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I feel betrayed (sorry for my swearing) - Update-thing.


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Yes, the trust level is just as shattered.





I think he was being sarcastic.


There is a strong proverb which i like which springs to ming when readying the first post.


'It is better to have loved and lost, than to have ever loved at all'


God bless man:kiss:


It's 'It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all'

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lol, Moogle beat me to pointing out the serious flaw in the quote! I'd say there is some truth to it though, it's not like the last 3 years you've been with her have been a waste because of this one moment. That isn't me saying to get back with her, it's just me saying to appreciate the happiness you did have with her. I feel like I'm sticking the knife in here, but I don't mean to. I say get over it, move on, and just remember the memory, but try not to wish for things to go back to how they were, because I don't think they could ever truly go back to that now.



It's better to have loved a lion, than to never have loved at all.

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I've only just read this too FLiNk, I'm so sorry to hear about it. :(


I can't even begin to imagine how bad you feel. I don't know you personally, and (I've been told that) I'm not that good on advice - but I'm here for you if you ever need me. :)


Reading her texts might have been wrong, though things could have turned out worse if you hadn't have found this out as soon as you did. Plus being cheated on is a hell of a lot worse than reading someone's messages.


Though that said, if you seriously love each other still, then it could work out. Although I can understand this situation must be horrible. I say just see how it goes and don't do anything rash.


I know anything I say isn't likely to help, but just give yourself some time to think things through, so you can be sure your final choice is the right one.

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I have to say I'm on both sides of this argument.


Obviously she cheated and that's a huge thing, soemthing that can't be forgotten BUT, like scubahood said, if she really loves you, this whole thing may well make it so she never strays again, and for that it may be worth thinking about.


It won't be easy, but it might make you happy in the long run. Don't be too rash either way.


Yeah, Scubahood's post really did help me a lot. He also sent me a PM and I said there how his post made me feel.


Anyway, she's back here now. She's moved most of her stuff into the spare bedroom, and so we've kinda got some space to think there.


I talked to her again, and just tried to figure out why she did it. After a bit more digging and a lot more question asking from me, she revealed to me that she wanted to originally sit me down and say to me that she didn't think she was good enough for me, before this whole thing happened. She said that for the last few months, she's felt shit about the person that she is and how she wants to change but just can't.


I asked her again why did she have to do what she did, and it all pretty much stems back to this complex of hers that she has about being fancied and liked for who she is. She's been let down by people in the past, so that's also had something to do with it.


I showed her some of the letters she wrote to me a long time ago, a bit of emotional blackmail, but I wanted/had to know if she still felt the way about me like she felt then. Had she gone off me/did she truely love me, etc? She said she still loved me and was truely ashamed of what she did.


We're talking a lot more now. This doesn't mean we will or won't get back together, but its confirmed in my mind that she still loves me and wants to be with me. Where we go from there, I don't know.

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Just want to add something else that helped me during my first heartbreak back when I was 18 surprisingly its public enemy number one at the moment and that is rap music.


At the time 50 Cent had just come out with his first album and one of my mates has been ranting an raving about it but I refused to listen anywho at the time I was into my rock music was listening to Lovehatetragedy by papa roach which is a great album but also very depressing. Anyway whilst I was listening to that my Dad came in and said why don't you listen to something a bit less despressing so I decided to pop in my mates 50 Cent CD that he had left at mine to my surprise I got the type of music to let out my agression much like in the rock music the anger was there but there was then the party music there which made a whole new side to me which still sticks today.


Before the rap music I was a complete shy guy now I am extremely outgoing have a very wide friend base from all sorts of backgrounds

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I just found out what happen. I have very little experience with girl friends, so I can't really help you with your problem. I do have something I want to say to you. Some day you will find a girl that truly loves you, but until that day comes, their are people on these forums that love you, and Im one of them.


Please excuse any bad grammar. It is currently 4:00 AM, and I am very tired.

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Yeah, Scubahood's post really did help me a lot. He also sent me a PM and I said there how his post made me feel.


Anyway, she's back here now. She's moved most of her stuff into the spare bedroom, and so we've kinda got some space to think there.


