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One Album. One Movie. One Book.


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Book: The Godfather - Mario Puzo. The last book I read and remember really enjoying, so much better than the film as well (Thats not to say that the film is bad).


Movie : I want to say Goodfellas, but as I'm taking the Godfather as my book instead I shall take Taxi Driver. A fantastic film about how lonely modern society is. Great performance by Bobby and as usual much love to Marty.


Album: Aphex Twin - Drukqs, Great album I never tire of listening to it. And its something a little different to the norm.

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One album - Oxy waste won't like this, but I'm going to have to choose an Oasis album. (Whats the story) Morning Glory is my album of choice. It's been there with me since I was a kid, through thick and thin. I love this album to death, as much as I did the first time I listened to it.


One movie - Tough choice, I found this quite hard. There's films that I have watched about a million times, and just choosing one in particular is difficult. I think it has to be Aliens. Fantastic film. I could watch this forever. :)


One book - I ain't gonna cheat like The Bard and choose all 3 His Dark Materials novels, as that's 3 books, not 1. Scumbag. :heh:

It's going to have to be The Subtle Knife. Whilst the amber spyglass rounded things off, things really heated up in TSK. It's my favourite out of the trilogy, great book.

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One album - Oxy waste won't like this, but I'm going to have to choose an Oasis album. (Whats the story) Morning Glory


Hey! I like the album. What it does, it does magnificiently. It's not the freshest piece of fruit, but it sure is a tasty one.

Plus, this is "opinion", so, you're entitled to your own. :D

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Book: The boy from the tower of the moon by Anwar Accawi a very good book about the authors childhood in Lebanon before it all wen´t to hell there.

A very funny and dramatic book that everyone should read.


Movie: Right now it´s Infernal Affairs


Album: Kyuss - Welcome to Sky Valley

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Book - I've read loads, but I'm gonna have to go with Harry Potter and the Prisoner Of Azkaban as it is a great book and spawned currently my favourite Potter film.


Film - I do have a big DVD collection, and to decide one film is extremely difficult, I'll have to say The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King, it doesn't suit everybody but you have to admit it was brilliantly made, it didn't get.


Album - This was the easiest to choose: Jeff Buckley - Grace. Just absolute genius from start to finish.


Well, I did it. I think I deserve some Jaffa Cakes.

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Book: Catch 22 - Always enjoy a surreal twist to my comedy and as a child this was the only book that translated that effectively into literature for me. Notable mentions go to "The Dark Tower" series and "Crazy Horse and Custer"


Movie: Oldboy - Tough choice but I went with it. A contemporary masterpiece and a landmark for Korean cinema. Others include "Miller's Crossing" and "Taxi Driver"


Album: Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon. No contest for now, but I'm always apt to change my favourite albums from time to time.

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Album: Hot Hot Heat - Elevator, only because 'Goodnight Goodnight' is on it.


but Make Up the Breakdown has Bandages on it!

I also think it's slightly better whole album than Elevator :)




anyway my picks


CD: The Strokes - Is This It

the cd that started it all for me, before i was just an occasional buyer of CDs, after this got released in 2001 I have became an avid music fan :)


Book: tough choice cause I've read so many, the Bard makes a good point about the His Dark Materials series, they are very good, and one of the few books that when I've finished I've felt really sad for the characters


I'll probably go for the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan, epic doesn't quite cover it, there are 11 books so far and each is about 300+ pages long, there are multiple storylines going on all throughout the books as they follow 6 main characters. I just love the whole world he has created :)


Film: Star Wars

I could lie and say something more intellectual, but there would be no point, I don't think there is a film I have watched more than the original trilogy, the fact that I have the script pretty much memorised says it all :)

great cinema

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The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King, it doesn't suit everybody but you have to admit it was brilliantly made, it didn't get.


Hell yeah! In fact they all were. I've got the extended edition-~4 hours of ROTK :D

Book: A Scanner Darkly


I've been meaning to read that (or see the film). What's it like?

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the film of A Scanner Darkly is amazing, can't speak for the novel.



One Book: Catch 22 steals it for me. Easily the funniest book I've read, and stands reading again well. It's at once an utterly hilarious novel, and a biting political commentry on the way we live. facinating stuff. Runners up go to: Of Mice and Men, A Prayer for Owen Meany, 1984, A Clockwork Orange.


One Film: Apocaylpse Now It's just fuckin ace innit. I love the performances, the cinemtography, the imagery, the politics, all of it.


One Album. Grace also gets my vote. beautiful beyond the words of the gratest lexicographers, I simply can't say how much this album means to me.

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Hell yeah! In fact they all were. I've got the extended edition-~4 hours of ROTK :D



I've been meaning to read that (or see the film). What's it like?


Film is good, but the book is incredible. It doesn't really matter which way round you experience them, but you might be disappointed by the film if you read the book first. Definately check them both out though.

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Album: Casually Dressed and Deep In Conversation - Funeral For A Friend

Book: Any parto f the His Dark Materials trilogy, but I'll go with the finale, The Amber Spyglass, since it's the fattest ^_^

Movie: Jackass The Movie (1). Never laughed so much seeing that for the first time.

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Book: Life the universe and everything -Douglas Adams. My favourite in the Hitchiker's Guide series.


Movie: Kill Bill vol. 1. Pure awesomeness, just pure awesomeness.


Album: Queens of the Stone Age-Over the years and through the woods. Very hard choice to make, but this live album has most of all best QOTSA songs.

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book: Tim Burton's poetry book. Its not really a 'book' but its made of paper and writing in it, so it qaulifies right?


movie: Shortbus. its coming out on DVD here soon but i managed to get hold of an early copy. Its a fucking beatiful movie, with real sex scenes (OMGZ!!1) its awesome, cant reccomend it enough.


album: the dresden dolls' debut album is pure magic. it doesnt (really) ever get old.

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Film is good, but the book is incredible. It doesn't really matter which way round you experience them, but you might be disappointed by the film if you read the book first. Definately check them both out though.


K thanks. I have to say that the animation technique looks amazing.


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