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I'm learning to play guitar, and I bought GH3 on the Wii, but I didn't buy it for the intention of progressing my guitar skills.


I bought the game because it looked like a good laugh, and plus I'm quite into my music, both listening and playing, so this seemed like a no-brainer.


I'm glad I bought it, my housemates also love the game and we play it for hours and hours. It's a rhythm game, it's addictive and it makes you want to hit "retry" over and over. I'm with Hells of Fire on this one.


Yeah, I don't mean that you can't have it, I just mean that there's no reasonwhy you should have it. Seriously, name one good reason why you should buy it when you're learning to play the guitar... If you did it for the fun, that tells me you're not having fun learning to play the guitar, wich also tells me you should probably quit learning it.


Lawl, I've been skating 7 years. I dont see how it is particularly differnt, to be amazing at anything takes time and practice, its only more acsessable because you dont have to leave the house to do it. Which is irrelivant really.


Are you crazy? How many great skaters are there? You can count them by your fingers... as for the number of great guitarists, there are many, many, many more. To play at a GH level, you don't need those manyyears of practice... with 3 or 4 solid years of practice you can pull off every song in GH without a sweat. Now, let's sit down and see how many people can do what you do in skate. None. There isn't a single person alive who can do it... why? Because it's not 100% realistic, the physics of it are blown out of porportion in a way that they end up being much more fun, precisely because they're impossible to achieve in real life. You can't compare an hyperbolic simulator to a realistic one. There's just no comparison possible.

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Not to get back to music or anything but...


Just listened to 46Bliss' self-titled album and I love it. Kinda like Air, in terms of the atmosphere it gives, but obviously not up to the same standards. Nonetheless, a fantastic album to have on in the background while analysing Radio Times. 'In A Long Time' is fantastic.

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Are you crazy? How many great skaters are there? You can count them by your fingers... as for the number of great guitarists, there are many, many, many more. To play at a GH level, you don't need those manyyears of practice... with 3 or 4 solid years of practice you can pull off every song in GH without a sweat. Now, let's sit down and see how many people can do what you do in skate. None. There isn't a single person alive who can do it... why? Because it's not 100% realistic, the physics of it are blown out of porportion in a way that they end up being much more fun, precisely because they're impossible to achieve in real life. You can't compare an hyperbolic simulator to a realistic one. There's just no comparison possible.

It depends on what you mean by great. There are alot of great guitarists, there are very few amazing groundbreaking omgbbq guitarists. Its the same with skateboarders the ones who are mainstream, Tony hawk, rodney mullen, etc are the same as Jimi Hendrix. If you are genuinly interested in skateboarding there are 100s of great and influential skaters, most people could name one or two. The same with guitarists, I dont really care that much and i can only name one or two.

I still dont see what the issue is, GH is fun. Its played for fun, I dont think anyone thinks it is a realistic simulation, inface i know its not as my dad is an epic bass player and cant play gh for love or money its lolz.

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Gizmo, I like you and all, but that has got to be the dumbest thing I've heard since 2008 started. Did you really just compare a warfare situation, where there's a very high possibility you'll get killed, mangled or invalidated to playing an instrument? I think you just did! Gizmo... shame on you.


As for the whole MSN thing, my point still stands. All I said is that GH is stupid if you're planning on learning the guitar or happen to have one. If you don't have a guitar, GH is great. I said that a long while ago, you should learn to read.

Anyway, the MSN thing, that's completely different, that involves the availability of two people, plus the fact that the other persons life does not revolve around your own, unlike your guitar's existence, wich is totally devoted to your existence.


The CoD thing was a joke :indeed:


And my post wasn't a reference to Guitar Hero, but to when you said that you didn't see the point in Fifa. Meeting up to talk / meeting up to play football and talking on msn / playing Fifa is a reasonable comparison.

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Seriously, name one good reason why you should buy it when you're learning to play the guitar... If you did it for the fun, that tells me you're not having fun learning to play the guitar, wich also tells me you should probably quit learning it.



Name me one good reason why you shouldn't.