I talked to her again, and just tried to figure out why she did it. After a bit more digging and a lot more question asking from me, she revealed to me that she wanted to originally sit me down and say to me that she didn't think she was good enough for me, before this whole thing happened. She said that for the last few months, she's felt shit about the person that she is and how she wants to change but just can't.


I asked her again why did she have to do what she did, and it all pretty much stems back to this complex of hers that she has about being fancied and liked for who she is. She's been let down by people in the past, so that's also had something to do with it.


I showed her some of the letters she wrote to me a long time ago, a bit of emotional blackmail, but I wanted/had to know if she still felt the way about me like she felt then. Had she gone off me/did she truely love me, etc? She said she still loved me and was truely ashamed of what she did.


We're talking a lot more now. This doesn't mean we will or won't get back together, but its confirmed in my mind that she still loves me and wants to be with me. Where we go from there, I don't know.


Well it's nice to know you two are talking. That must have taken a lot of guts to talk to someone who you feel betrayed by. I'm pretty proud of you mate :D

Always here if you need someone to talk to aswell.

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While I can't say I know exactly how you feel (Since I'm one of the loner people who doesn't get partners) I can say atleast that it is bloody messed up that she cheated on you. Drink or no drink, it's no excuse, if you love someone so much you wouldn't do anything to hurt them. I know I certainly wouldn't.


Personally I'd replace her with video games myself. :)

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I assume you're living in rented accomodation right? When does your lease end? I imagine the whole living together thing doesn't help things much at all, but it's far from ruined your life.


Yeah, it's rented.


She's the first girl I've ever lived with, and its been going really well up until now. We've been talking for a while about our future after Uni and marriage was pretty much a certainty. I'm not the type that'll go having sex with 3 or 4 girls a night, I'm definitely a 1-woman person. I need a rock.


I'm just ranting now.


Anyway, probably against my better judgement, I added that Chris guy to msn and waited and waited for him to come online so I could talk to him.


I signed in and saw he was online. I just had to talk to him, I had to find out why he did what he did. I was so angry at the mention of his name and really thought I'd do something stupid.


Here's our convo, sorry for the length of it.

(what does dis key unlaaack? = Me. It's a quote from Conan the Destroyer, sorry about the confusion.

Moggsy is him.)



What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

we need to talk


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

sorry about that, my router disconnected.


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

we need to talk


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

dunno if you got that message just there, my router disconnected


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha says:

no i neva


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

just said we need to talk


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i take it you know who this is?


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

should i know


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:



What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

its jim


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i dont really know why i added you, i just felt like i had to tell you how i felt, and i felt

that we needed to talk


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

jim . . . . i know a few


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

have to go into slight more detail


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

first off, you're not in a position to be arsey with me. You've ruined my life


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

you know damn well who this is


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

o ur tha jim


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

yes i'm that jim


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

can you at least try and realise what you've done


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i dont care how long you've known becky, but i've spent the last 3 or so years of my

life with her, and i've never felt happier, and now everything has gone to shit


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

hey dnt blame this all on me, ok.


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i didnt say i was


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:



What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i know it takes 2 to tangle


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:



What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i've spoken to becky about it a lot and just trying to get my head around why she did it


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

why did you do it?


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

at any point, did you realise that you were like messing with ours lives?


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

well she wasnt happy u know tha. i had just cum out of a relationship its one of those incidences that happens in everyday life count urself lucky it wasnt worse


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

is that supposed to make me feel better? i dont know you that well, for all i know you're a decent guy. Why didnt you tell her to talk to me and solve our problems that way?


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

if u ask her i did


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

i told her to speak to u


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

im not a guy tha goes out of his way to break up relationships


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

what did you say exactly? then what did she say to you?

all i know is, you've also had sex with lo/laura, and her relationship with her girlfriend was in a lot worse position than ours was, yet they get to continue theirs and ours has gone to shit, can you understand how that makes me feel?


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

i sed all bou this ages ago, me n noz only see each other wen we cum bk to newport. i know shes bin sorta unhappy 4 awhile


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

n loz was a totally different thign altogether


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i know she's been unhappy, and you have absolutely no idea how hard i've been trying to sort our problems out. She's got friends who she talks to for advice and help as such, and i think you're one of them. You both didnt have to do what you did, what did that solve?


