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Chicken or Ham?


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I understand vegetarians. But I don't understand vegans. I can see why you wouldn't eat meat or wear leather. But why wouldn't you eat any dairy products?


Assuming you don't eat dairy products.


Well, I always thought that way too. Then I read into the practices of how cows are kept so we can have milk. As I said i'm definatley not here to force anyones views on it but a little research will show you why. It's just a life choice really.

Sorry to the topic started, didn't mean to ruin your thread. Although gotta say didn't think i'd be the only one

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Says who? That's cool if thats your opinion. As I say I don't even usually tell anyone because people seem to get on the defensive (btw, im not saying you are). Some people just get mad with you or something over it like I HAVE to eat meat or ill die...well I haven't touched it for years and im still alive. ;)

Science. YOu have teethe designed to rip meat apart. granted you can live fine as a vegaterian/vegan if you choose to, but its no natural in the scientic sence of the word.

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Our body had evolved to eat both meat and plants - our teeth, for example, are shaped to cut through meat, and our body requires consumption of meat for a "balanced diet".


There are millions of vegetarians and vegans in the world. No one NEEDS meat, we choose to eat it. As I said ive been like this for years and my health has not taken a knock because of it.

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Cows, and the like, survive much better than they would if humans didn't eat them.


Cows survive better because we eat them? I'm gonna stop now. Im not here to force my views on people. If you eat meat you will do it regardless of what I say here or whether I try and start putting facts on you. It's an individual choice I have my reasons for doing it that i'm sure are different than a lot of other peoples.

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Ham is just... horrible. However, I wouldn't eat those "chicken" slices, it needs to be roasted - slowly.


And quit hassling the Vegan guy. Its not like he's come in here going "LOLOL WAT DA FUK, DEY R NICE ANIMALS N WE SHUNT EAT DEM LOLOLOL1!!!!1!1U MEAT EATERS WILL BURN IN HELLLL LOLO!" He answered and put forward his opinion...

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Ham is just... horrible. However, I wouldn't eat those "chicken" slices, it needs to be roasted - slowly.


And quit hassling the Vegan guy. Its not like he's come in here going "LOLOL WAT DA FUK, DEY R NICE ANIMALS N WE SHUNT EAT DEM LOLOLOL1!!!!1!1U MEAT EATERS WILL BURN IN HELLLL LOLO!" He answered and put forward his opinion...


Actually I was gonna say that :)

Thanks BlackFox.

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We need a poll! This thread has nothing on my Noodles or Rice sensation. Oh, and chicken.


That thread was so fixed. The damn rice was winning by like..a million. And then, outta nowhere, a thousand votes got added to the noodles. A fix If I ever saw one. :(


Chicken wins, by a country mile. Never eaten ham, and probably never will. Chicken sandwiches are my favouritest sandwiches in the history of the Universe. :)

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Cows survive better because we eat them? I'm gonna stop now. Im not here to force my views on people. If you eat meat you will do it regardless of what I say here or whether I try and start putting facts on you. It's an individual choice I have my reasons for doing it that i'm sure are different than a lot of other peoples.


I think he means that if we didn't farm and breed cows then they would be left to survive on their own and their numbers would be drastically reduced.


Oh and don't stop. It's a good debate. Nobody thinks that you're imposing you're views on them. Its a discussion about food.

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