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annoying words or phrases!

mcj metroid

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I really hate it when people use of instead of have.


e.g. "He must of done it."




Yeah, thats one I would have posted if I could think of it. Very annoying.

To Moria: in our school apostraphies are always put in the wrong place. I probably get them wrong sometimes by mistake, but some people just cant use them correctly.

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I hate it when people use apostrophes in the wrong place.


Also, when someone says what sounds like "offve" instead of just "off".


"He took it offve me"


Its almost like they're saying off twice, but it should only be there once!


I think it's supposed to be "off of"


e.g. "He took it off of me."

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..sorry to ressurect the thread.. but just a couple of more that are in my head right now that annoy the hello outta me..


"Beee- atch" ..aye.. whatever you want, piss off..


"Emo" ..aye.. you don't even know what it means, piss off.. people use that word to describe everything nowadays.. friggin hell..


rant over..


..for now..


oh aye.. and "blog" ..good one.. not..


"online community" ..clear off, bebo, myspace, facebook.. whatever else.. get outta my site.. ggrrrr!

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You guys really ought to come to northern ireland, I think your heads would be completely gone listening to the way we speak.




I notice you have some Coldplay playing at this moment, according to your last.fm.


Do ye have a microphone? If so...can we finally hear an Irish person singing the Scientist?

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Go to a Hiphop or Grime gig and everyone is waving their hands and shouting "brrap, brrap, brrap" or "boooooh" as a term of endearment. Quite bizarre, but entertaining.


I don't think there are any phrases I find really annoying, but on a larger scale I really hate the Essex accent. I fact the just general estuary english annoys the hell out of me.


Heh, I find the whole Brrrrap thing amusing and very cliché....Its origins come from early Drum and bass MCing


Went to a hardcore night with live MC's last year and spent half of the night pissing myself with laughter everytime I heard it.....that and the people who danced like spastic orangutans.

The laughing gas may have made it funnier though.

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my friends from broughshane always says


"Only jessin" instead of "only joking" - now that gets on my nerves....

as well as "scary biscuits" - when shes being sarcastic - argh... that annoys me too


apparently that is the way people from broughshane ( tiny village in northern ireland) talk....


know it well xD


"Easy biscuits" also being an annoying variety of that.

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