You can do both, you can have fun playing A RYTHM GAME and learning guitar, because they have nothing to do with each other. Seriously, it's moronic reasoning. Do you realise the humongous difference between learning how to play a guitar and playing a videogame? NOTHING LIKE IT. And another thing, you bought an acoustic guitar (which was more expensive than you said in your other post, I remember you saying it cost much more) and you never touched it. So, tell me, how do you know what you're talking about? I might not play guitar very often, but I diddle with it sometimes. Anyone who compares playing a videogame to adquiring a skill, like in this case, playing guitar, is flat out dumb. No one plays GH thinking they're real guitarists or that they're learning guitar, they play it for the fun. If it's fun, it's enough reason to do it. That's why it's leasure. And yes, playing guitar and learning guitar is fun, but if you think that mastering it is always sunshine and roses you're painfully mistaken. This reasoning that says "oh why should you play a videogame when you could be doing something in real life" is something I will never understand and get behind it, because doing one thing doesn't mean you can't do the other. SO many people play football in real life and in videogames. Now, you say this isn't the same case, because you don't like football, but it is the exact same thing.

I'm still discussing this, because it's somewhat on topic :P

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Guitar Hero is a guitar playing simulator.


Do you really beleive this, or are you just saying it to back up your point...


How the hell is GH a 'simulator'. It's a rhythm game, no different then IIDX Or DDR, just a different shaped controller.

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I'm just going to put my Guitar Hero thoughts here:


For me, playing guitar is a lot of fun.

For me, playing videogames is a lot of fun.


Putting the two together was something I just couldn't say "Nah, you're alright." to.


Guitar Hero also introduced me to some awesome songs that I ended up learning on a real guitar. Songs like "More Than A Feeling" and "Sunshine Of Your Love" are songs I would never have learnt on a real guitar had I not played Guitar Hero.


Lately I've been totally in love with the Queens of the Stone Age's new single - Make It Wit Chu


It's such a nice chilling out tune. Nice to see their talents aren't purely in stoner rock, but they can make these smooth blueses as well.


I like love QOTSA, but I do prefer their harder stuff.

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Gizmo, I like you and all, but that has got to be the dumbest thing I've heard since 2008 started. Did you really just compare a warfare situation, where there's a very high possibility you'll get killed, mangled or invalidated to playing an instrument? I think you just did! Gizmo... shame on you.


As for the whole MSN thing, my point still stands. All I said is that GH is stupid if you're planning on learning the guitar or happen to have one. If you don't have a guitar, GH is great. I said that a long while ago, you should learn to read.

Anyway, the MSN thing, that's completely different, that involves the availability of two people, plus the fact that the other persons life does not revolve around your own, unlike your guitar's existence, wich is totally devoted to your existence.


Yes, we agree there. I loved GH, and it's a great game. All I'm saying is... hell, I said it too many times already, but here it goes again... if you do have a guitar and are interested in being a good player, GH seems like a waste of money and time to me. Not to mention it's not really any funner than playing a real guitar.

Guitar Hero is a guitar playing simulator. But one that offers no advantages to playing a real one, other than a slightly cheaper approach. So, yeah... I'll say it for the last time... if you don't have a guitar, don't intend on having one, and have no desire to learn how to play one, GH is a fantastic purchase. If you do... it's a waste of money with no real justifications other than "why not?"... I don't buy the whole "it's more fun" thing, because it isn't.



Overall, what I'm saying is, I don't understand simulators who simulate things wich are easily accessible. Unless of course, you have no intention on doing the thing it simulates in the first place (wich raises the question "then why the fuck do you want something that simulates it in the first place???").


The perfect example for this would be Wii Fit... I just don't really get it. Why would you want to simulate push ups?? It's beyond me, seriously. And this is the kind of game that we'll be getting before North America. Hooray. (oh well, I won't rant about it until I try the final product, or else I'm just attacking a concept that could work)


This reminds me, time for a diet.


Are you crazy? How many great skaters are there? You can count them by your fingers... as for the number of great guitarists, there are many, many, many more. To play at a GH level, you don't need those manyyears of practice... with 3 or 4 solid years of practice you can pull off every song in GH without a sweat. Now, let's sit down and see how many people can do what you do in skate. None. There isn't a single person alive who can do it... why? Because it's not 100% realistic, the physics of it are blown out of porportion in a way that they end up being much more fun, precisely because they're impossible to achieve in real life. You can't compare an hyperbolic simulator to a realistic one. There's just no comparison possible.


