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Losing a friend fucking hurts..


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Sorry for the title, but im just so angry now.


I've never had any one close to me die, and today it happend, unexpected as well.


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I just cant believe he died like this. He was really popular in my town, a close friend of mine for more than 5 years, and its gone in an instant.


Just came in that the driver drove into a fucking tree. Going too fucking fast hun.


Please lock if there is no room for discussion.

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Guest Stefkov

Damn thats bad news. I thought this was the story of the 3 white guys taking a ab driver out and beating him to death. But there's even more news of people dying.

Sorry to hear this happen to you.

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Sorry to hear this man :( I haven't lost a friend but at college someone close to some of my friends was killed in a tragic accident, it really affects everyone and hits home hard. I saw the effect on other people and we just think we're immune sometimes, that these things won't happen to us. Sadly its rare to get through life without such an experience, and your friend was way too young to go. I hope you pull through - and if you believe in a better place, maybe you'll meet up again one day. Regarding locking this: of course not - stays as far as I'm concerned.


Commiserations again to you and your mates, and your friend's family.

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Luckily, I don't know the feeling myself, but I know what it's like (if thats make sence), I know a thing like that is terrible. The only death I've had to put up with since I was "old enough to understand" was a cat, which was upsetting.


But from that, I know that denial is a bad idea (from the sounds of, you've acknowledged it, which is "good").


Also, I was part of an anti-bully (and general support) group in school, and I learnt a lot when a kid from the school was involved in an accident (car was going speed limit, skidded on a turning that was very icy - the police should of closed it after a previous accident - and hit a bunch of cylcists, the kid being one of them).




The only piece of advice I can give you is this:


No matter how angry you are at the driver, do not blame her for anything, It may make you feel better, but just don't say anything to her about that it's "her fault" (even if it is her fault). She will feel a lot worse than you about the tragic death, and she'll have the traumatic memory of the car crash on top of that. Do not make her feel worse.



Comic relief. Nothing is better than a bit of humour at these times.


While you are right about that, you're going about it the wrong way. Talking to him (in person) about great and funny memories is whats good - joking about what happened is not.

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