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Its Snowing!


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Its because, I'm guessing, you Belgians are used to the snow and have methods to cope with it.


2 inches of snow basically shuts down this country :heh:


Eh, I think we get about as much snow as some of you guys. And the roads today were freaking dangerous to drive on. Also today we might've had the most and longest traffic jams -ever- in our entire country. So yeah... I don't think there's that much of a difference between our countries really... I guess our teachers are just way too eager to keep school open so they can write down all the names of people who are not showing up. >.>;

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It's because of health and safety. You get to hate it after a while.
Yeah there have to be a certain number of teachers in a school for health and safety and if not enough teachers can make it in because of the snow, the school has to close.


Don't think that's ever the real reason though; I think teachers just think Snow = Day off, no matter if they can get in or not!

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Yeah there have to be a certain number of teachers in a school for health and safety and if not enough teachers can make it in because of the snow, the school has to close.


Don't think that's ever the real reason though; I think teachers just think Snow = Day off, no matter if they can get in or not!


I was told that it was in case people slipped over on the ice and sued the school.

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Only an inch or so here. My assistant manager said where he lives (about 15 miles away) theres about five so hopefully it will shift that way. Although with the snow, and with it being the town's market day (even if its not open, most people will avoid) I'd imagine the store will take about £5 today. Whoop whoop!


You work at Game right?!


Snowed for about 10 mins, then it sleeted and then it rained a little. Hull is lame.


God damn it in Newcastle it was nice and thick snow. I concur Hull is lame.

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9pm according to the Beeb. I will be standing on a very tall building, staring over the city as the wind whips up my dark cloak, heralding the impending doom which I will have to defeat before East Enders comes on.


Its because, I'm guessing, you Belgians are used to the snow and have methods to cope with it.


2 inches of snow basically shuts down this country :heh:


Yes, it's frankly embarrassing. Every time we get so much as a snowflake the authorities feel compelled to hire balding loonatics to break into people's homes and start screaming about "Not inhaling the ash."

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Yes, it's frankly embarrassing. Every time we get so much as a snowflake the authorities feel compelled to hire balding loonatics to break into people's homes and start screaming about "Not inhaling the ash."


This reminds me of headlines that newspapers have every autumn after the first snow. "Drivers surprised by the snow, pile up on(insert road here)" etc. Those pile ups only happen in the southern Finland though. They get surprised by the snow every single year.

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I knew it was going to snow when I went to sleep, but I still woke up and was annoyed. I feel like a...mean person. I WAS ANNOYED THAT IT HAD SNOWED. I didn't go play in it neither. I think I'm getting old, and cold too, I'm too old and too cold to play in snow.

I was annoyed as well because it screwed up all the trains and I wouldn't be able to go to uni, which I actually really wanted to do because I WANTED TO GO TO UNI AND GET WORK DONE. I fear I have turned into an big old geek.


However, what somebody needs to make(and this'd make me play in the snow) is like some waterproof gloves, which at the same time still serve the function of keeping your hands warm. That'd help to stop regular gloves from just getting sodden then freezing through to your hands, they just delay the inevitable. I hope it doesn't snow tomorrow either, because my parents are flying home and I'd kind of like them to get here without any hassles.

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I took these this morning, but its been coming down in sheets since, and its about 6-7 inches deep at the moment. No prize if you guess where I am.






I'm glad I didn't go to uni today (yes, I'm a Wolvo uni student.) I just saw the snow this morning, thought sod this and went back to bed. A good idea as well tbh, as I was up till 2am to order Volume 3 of the Ctrl Alt Del book in Limited Edition hardcover (yes, I'm sad :heh:)


And here's what it's like in my area (well, my back garden)...



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Here are some pics my uncle took from the sky while flying around with his motorised parachute thingie. These are from the 7th I think, a day after it snowed, so actually quite a bit of it melted already (before it snowed again today, but it's all gone now).


These are all from around here where I live. Last one shows part of our street, with the house in the middle (with the blue empty pool) being our house. =3









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