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Dan, I've actually come to the realisation that I agree with you on most things. Well, except for your god awful taste in music :heh:...


I'm listening to Joy Division. Your petty jibes glance off my armour of genius like rain off a....bit of metal

Swat : Basicaly the worst film I have paid money to see even SLJ couldnt save it, it was god awful I was temtped to ask for my money back.


I found it hilarious. I know it's not really a comedy, but I have a hobby of inflicting bad action movies on myself for shits and giggles with some mates. ,

I found it hilarious. I know it's not really a comedy, but I have a hobby of inflicting bad action movies on myself for shits and giggles with some mates. ,


I'm all for the so bad its good genre, but Swat even failled at that because it wasnt bad enough to fall in that genre imo, thus infact making it worse.


I agree, he went totally downhill after Beverly Hills Cop.


I don't generally hate films, I usually steer well clear of the obviously crap ones, I guess the worst films I've had the displeasure of watching are Catwoman and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang *pukes*.


it really is: Did you not see how good some of the latino henchmen were? how amazingly obvious the 'twist' was? ohh it's great! the utter shitness of the stereotypes! The crass buddy banter! the feeble emotional sub plots!


how can you not love it!?

action films? wat about indy or mission impossible, even james bond?


Indy never seen, MI is bland James Bond is okay when not much thinking is eneded (hehe its 0.07 right now). But yeah action films; guns, violence, and general stupidity. Yawn. Same reason I can't really get into 24.


Transformers the movie: The reason I hate this is they killed off the original characters to make new ones for the sole purpose of selling new toys.


I hate all of the James Bond movies. They all seem the same to me. James kills the bad guys, saves the world, then he bangs a hot chick.


He gets more a$$ then a toilet seat.


I am shocked and appalled at some of these choices, Star Wars and True Romance. :nono: I thought True Romance was quite a beautiful and romantic film beneath all the slaughter and pimp beatings, but that might might just be saying something about my idea of romance.


I don't really hate many films, to be honest the worse the film is the more I'm likely to enjoy it. However there are a couple which manage to raise my hackles through ridiculous American patriotism. The main offender of this is U571, the whole film is just "woo yeah, America is great, we single handedly won the war, the rest of the world sucks" while taking a big long piss all over actual history.


Also, any completely unnecessary remakes of already good films. It's well known most remakes never surpass the original so just don't bother.


Shrek and Shrek 2 (and Shrek the 3rd even though I've yet to see it). And just about any Dreamworks Animation Studios film. Generally rushed and seriously un-entertaining. Using the 'talent' of an A-list star doesn't mean you get good quality voice acting.


Lost in Translation, I cannot find words for how f**** crap this movie is, I've never EVER hated a movie as much as I hate Lost in Translation. Its the most boring piece of s*** EVER!


Theres basically no English nor Norweigan word that describes this movie's shittyness.


I hate chick flicks, so fucking much.

They have a generic bollocks story line, where only 2 things ever fucking happen.


A, Retarded feel good ending




How is it humanely possibly to hate The Terminator? :(


It was just so lame... so utterly lame. Terminator 2 is the only good Terminator.

Napoleon Dynamite is so random, that makes it totally awesome.


Movies I hate......High School Musical.

'nuff said.


Thats what I was gonna say. Saw it for the first time last week and its so cringe-worthy> Very sad.


The Spiderman movies, Troy, the Italian Job remake, the Willy Wonka remake, Love actually, the Pirates of the Carribean movies and anything directed by Jerry Bruckheimer.

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