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Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition


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I dont wanna complete the game on professional with standard weapons, will take ages.


Gonna do Mercenaries later on.


Uh well it wouldn't be a very "professional" mode if they just let you fly through it no sweat with all your stocked up weaponry now would it? Especially since you can only play it after completing the game on normal once as well.


Professional is a lot more satisfying than normal though. I had more fun on my second run through the GC version on professional than I did on my first run through on normal. It's just a lot more intense.

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Who does everyone reckon is the best person to do Mercenaries with? I think Ada because she's just amazing; a great rifle and a powerful TMP.


I'd say Krauser is the best. His arrows are mostly one hit kills, and his powerfull arm attack can take care of big crowds.

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Seperate Ways was cool, but a bit weak compared to the main game.


I'll play Assignment Ada later.


Almost finished my second run on Normal using the Chicago Typewriter and Infinite Launcher and wearing the gangster suit, with Ashley in the knight's armour. I also earned all bottlecaps by now. Once I finish this run I'll let the game rest a little (I don't want to get tired of the game, even though that's almost impossible), and then I'll try finishing Pro.


Oh, and I've unlocked every character on The Mercenaries. I won't bother with 5 starring every level with every character, I had enough trouble 4 starring the levels, and the Handcannon just doesn't seem worth it.

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Seperate Ways was cool, but a bit weak compared to the main game.
Yeah I finished it earlier today, final time was 03:11:57. The last chapter was longer than I expected, pretty tough at times too. icon14.gif


I was surprised when...


...Krauser showed up! Was cool to have to fight him again, (bowgun helped out a lot with that one :wink: ). The battle with Saddler was also good fun...

...So overall, short but sweet. I can definitely see myself playing through it a few more times though, want to see if it's possible to shoot Leon for a start. :heh:


Oh, and I've unlocked every character on The Mercenaries. I won't bother with 5 starring every level with every character, I had enough trouble 4 starring the levels, and the Handcannon just doesn't seem worth it.
I did it on the GCN version, but I remember it taking me ages and the crazy double chainsaw dude being incredibly annoying! It's definitely easier with the Wii Remote though, so I'll probably try to get it on this version too.
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Yeah, I used all my bullets, including tons of magnum ammo and the time ran out, then I used the knife and it only took a minute. I was chuffed.


Yeah he's a really flawed boss tbh. If you time it right you shouldn't even get hit by him lol.

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I love the target ranges, I didnt even knew they exsisted on the Gamecube version - Must of just not noticed. They really make use of the Wii controller and I felt proud when I got all the caps. Should of been something you unlocked though imo other then money.


I thought the target range would've been easier on the Wii, as the aiming would just be like light gun shooting.

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I did it on the GCN version, but I remember it taking me ages and the crazy double chainsaw dude being incredibly annoying! It's definitely easier with the Wii Remote though, so I'll probably try to get it on this version too.


Yeah, you will be suprised just how easier the Wiimote makes things, I flew through all of them.


Started Seperate Ways last night and got to chapter 3, I have to say im really enjoying it as im a big fan of Wesker and seeing him alot more in this game is great.

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I'm on 3-2, WoW taking all my time. Ammo management is a biatch btw!


Yeah really annoying on the first play when you got the standard power weapons.


If have only a few ganados knee cap them and try to time it so they fall on top of each other then run over them and swing like mad with the knife.

(a little sadictic yes, but you gotta conserve that ammo for bigger tasks after all... actually in a game that allows you to do that, i'm surprised the BBFC only gave it a 15 age rating?)


i just remembered but didn't they say something about RE4:Wii having a trailer or something for Umbrella Chronicals?


Or was that just Japan?


Or maybe some strange dream i had?

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i just remembered but didn't they say something about RE4:Wii having a trailer or something for Umbrella Chronicals?


Or was that just Japan?


Or maybe some strange dream i had?


Its in every version but ours, figures.


Just finished Seperate Ways and I loved it to bits. It was great seeing what Ada was doing while Leon was trying to save Ashley. Also, the fight between Krauser was great even if it was easy, bowgun FTW!


Just started Pro Mode, shouldnt be that hard now that I have unlocked everything apart from the gun you get for actually doing Pro mode.


A quick question about Krauser, what virus strain has he got in him? Im assuming that it is a modified T or G Virus due to him working for Wesker, cant be the T-Veronica virus as he would be a hell of alot stronger.

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A quick question about Krauser, what virus strain has he got in him? Im assuming that it is a modified T or G Virus due to him working for Wesker, cant be the T-Veronica virus as he would be a hell of alot stronger.


Well it's mentioned in seperate ways that he fell to the temptation of the Las Plagas, so it must just be some strain of that. I'd love it if in an upcoming game you got some kind of mutation like Krauser's arm to use throughout the game. Could be a cool mechanic.

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Weh hey. Finally spent some proper time with this today, and I'm now just about to battle the blind guy in the castle. :grin: My accuracy is at an average of 89%. Quite impressed with that, but I have hardly any ammo left, dammit!


I was wondering, does anyone know if there is a novelisation published, based about or around the events of Resi 4? I do belive there are other Resi novelisations out.

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I was wondering, does anyone know if there is a novelisation published, based about or around the events of Resi 4? I do belive there are other Resi novelisations out.


I dont think so. The others are well worth picking up though, I have them and they are a great read.

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Well finished the game twice, Assignment Ada, and Seperate Ways three times. (Loved seperate ways) In the end I actually enjoyed the Wii controlls! But is it just me or did anybody else notice there seemed to be less ammo and more money?


By the end of the first time through the game I had a Red 9, Striker, and Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle, all fully upgraded... Then after I sold everything before the second play through I had a million dollars so I bought a Chicago Typewriter. Then I went through the whole game without buying anything and got roughly 2.3 million dollars! That seems like a huge number!


But overall the game was easily worth $30! Can't wait to play Mercenaries for hours upon hours upon hours!

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