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I bought Bjork's greatest hits today as well as Regina Spektor's Begin To Hope.


yay or nay?


Nay, nay, nay, a thousand times, nay. Why would you get Begin to Hope?? Get Soviet Kitsch or Songs or...anything else!! The reworking of Samson is cool though, even though the original kicks its ass.


As for Bjork, I don't know, so I can't say.

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Because you dislike the music and she isnt that hot.


Well said.


My self, Yeah, I think the singer is good looking (as this has been mentioned) and is also am above average/good singer but I cant stand there music.


However just too add- There are people here with VERY different music tastes to my self and that also like this band and of course thats cool, your choice, your taste.

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I love Joan As Police Woman.


I'll tell you how our tales intertwine.




During one of my guitar lessons with my guitar teacher Graham (who is perhaps the coolest person I have ever met, and I'm ever so slightly attracted to - but that's a different story), we were waiting for a tab sheet to print out, and I noticed a poster on the wall.


It showed a picture of a woman, wearing a pout that wouldn't be out of place on a trout. (see picture) I then noticed her name, and immediately thought that the poster had been misprinted, as there was a grammatical error in the artist's name.


I asked Graham, "Who is that woman, and why is her name missing the indefinate article?"


He chuckled at my overly proper use of language, and bending the printed-out sheet so it would stand up properly on the music stand, said "I have absolutely no idea - the poster arrived this morning from the music company, we are supposed to advertise her. What a crazy name though."


"What genre is she?" I asked


"Alternative by the looks of it." Graham replied.


That was the end of the conversation, as we moved on to matters that were, at that time, more important.



The next day, whilst browsing Last.fm, I remembered this curious woman, and typed her name into the search function. However, I made THE quintessential error that her name begs you not to make, I included the non-existant "A".


I was bombarded with a multitude of "joan as a Policewoman", "Joans a Police Woman", "Joan as PoliceWoman" and many other names with a mistake so subtly significant that rendered them relegated to the realms of 1 coloured-in bar of listeners.


I quickly clicked on the true article. The only one pure. The others are only wannabes, wallowing in their own imperfection. I took refuge in the true article.


Immediately, my eyes were drawn to a picture of a woman standing in front of a sun-setted ocean, a hand safeguarding her eyes from her hair being blown about by the wind. That was Joan Wasser, the artist I'd come to love.


I then heard a call from downstairs; it was my dinner ready (I forget what I had for dinner that night, it really isn't important to the story). Why I insert this trivial piece of information I hear you ask? When I went down for dinner, I x-ed the internet window, thus casting my future love into the realms of the moving pieces of light that I imagine the internet is like in it's true form; I would forget all about her until a few weeks later.



I am a keen believer in the value of material things, especially with music. I never download, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I love having the CD to hold, the booklet to flick through and to smell and I take delight in seeing all my CD cases lined up on my shelves. Because of this, I often frequent record shops to fuel my "addiction", as you could call it.


One Friday afternoon, I was browsing in HMV, and my eyes caught sight of the almost-demure visage of Joan as Police Woman. As though it were a lost relic of my childhood, I grabbed at the paperback CD case, and quickly read the list of songs on the back, as if I knew all the songs off by heart and had fond memories of them all.


I turned the case back over, and my stomache sank when I noticed the price label. £13.99. The pile of CDs in my hand that I had decided to buy felt so heavy, and my wallet so light.


But, hiding from me under another CD was the special edition version of Real Life. As though it was inexplicably meant to be, the special edition was cheaper than the bog-standard version. If I believed in a supreme being and such things I would have called it a miracle. Looking around, incase anyone would come and snatch it from my grasp, I made my way to the check-out. I was served by a very good-looking man, which only helped fuel my smile.


On returning home, I booted up my laptop and carefully placed the Real Life CD into the CD tray, and pushed it in gently, like a mother duck coaxing her ducklings to flight. I only then realised I had inserted the bonus disc in first, and cursed at my stupidity. I hate doing that. It makes me feels as though I'm not doing things in the proper order, almost like reading the final chapter of a book, then the first.


I pride myself on being relatively patient. I can wait a few minutes for something worthwhile. The 3 minutes it took to import the CD into my iTunes library was so very worth it.


It was like waking up and opening the curtains to see snow on the ground, where you expected a normal day. A surprise so pleasant and heart-warming. I had prepared myself to be disappointed, all that time I had been acting in good faith that she was a musical talent worth hearing. My preparations were unnecessary, as I said, it was like gazing upon a world incased in fluffy snow.


I took out the bonus disc, and carefully replaced it in it's paper sleeve. Importing and hearing the main disc was like one of those rare orgasms which comes, leaves you, then comes back.


Trying to go into the all the nooks, crannies and hidden gems of the album within the limits of the 25,000 characters per post would not do it enough justice.




Stay tuned for Part 2: Stumbling upon the debut album.

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