program was pointless?


Dont you think its over-reacting a bit, just cos' someone ginger doesn't mean their digusting does it?


(though i have to admit the only ginger girl i have met, shes in my school, is a complete bitch so at the moment I have a slight tendancy to avoid them:shock: )

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My best mate has ginger hair and he's the only one of my friends in a steady relationship with a girl. So... yeah. I didn't watch the show, but based on your brief summary vs. my world experience, sounds like a load of crap!

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I'm watching this right now.


Aww, poor ginger people.


Me and my brother have a strong dislike for the Liverpool player John Arne-Riise.


I think my brother hates him because he's ginger? Why do I think that?:


"hey brother, why do you hate the Liverpool footballer John Arne-Riise?"

"because he's ginger, innit...."

"....yeah, me too."

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I am ginger.


I have no girlfriend.


Boo-hoo. Boo-hoo.


It's because i'm a socially inept retard. Not because of my fucking haircolour. I have had several girls like me in the past, but I deter them by being an idiot.


And to flip it around, ginger girls have always been hot. For years ginger chicks have been used in advertising, films and TV because they're seen as attractive. Us ginger blokes are usually seen as less attractive, but in my experience my hair colour hasn't hindered me, it's only been my brain.

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It's because i'm a socially inept retard. Not because of my fucking haircolour. I have had several girls like me in the past, but I deter them by being an idiot.


And to flip it around, ginger girls have always been hot. For years ginger chicks have been used in advertising, films and TV because they're seen as attractive. Us ginger blokes are usually seen as less attractive, but in my experience my hair colour hasn't hindered me, it's only been my brain.


That's pretty much what the program said, suggesting the reason you might be a socially inept retard is that you're ginger and you've had to deal with that.


It also commented on the different way folks view ginger men and women. Ginger women being "allowed" as men often go for delicate (so light skinned) women that look like they need protecting. Women however tending to go for darker looking men.


It was an alright show, but not good enough to stop me from channel hopping.

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Guest Jordan

Poor ginger people, isn't ginger hair a genetic defect?


I mean, if thats the case then eventually it'll be removed from the gene pool due to how traits are passed on to children.

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Poor ginger people, isn't ginger hair a genetic defect?


I mean, if thats the case then eventually it'll be removed from the gene pool due to how traits are passed on to children.


Yes it is, they also say on day blonde will be removed from the gene pool.

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Bradley in Eastenders coped with his gingerness quite well I thought, and got himself a bit of skirt also.


I've got a mate who's ginger, and we absolutely cain him about it, but he's far ahead in the insult wars we have and is usually a step ahead. Girls love him also, but that's probably because he's got a funny personality and is a decent bloke to be around.




Edit by Jordan: Fixed your image tags. Oh god its him.


I fixed it before you even added the edit. :laughing: And yes, it's him. He's such a looker don't you think.........bet some of us want a piece of this ginger candy!

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Guest Jordan
Hang on, isn't/wasn't Letty ginger?


Letty's hair wasn't... ginger. It was just a really light brown. Due to insane dyeing all the time. Basically her hair is naturally black and its starting to grow back in.

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No for example I'm not ginger yet I'm disgusting.


But that wasn't what he said.


He said just because someone is ginger, it doesn't mean they're disgusting.

You said "I'm disgusting, but not ginger."


So, what he's saying is: "not all ginger people are disgusting" and you're saying "I'm disgusting, but not ginger."


What a mess. :D

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Give me your sympathy. now.


Ginger hair only seems to be a problem if you make it one. Ginger people are often more bullied at school and so usually have lower slef respect, less confidence etc. Generally thing that make you less desirable to the opposite sex. It is generally harder to get people to like you, due to the stigma that being ginger has in todays society.


Once upon a time bing ginger was a highly sought after trait, until the catholic church denounced it as a sign on the devil. Kinda went down hill from there really.


Anyway, being ginger isn't that bad, some of us are even proud of it.

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Funny that since I've been bullied most of my life by a ginger.


See, that is a case of him become what he most hates. All you have to do is start chanting "carrot top" and he'll break down into tears from the the years of abuse he had to endure as a child and pushed deep deep inside his subconcious.

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See, that is a case of him become what he most hates. All you have to do is start chanting "carrot top" and he'll break down into tears from the the years of abuse he had to endure as a child and pushed deep deep inside his subconcious.


or I'd end up dead.

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Give me your sympathy. now.


Ginger hair only seems to be a problem if you make it one. Ginger people are often more bullied at school and so usually have lower slef respect, less confidence etc. Generally thing that make you less desirable to the opposite sex. It is generally harder to get people to like you, due to the stigma that being ginger has in todays society.


Once upon a time bing ginger was a highly sought after trait, until the catholic church denounced it as a sign on the devil. Kinda went down hill from there really.


Anyway, being ginger isn't that bad, some of us are even proud of it.


Darn tootin' we're proud of it!

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Funny that since I've been bullied most of my life by a ginger.


Actually thats partly true for me too. Wouldn't go far as to say it was bullying, but a ginger twit back at school use to mock me a lot, often about my hair. Irony?

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Ginger people dont have it all bad.....

Take for instance one guy I used to knock around with in my yoof...

He is now starring alongside people like Jet Li and Jackie Chan and doing stunts in loads of big productions. (I cannot confirm whether part of the deal was to shave his hair off first though).

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I saw the end of this, seemed pretty interesting actually. I dont mind a ginger lady. been with 2 as it goes.


Does seem like it is different for ginger blokes and ginger girls tho. Society is a strange cruel place.

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