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:



MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

dude i dnt mean to b cheeky, but iv got 2 assignemnts 2 b dun by tuesday mrnin n if i dnt do em i fail my course


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

so atm im tryin 2 search a lot of info


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

so excuse me if i fail to talk 4 a bit


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

jus im studying


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

yeah, well i'm sorry to be cheeky, but i've got work to do as well, its my birthday tuesday, and now my whole future has fucked up


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

did becky tell you we were getting married after uni?


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

did she tell you we were living together?


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

did she tell you how she hates people calling her nozza?


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

she onli 2day told me n u 2 were living together, i know she h8s being called noz


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

didnt knwo bou the marridge thing


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

well now you know. I said earlier its been 3 years almost since we started going out, and we've been talking about our future a lot for a long long time


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

just a question


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

have you ever been cheated on before?


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

and have you ever loved a person for as long or as much as i have loved becky?


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

u have no idea wha iv bin through


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

iv bin engaged n seen on my birthday my fiance shaggin my best m8 in my bed


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i'm sorry you had to go through that


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i think we're in the sorta same position there


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

sorry, i hate this router


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

it hasnt been easy for me this christmas either, there's been horrible family stuff going on, and my brother went missing


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

i did hear


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i aint gonna lie to you, but before the other day when i found out about you two, i thought i'd never see my brother again


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

when he came back, it felt almost like a miracle


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

it feels like i've lost becky in much worse way


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

and that scares me to shit because i love her so much


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

if u love her then instead of speakin 2 me spk 2 her


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i've spoken to her, a lot, i've never seen anyone cry or look so broken as much as her


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i just needed to talk to you too


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

can i be honest?


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

before i started talking to you, i really wanted to just keep hitting you over and over


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

lol cheers


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

did you feel the same way about your friend when he did the same?


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

i actuallyt bashed ova the head with a chair


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

heh, i wanted to do that to you as well


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

do you think you're a good guy?


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

i have the lowest self esteem and the worst persona of myself


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

as much as i want to really hurt you for what you've done, you dont seem like such a terrible person


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

thanx u aint so bad urself


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

do you feel any remorse or regret for what happened?


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

now i sorta do bcz of what u sed bou the marridge thing


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

bcz if u wanna b with sum1 for the rest of ur life n av it all go 2 put in front of u, i cn relate to it n see where ur cumin frm


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

becky's got low self esteem too and she has mentioned in the past that she doesnt think she's good enough for me or something.


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i love her more than i could love anybody, its like she's the other part of me, i think you know what i mean


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i dont feel like i've just lost becky, but like lost myself as well in a way.


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

well u both live together so think of it uv got more of an advantage than i eva did


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

so utilise it


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

when you were together in meze and stuff, did she ever mention or talk about me?


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

dunno i was quite pissed


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:



What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i hate this internet connection


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

sorry to drag it up, but when you found out about your fiance, were you feeling the

same sorta stuff as i am?


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

dunno twas long ago now


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

did you ever forgive her or your mate?


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

neva 4gave my m8 he wen out with after tha 4 2 weeks, which ment him n her ruined a 2 year relationship 4 a 2 week fling. now shes goin out with like 30 year old men, n shes also studyin in swansea institute so i bump in2 her every so often which aint helpful


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

but now i try 2 4get bou her, n its alri. but every so often lil things remind me of her


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

espeicially considerin she liked my fav band too, n she was my first prober sexual relationship


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

yeah, becky was the first girl i ever had a sexual relationship as well


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i had another relationship before that, but that didnt end too well and i got a bit depressed


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

she was like my lifeline in so many ways


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

problem iv neva felt tha right in another relationship since


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

because of what she did or because you liked her so much?


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

like dher


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i dont know what i'm going to do about us


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i honestly love her, but then there's the whole trust thing


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

but then, i'm scared about the same thing that happened to you, like not liking anybody else as much as you did about her


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i'm going to throw out this bastard router


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

but then ur always being paranoid which eventually ends in disaster which is my last relationship which ended at xmas


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

its neva a winnin thign wen it cums 2 relationships


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

if you were in my position, what would you do??


