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Saddam Hussein - Executed


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i deserved everything he got the sick bastard....he killed 5000 people by gassing them...at least a quarter of them were children under the age of 7, (qoute from bbc news including pictures of people lying dead after they had been gassed)


There is one thing i am very angry about though...why didn;t they choose a more painful death for him. he got away lightly, the news says people heard the crack of his neck when he dropped. He dided instantly...more than i can say for the children he killed.


good riddance to bad, unwanted and evil rubbish.

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To be honest, i don't see the point in making him suffer. What difference is it going to make if he suffers for a few seconds, or dies instanly. Hes dead in the end whatever.


Making him suffer isnt going to bring any of the people he killed back alive.

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If some of you guys were a few years older, your opinions would change.


Its great that the guy is dead, they should have let him get stoned by the public though. What a sack of filth!:)


Does anyone else want to field this one? My head hurts from banging it against the wall.

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That hanging video sucks anwyay, you can't even see him drop the camera keps moving about.


well excuse them for not having quinton tarentino direct the movie, im sure it would have been much better and goary!

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My life experience taught me that civilized countries don't tend to have a justice system based on an emotional outlet for revenge and that stoning by lynch mob is usually the favoured activity of nutballs like the Taliban (Unless they're appearing in Rambo III, when they're heroic all-american freedom fighters)

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My life experience taught me that civilized countries don't tend to have a justice system based on an emotional outlet for revenge and that stoning by lynch mob is usually the favoured activity of nutballs like the Taliban (Unless they're appearing in Rambo III, when they're heroic all-american freedom fighters)


Hahaha don't forget that America did fund the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden in that period. as at the time Afghanistan was occupied by Soviet Troops.

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Hahaha don't forget that America did fund the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden in that period. as at the time Afghanistan was occupied by Soviet Troops.


I know, it's just funny to look back and see them portrayed as the heroic good guys, fighting alongside a true patriot hero for justice and freedom against the evil commies. Especially seeing as Sly supposedly said in 2001 that he wanted the plot of Rambo 4 to be him going over there to kill Bin Laden.

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This has gotten only half the attention of Steve Irwins death, dozens of mock ups claiming to be the real thing, no where online is the actual footage and it most likely will never be featured online, at least not for a while.


Gameranking obviously has hosted the mobile phone video yet then.

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Shit. Seriously guys, I searched out a few beheading videos. Not really a good idea TBH, I thought/knew I could handle it but the second one I saw was 100% awful, horrifying. Not a method of beheading I was aware of.


Sick. Totally sick, I really didnt need to see it. I 100% recommend NOT watching any carp like I just saw. If you ever get the oppurtunity or get tempted - dont. It aint good.


If anyone wants to know why I was so horrified PM me, just dont go watching any.

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Shit. Seriously guys, I searched out a few beheading videos. Not really a good idea TBH, I thought/knew I could handle it but the second one I saw was 100% awful, horrifying. Not a method of beheading I was aware of.


Sick. Totally sick, I really didnt need to see it. I 100% recommend NOT watching any carp like I just saw. If you ever get the oppurtunity or get tempted - dont. It aint good.


If anyone wants to know why I was so horrified PM me, just dont go watching any.


Can you PM me the links?

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Shit. Seriously guys, I searched out a few beheading videos. Not really a good idea TBH, I thought/knew I could handle it but the second one I saw was 100% awful, horrifying. Not a method of beheading I was aware of.


Sick. Totally sick, I really didnt need to see it. I 100% recommend NOT watching any carp like I just saw. If you ever get the oppurtunity or get tempted - dont. It aint good.


If anyone wants to know why I was so horrified PM me, just dont go watching any.



i saw one during the war against saddam and it sickened me. a US marien was killed and it scared me for life!


now do you know why it was important to have these people removed from power (taliband, alqaida, baathist/saddam folowers) ? they are pschotipathic basterds!

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Shit. Seriously guys, I searched out a few beheading videos. Not really a good idea TBH, I thought/knew I could handle it but the second one I saw was 100% awful, horrifying. Not a method of beheading I was aware of.


Sick. Totally sick, I really didnt need to see it. I 100% recommend NOT watching any carp like I just saw. If you ever get the oppurtunity or get tempted - dont. It aint good.


If anyone wants to know why I was so horrified PM me, just dont go watching any.


Have to agree with ReZourceman here. This is definitely not going to be easy on your stomach. I PMed him for the links, and this stuff just makes you feel mentally ill. I mean, how could one person do such a thing to another? Horrible, horrible stuff.

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In spoiler box for people not wanting to read this [NO LINKS PROVIDED FOR OBVIOUS REASONS]:


[spoiler=] I've seen a few beheading videos, in particular those of Eugene Armstrong and Jack Hensley. The Kenneth Bigley one I haven't seen as it seems to have been removed from the site that was originally hosting it. If anyones has a link to it, you can PM if you like, merely for comparison purposes, I certainly don't get enjoyment out of seeing people die though. These beheadings sparked a craze of inhumane acts against innocent people inspired by Abu_Musab_al-Zarqawi, they suddenly ceased upon his death, at least ones being applied to westerners. Its not something that gave me sleepless nights but I didn't enjoy watching these people being tortured to the fullest extent literally having their heads cut off like a piece of wood using a blade. What would be most disturbing to the people that view these videos is that they are entirely conscious when the acts take place. Their heads are pulled back muzzling their mouth with the hand of one of the members of the group and they just cut through the neck and make sure they feel it hacking into it at a very fast pace. As they scream in pain, blood oozes rapidly like a fountain of water but whats most unpleasing is that it gets to a point where their heads are literally hanging on by a tiny bit of flesh and they're still alive. 30 solid seconds of the most horrific pain you could ever experience. Eugene Armstrongs beheading has been deemed as the most disturbing by the public, but you don't really get to see the pain on his face like you do with Jack Hensleys as his face is coated with blood entirely and is simply placed on the lower half of his body. Hensleys head on the other hand, you see parts of his face move as if hes still alive and you really get to see the horrific pain of the beheading with the expression on his face as the guy holds Jacks head in his hand with taunting Arabic victory like music playing in the background...


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