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Hidden Bodybag!!




did anyone see this while playing through the game? I think I missed it, or I can't remember it!


All Resi 4 Death scenes!!




I hardly ever died throughout the game and so i missed loads of the death sequences; such as those from QTE's, bosses and general badguys (though i always wondered what some off them would be like!!)!

Posted (edited)

I missed the body bag the first time, but on my 2nd or 3rd play thru I saw it and it creeped me out a bit... when I shot it eventually (after waiting for it to do something for like 5 minutes) I felt kinda bad... which is weird, I didn't care about killing the chickens or funky dogs with tentacles but a twitching bodybag gets me feeling guilty =\ (I wish there was more to it, like it was an enemy or an hysterical tourist you could help)


I'm loading the death scenes vid right now and I'm looking forward to seeing what I missed, there were a few times I was tempted to die just to see what it'd look like but I couldn't swallow my pride, or be bothered to get back or I just plain forgot.


Cheers for sharing.


EDIT: Damn, the deaths video makes you realize just how little (if any?) variation there is in the sound department of Leon dying (from a normal enemy) he always makes the same "Last gasp" kinda noise.


btw, lotsa cool deaths, one of my favourites so far is when his face gets burnt off by the insect thingy, never picked up on that, very classy =P



Edited by Incomplete

Wow, watching that vid really made me realize three things:


1/ That I didn’t die nearly enough playing the game.

2/ The amount of work Capcom put in to it is immense. (but of course this is obvious just from playing it)

3/ And how fucking annoying Leons death sound is repeated over and over like that!


Anyway cool vid. :)

  Incomplete said:
I missed the body bag the first time, but on my 2nd or 3rd play thru I saw it and it creeped me out a bit... when I shot it eventually (after waiting for it to do something for like 5 minutes) I felt kinda bad... which is weird, I didn't care about killing the chickens or funky dogs with tentacles but a twitching bodybag gets me feeling guilty =\


I'm loading the death scenes vid right now and I'm looking forward to seeing what I missed, there were a few times I was tempted to die just to see what it'd look like but I couldn't swallow my pride, or be bothered to get back or I just plain forgot.


btw, lotsa cool deaths, one of my favourites so far is when his face gets burnt off by the insect thingy, never picked up on that, very classy =P

I can understand what you mean about feeling guilty! On my second playthrough i shot the dog on the farm; i hadn't noticed it on the 1st playthrough and on the 2nd i thought it was a wolf when i saw it! I felt guilty when it used to run away from me after that yelping and with its tail between its legs!


Yeah i never saw the insect acid one either; it's great!!


The only ones i ever really saw were the occasional boss battle death or an explosion etc... I missed so much and your right 'Redshell' about the amount of work Capcom put in!


Other great ones;

- Not cutting the rope and getting dragged to the bottom of the lake!

- The village chief throwing you into the high beam!

- The spikey regenerator grabbing you and impalling you!

- Impaled on the spikes at the bottom of the well!

- Salazers left hand man throwing the knife into you!

- Krausers QTE battle; pushing the knife in!


The was truly AWESOME, nice stuff Retro Link, ye i too missed a lot of great deaths there, and for he bodybag wtf is it ?, i shot it after wating for ages.


I remember seeing the body bag, but I don't remember it moving, I may have shot it or run off.


Some of those death scenes were pretty damn disgusting, I missed out on most of them though.


Whereabouts is that bodybag? I missed it sadly, I am playing through RE4 again on pro and it really is much harder. Has anyone here beaten it on pro? I got killed over and over at the village it was more like a proper siege rather than a skirmish, I dread to think what the cabin siege will be like! Oh and those death scenes were classic I liked the one where leon got killed by that spanish guy who is your friend.


I'm gonna go and find that body bag now!


Resi 4 on the cube was fantastic, I am looking forward to seeing how the PS2 version compares (in gameplay terms) and looking forward to the extra content.

  Haden said:
Whereabouts is that bodybag? I missed it sadly, I am playing through RE4 again on pro and it really is much harder. Has anyone here beaten it on pro? I got killed over and over at the village it was more like a proper siege rather than a skirmish, I dread to think what the cabin siege will be like! Oh and those death scenes were classic I liked the one where leon got killed by that spanish guy who is your friend.


I found the bodybag!! It's just before 1 of those heavy-breathing-shoot-red-dot things, in a dungeony type place.

I didn't die too much either, the Fish boss was easy, so...!! Haha...He kills Leon, that's funny!!

I never got my head eaten off either, my brother warned me that they killed in 1.

I loved the one where he landed on the spike...so gory^_^

  Zelda_Rulez said:
Some people thought that the bodybag was a child from the village. I have to agree with them I don't know what else it could be.
Yeah you could be right there.

It has a bit of mystery around it, kinda like the guy in the furnace/cooker!!

  Haden said:
Whereabouts is that bodybag? I missed it sadly
I think I missed it too, or maybe i just can't remember it; but i think i'm almost at that point on my second playthrough.

From the setting (with those iron bars to the right), it looks to be the place where you meet the last regenerator in that long corridor of prison cells. I think there is always a large metal box to hide in when there is a regenerator around; because they are usually for Ashley, except she's not with you when you meet the last one.

  Retro_Link said:
Yeah you could be right there.

It has a bit of mystery around it, kinda like the guy in the furnace/cooker!!

I think I missed it too, or maybe i just can't remember it; but i think i'm almost at that point on my second playthrough.


Yeah that guy in the furnace was a weird one too. I knew where he was but he still scared the crap out of me. I didn't know when he was supposed to get out of there. He set me on fire too before I could react. :heh:


The bodybag was in the prison in chapter 5-4. There was a lone regenerator in a dark corner of a cell there too. He freaked me out there because I couldn't find him at first but I heard all the breathing.


I found the bag, I thought it was the regenerator since I could hear it. But the breathing didnt stop.... I like the one where Leon gets eaten on the pier by Del Lago after you shoot in the water a few times, that was a real useful hint from IGN, :angry: I liked the other one in the lake when hes in its mouths and reaches out desperately. Touching moments.


Wow, gotta love those deaths. My pick of the crop though,

-drowning in the lake

-decapitated by chainsaw

-impaled by the village chief

-stabbed through the face by the guy with stiched up eyes then lifted up and stapped again in the chest

-acid in the face

-falling down well

-squashed completely flat by massive pillar

-getting neck munched on by regenerators

-impaled on regenerators


I could go on.... but I wont.


I love the giant thing that jumps out at him when hes on the jetty and swallows him whole, incredible. This sounds like a game i may have to get. How long is it? there seem to be a hell of a lot of deaths and monsters

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