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

tbg i dnt know


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:



MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

thas 4 u 2 decide not me


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i just dont know what to do. Everyone keeps telling me to make a decision and do something, but i honestly dont know what to do


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

hehe im wireless thank god


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

dnt make a decision until u feel ri bou it


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

think of the guinneis advert


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:



What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

did you talk it over with your fiance before it ended?


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

did she still love you?


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:



What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

was that the reply to the love question?


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:



What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

if she had said she did love you, would you have given it another go?


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:



MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

bcz i was hapiest bloke eva


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

sorry about the internet (again)


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i talked to becky a hell of a lot yesterday


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i shouted, i didnt feel proud about it


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i dont like being this angry person, i try to be as understanding as i can


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

she said she still loves me


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

hmmm ders onli one problem eva with tha answer! do u believe her


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

is she onli sayin it so tha u dnt go nutz n upset n do sumthin stupid


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

she sorta lied a bit before saying that


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

she first said she didnt love me


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

and tha it would be easier for me to get over her that way


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

love aint everythin . . i love my cat 4 christ sake lol


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

trouble is, i knew that was a lie straight away, cos she's remembering what my old

girlfriend did and said (which is exactly that)


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i showed her some letters she wrote to me, a long long time ago, from when we first started going out til about a year or so ago (i think)


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i saw through that immediately, and she said it was a lie and that she really did love me


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

well b4 u do anything jus make sure u make the right decision


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i dunno what the right decision is tho


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

well all i'll say is to ask her


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

see wha she thinks is the next action 2 take


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

she keeps trying to make out that i'll find someone better than her, but when i ask her if she still wants to be with me she says yes


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

this is so hard


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

thas 4 u 2 decide, n besides arent i like the worst person to b havin this convo with, i meana afer whats happened i not gunna give u any bad luck or info in anything


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

as uv probs realised im quite blunt n say my mind so with things like this im not gunna lie n b like theirs light at the end of tunnel, i'll spk my mind


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

before i spoke to you, i said i really hated you


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

this has really helped me a lot, you have no idea


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i just needed to find out why you both did what you did and like if you knew what you were doing


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

av u cum 2 any conclusion


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

nope, i'm still confused to hell. But i dont hate you or her anymore


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

its really tearing me apart tho, just not being able to touch or hug her, its really killing me


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

sz sorting out flatmates


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

n grabbin my guitar tuner


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:



MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

well not much more advice i cn give u other than give her space n talk 2 her in reason


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

us dnt hassle her or ur make it worse than it is


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

havent really hassled her, quite surprised really


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

she's got this court case thingy to do for monday so she's doing that, taking her mind

off it i guess


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i dont think there's much more i can say either


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i'm just glad i talked to you, there was like a million things i wanted to say


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i just wanted to see if you knew the pain i was going through right now


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

no prob


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

sorry to hear about what happened with your fiance and stuff


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

tha was awhile ago now so doesnt trouble glad to share the experience


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

i still cant forgive you both just yet tho


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:

was there any like specific reason why you did it anyway?


MoGgSy ™ im back muhahahha - dam essays pissing me off says:

hang on a tad iv sumhow lost an amp


What does dis key unlaaaack? says:




Then he didn't come back.

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It sounds stupid, but she's still the person I love. I really do love her, but its the whole trust issue. How can you trust someone who does this?


Right I know this advice might seem weird but it came from Alan Robsons Night Owls program on metro radio.


"You may love her, but she obvisouly doesn't love you. And you have to realise that if you didn't confront her about it, She would still have lied to you. And you gotta realise theres more fish in the sea"


Hope that helps

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I still can't forgive you..... Sounds just like Lloyd.


Anyway at least you sort of made peace with your enemy. And he really gave you some good advice. And I'll have to agree with him. No one can tell you the answer to the situation, its up to you to follow what you believe is the right path. Go with what your heart says, not your head, it thinks too logically to be able to forgive.

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Flinky you held back very well whilst talking with that guy and to be honest he sounded like a right idiot.


The txt speak hurts my eyes O_O.


You may feel better having talked to him but I wouldnt be too over friendly with him and personally wouldnt have told him a lot of the stuff you did.

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