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Manhunt 2


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I do see what you're saying. But, nowadays, the industry seems to be striving towards realism, and you'll not only find the usual realistic graphics, sound and physics, but games are now addressing real-life issues. Killer7, for example, includes themes of terrorism, rape, abuse, mental instability, and the ongoing theme of violence.


We've been subject to themes like this in film for many years, but slowly over the years we're finding more "disturbing" games. Games which are trying to act like "interactive movies." But, these games ain't for everyone, and just like their film counterparts, they're aimed at a specific audience. Fans of Fight Club may love Killer7, for example, as they actually share a few similarities. The multiple personas/mental instability being one of them.


It depends where you stand with the whole "playing violent games makes you a violent person" argument. Personally, I've played a few violent games down the years, some I have liked, many that I have disliked, and on the whole I have formed my own opinion on them. Thing is, now many people won't be able to form their own opinion on Manhunt 2, as the game has been banned. From the off, I think it was obvious that this game isn't aimed at children, or young teenagers. It's definitely an adult game, and if that wasn't obvious, then the BBFC should have made it obvious by giving it a mature rating or something. Banning it completely is just lowering the gamer's choice, the same gamer who might enjoy violent films, books with dark storylines, etc.


And that's my problem with the banning. It's that I don't get a say in it. There's no choice for me but to accept that some people decided people shouldn't play it.


I plan on buying the first Manhunt on PS2 in the next week or so, and I'm going to see how violent that is to get some idea of the game.

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Ok lets put things in perspective here - at 17 I was trained in the use of firearms whilst serving the Army - their sole purpose? to kill the enemy. Now 20 years on (yup I'm 37) I cant buy a video game because it may disturb me?


Does anybody else think thats fucking retarded?

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Wait a minute. I just uncovered a shiny gold nugget...


At the moment, Manhunt 2 is banned in the UK. In the USA it looks likely that the US rating system (whatever they're called) are going to give it an AO rating, the highest rating they can give and would mean that major retailers cannot sell it.


However, Nintendo have a policy that they will not support games that have an AO rating in the US, and it is very unlikely that Sony would support a game with an AO rating either.


Therefore, Take Two have only two options. Either not release Manhunt 2 or make modifications to it, and, although I'm not an expert on this, I can't see them spend all this time and money on making a game they're not going to release, so it looks like they are forced to take the latter option.


This means that there will likely to be an edited version of Manhunt 2, so the BBFC might reconsider it. Granted, they would be reconsidering would be a heavily modified version, but still...



But that's just a theory. Don't quote me on it.


Sorry if this has already been mentioned. I couldn't be arsed looking through the whole thread.

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Wait a minute. I just uncovered a shiny gold nugget...


At the moment, Manhunt 2 is banned in the UK. In the USA it looks likely that the US rating system (whatever they're called) are going to give it an AO rating, the highest rating they can give and would mean that major retailers cannot sell it.


However, Nintendo have a policy that they will not support games that have an AO rating in the US, and it is very unlikely that Sony would support a game with an AO rating either.


Therefore, Take Two have only two options. Either not release Manhunt 2 or make modifications to it, and, although I'm not an expert on this, I can't see them spend all this time and money on making a game they're not going to release, so it looks like they are forced to take the latter option.


This means that there will likely to be an edited version of Manhunt 2, so the BBFC might reconsider it. Granted, they would be reconsidering would be a heavily modified version, but still...



But that's just a theory. Don't quote me on it.


Sorry if this has already been mentioned. I couldn't be arsed looking through the whole thread.


Yup that certainly seems plausible - I hope not though.

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Gears of War seemed to get away with cutting people in half with a chainsaw, then covering the screen in blood.


Ah, but that's because CliffyB would do that to the ESPA or BBFC people if they tried to censor it...:indeed:


On a more serious note, I have a feeling some people may have missed a key idea: they must have only banned it because there is a serious problem with it's content.

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they must have only banned it because there is a serious problem with it's content.

Exactly. They haven't banned a game for 10 years, this is hardly something they take lightly. And remember, they've played the game, none of us have.

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I dont know. But when watching a movie YOU ARE NOT DOING THE ACTUAL KILLING YOURSELF.


Neither are you on Manhunt 2. You are using what looks like a TV remote to kill a bunch of polygons.


While I see the idea that games are more interactive look at it another way; games are more asbtract and make you more aware you are playing a game. Be it loading screens, pausing, having to press buttons. Films emerge you. A good film when in the right environment (ie cinema) will submerge you. The large darkened room will make sure you think of nothing else but the film.


And the film makes it look like actual people are dying. They're real. They have hair that moves, clothes that get grubby and paletable tears. Hell, several films have tried to make it seem like they killed the actors (well the actors dissapeared) such as 'Snuff'.

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Exactly. They haven't banned a game for 10 years, this is hardly something they take lightly. And remember, they've played the game, none of us have.


I agree with that. I mean who the hell said gears of war in all fairness:)

How can you say gears of war has the same amount of violence as mahunt(even the original)

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So you guys in Britain supposedly have no chance of getting this game as your censors have said they will not look at another version of teh game. However our(Ireland) board have said that if there was to be another version introduced that is less brutal etc then they will look at the game again and may permit its sale here.


;481069]But yeah as Flink said' date=' he is under an NDA at present.[/quote']


will he be able to post the preview/review after the NDA period if the game gets banned? I really want to find out what has caused the ban. Did he play through the whole game?


I'm sure you will agree that, while adults should have a certain amount of freedom and choice, a line has to be drawn somewhere in regard to content in entertainment media. Where would you draw it? Rape? Torture? Child abuse? Racism? Are these acceptable?



No I personnally dont agree that any line has to be drawn. I beleive in a game they should be allowed to do anything they want, no matter how interactive it is and how graphically it is depicted.



EDIT: I really like this automerge doublepost feature! All sites should have it!!

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Looks like America won't be getting this game too because of the AO rating...


GameSpot has confirmed with Nintendo and Sony that one of those options--accept the ESRB's judgment and release the game with the AO rating--isn't an option at all. Both companies forbid licensed third-party publishers from releasing games rated AO for Adults Only on their various hardware platforms. The sole exception to this rule was in 2005, when the already released Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was retroactively rated AO, at which point retailers pulled it from shelves and Take-Two suspended production of the game.


"It's currently our policy not to allow the playback of AO-rated content on our systems," a Sony spokesperson told GameSpot.


Nintendo's official line was much the same. "Games made for Nintendo systems enjoy a broad variety of styles, genres and ratings," a representative told GameSpot. "These are some of the reasons our Wii and Nintendo DS systems appeal to such a broad range of people. But as with books, television and movies, different content is meant for different audiences. That's why the ESRB provides ratings to help consumers understand the content of a game before they purchase it. As stated on Nintendo.com, Nintendo does not allow any AO-rated content on its systems."


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will he be able to post the preview/review after the NDA period if the game gets banned? I really want to find out what has caused the ban. Did he play through the whole game?


I presume so. Hes writing/has written it. He has contacted Rockstar to see if he can post it earlier, all things considering but not heard anything.


Dont want to say too much, don't want to get Wildo in trouble.

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