Y'see, this sort of debate is exactly what I was talking about the other day. You're refusing to accept any simile to be drawn between the relationship between 'guitars and guitar hero' and any other real/'simulated experience. war/war games, skating/skate games, msn/talking.. the list goes on... You re rejecting each on a difference criteria, and ultimately none of them are comparable to the subject at hand simply because you're talking about guitars instead of football, skating, guns, girls, cars, whatever.



Seriously, name one good reason why you should buy it when you're learning to play the guitar... If you did it for the fun, that tells me you're not having fun learning to play the guitar, wich also tells me you should probably quit learning it.


The fact that you're demanding why others should list reasons why you should have it is banal and backwards.


So all this time you're saying "drop GH, pick up a G instead" and now it's "now you've spent £shitloads and you're having no fun, you should probably quit", despite this being half the argument against learning?


Previously you've described music making as 'art'. Perhaps this is the difference? Art vs. Imitation. You're wanting everyone to appreciate Gaudi while they're happy staring at playboy?


Whatever teh case on that aspect - the fact is that not everyone wants to learn to play the guitar, not everyone enjoys learning to play the guitar (I have one friend in particular who has spent over £600 on guitars/amps and just totally failed to learn properly), and not everyone has time or effort to go into learning.


My main point though; your arguing is flawed and unfair. Would comparing other games be better? Why play donkey konga when you can simply learn to play the bongos? Why play DDR when you can leran to dance? Why play that maracas game when you can learn maracas? Hell, remember that old game-and-watch called 'Ball' where you got to make sure this guy keeps three balls in the air? Yeah, why not just learn to juggle?


Oh, yeah, right. Because people don't want to.

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Guitar players seem to have this uninformed hatred towards Guitar Hero and Guitar Hero players. As a GH player, I envy people who can play Guitar.


You should learn. Its quite an easy instrument to pick up and you can always whip out when bored.

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Oh my lord and lady, I just realised with real eyes how awesome All Is Full Of Love by Bjork is.


I'm on holiday, and my iPod is like my only source of entertainment in the evenings (skiing during the day). I was lying on my bed, listening to my music on shuffle.


Then All Is Full Of Love (Single Remix) came on, and I went into a crazy trance. Like I woke up at the end of the song and my whole body was buzzing and there were tears in the corners of my eyes.


Actually awesome.


Vocals-wise, there is no competition. I can even go as far as to say its the best vocal performance on my iPod. When people say Bjork can't sing, either they haven't heard this song or they have problems hearing.


And then the lyrics. "You'll be given love/ You'll be taken care of". Awesome.



I can now say, AIFOL is my favourite ever song.



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I play guitar and guitar hero, and to be honest, both are fun, but at the level of guitar skill i'm at, guitar hero is more fun because i can do more with it. On the guitar i can string chords together and play a slow easy song (american pie lols) but i can't be all awesome and complex :P

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I've been listening to Portishead's Third today; it isn't on the shelves yet, but I spotted it from the crow's nest.


So far it seems like a grower, as you'd expect, and largely incomparable. It definitely has that Portishead sound, but it also tries a lot of new things: a bit of 8-bit here, a banjo there, a synthesised foghorn to finish it off...


I'm hardly part of the music illuminati, so I can't dazzle you with references and esoteric language. However, if you enjoy their earlier stuff then you'll most likely get a lot out of this album too. Portishead are back and possibly more discordant than ever.

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A good reason for guitar players to buy guitar hero: it's a great multi player/ party game. Happy with that one Oxigen?


Been listening to Origin of Symmetry quite alot recently. I think it's an incredible album really :) Just makes me think where they went wrong....=(

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You should learn. Its quite an easy instrument to pick up and you can always whip out when bored.


If I could turn back the clock, I would have started learning Guitar at age eleven rather than learning Oboe as I did. Now though, learning Guitar requires time, money, effort and commitment, none of which I really have now. Maybe when I'm older though, I could pick it up as a hobby.

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