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Saddam Hussein - Executed


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Yeah, I agree with you.


I don't think there was any rush to do this. They could have at least backed off on executing him for a few more weeks.

I still think they did this to coincide with the Hajj.


But the law stated after the appeal they would have to carry out the execution within a certain timescale...think it was 48 hours or so.

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My point was that you seem to be justifying totalitarianism in the context of the violence that came after it.

I'm not condoning the absurd 'War on Terror' bullshit, far from it. Saddam was nothing more than a vicious minded tyrant who murdered hundreds of his own people. The way he was deposed was far from ideal, granted, but it doesn't change the fact that he deserved to go.


The justification for that regime was that it held the country together, the violence that came after it did not justify it, what justified it was that the violence did not come during it. Yes he gassed sections of the Kurdish population, which is not right, but I feel the price that will ultimately be paid in the lives of far many more Iraqi dead will greatly outweigh that.


Plus, as has been pointed out already in this topic, a large portion of the Iraqi population idolised him and backed him all the way. No 'dictatorship' exists without a sizeable percentage of the people in that country supporting it or it is quickly over thrown from within.


frankly, your argument is starting to sound like sensationalist teenie politics, Zechs. there's far more to it than 'ZOMG! OIL!'


I don't think pointing out that oil, and effectively western greed and materialism, was the driving force behind that war is teenie politics. I would argue the teenie politics is espoused by those who are screaming 'OMG the witch is dead, I believe he was the most evil man in the wold, yay he's gone'.


I'm quite positive that over the next few days there will be propaganda pictures of Iraqis celebrating, all of which will not show the size and scope of any celebration, because any celebrations will be minor and/or staged.


I believe that had Saddam by some miracle actually survived that war and driven out the 'invaders' there would have been much greater celebrations in the streets of Baghdad...

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If people idolised Saddam, it was down to the fact that he controlled the media in Iraq. Just look at North Korea for an example. Everybody in the world recognises that Kim Jon is a fucking nutcase, but the very people who's country he is destroying idolise him. Why? because of indoctrination and propaganda. You simply cannot use public 'support' as a means of examining a man like Saddam.

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If people idolised Saddam, it was down to the fact that he controlled the media in Iraq. Just look at North Korea for an example. Everybody in the world recognises that Kim Jon is a fucking nutcase, but the very people who's country he is destroying idolise him. Why? because of indoctrination and propaganda. You simply cannot use public 'support' as a means of examining a man like Saddam.


Well, I suppose, especially as that would be most easily applied to George Bush, he's probably the most hated man on the planet, especially in places like the Middle East - but around half of all Americans will vote for him next time around lol.


I'm not so sure of your media control theories though in places like the Middle East, as frankly TVs etc are not as common, and the media doesn't have the vice like grip on society as it does in the West.


Plus like I said earlier, look to the example of the Soviet Union, that had the most controlled society in the world, yet that fell. As have many other regimes, maybe the fact that regimes like the Taliban and Iraq under the Ba'ath party weren't quite as unpopular as our media lead us to believe.

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Now the real question is who will ol' USA go for next.


I mean, if this wasn't just about oil and they really did want to knock big bad Saddam out of power does that make them defender of the world?

In that case shouldn't the US troups be moving elsewhere?


I mean Saddam wasn't the only mass murdering leader in power right now, there are alot of bad people out there. So will america move on and liberate the world until everybody is eating hotdogs from street vendors and praising christ? And once he's finished cleansing the world from evil will he execute himself for all the lives he's taken?


And more importantly should america be allowed to march into random countries, mostly against the wishes of the european union and announce "Invasion!" under completely false pretenses.

Just to get some murderer. Seems very noble.

With the amount of murderers and violent crimes in the US you'd think they'd concentrate there first. Thats probably the next step after taking down North Korea.


Just wait for the next one, history is repeating itself. The gulf of tonkin has been reiterated with the WMD search.

Next time it'll be a proper Vietnam disaster.



And yeah, I'll be getting popcorn in for the Saddam video. It'll be like a medieval day out with the family...except with more popcorn.

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Now the real question is who will ol' USA go for next.


I mean, if this wasn't just about oil and they really did want to knock big bad Saddam out of power does that make them defender of the world?

In that case shouldn't the US troups be moving elsewhere?


I mean Saddam wasn't the only mass murdering leader in power right now, there are alot of bad people out there. So will america move on and liberate the world until everybody is eating hotdogs from street vendors and praising christ? And once he's finished cleansing the world from evil will he execute himself for all the lives he's taken?


And more importantly should america be allowed to march into random countries, mostly against the wishes of the european union and announce "Invasion!" under completely false pretenses.

Just to get some murderer. Seems very noble.

With the amount of murderers and violent crimes in the US you'd think they'd concentrate there first. Thats probably the next step after taking down North Korea.


Just wait for the next one, history is repeating itself. The gulf of tonkin has been reiterated with the WMD search.

Next time it'll be a proper Vietnam disaster.



And yeah, I'll be getting popcorn in for the Saddam video. It'll be like a medieval day out with the family...except with more popcorn.


Excellent post! Place your bets here... my money's on Iran, under the pretence of their nuclear tests and for the actual reason of oil.


North Korea is a difficult call to make, and China is a no way.

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Imo. the bastard got what he desvered if not less than what he deserved. But I think it should have taken place years earlier, this guy has been killing so many people and creating paranoia and fear for so many people that it was about time they found and killed him.


Now lets celebrate and play some Wii! (^^,)

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Thing is though, is that Iran is under the control of a batshit loony nutball bastard who probably would nuke Israel given the chance.


not that I'd support an invasion, really. Unless Tehran really goes mental and threatens to use nukes.


Iran is also home to a genuinely progressive, secular left wing. It's only a matter of time before they gain enough support to eliminate the raving mad mullahs and such.

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Yeah, I agree with you.


I don't think there was any rush to do this. They could have at least backed off on executing him for a few more weeks.

I still think they did this to coincide with the Hajj.


thus making it a double eid for people like me.


and iraq is not even near on being in civil war, the problems are only in 3 out of 18 provinses so i wouldnt say its as bad as the media proclaims it to be. its only Baghdad, Anbar, Salahideen and Diyahla. the only reason the problems exists there is because sunnis are there, much like cancer, damages whats around it because of refusal to handel the truth.

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I guess Iraq is much like the old Germany. The public had nothing to turn to other than hitler because they were too scared to go against him. Saddam Hussein is no different. Now that he is dead, people may feel justice has been done because he deserved it. But he will still have 'followers' using terrorism against the country and they will plan more attacks elsewhere.


However, the West has mostly put this sort of thing behind them and they control the economy, whereas the middle-east is still stuck with our past ways.

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All the Sadam footage here:


May i just say dont watch if you get easly scared etc, its horrible.



lol thats classic. :grin:


I guess Iraq is much like the old Germany. The public had nothing to turn to other than hitler because they were too scared to go against him. Saddam Hussein is no different. Now that he is dead, people may feel justice has been done because he deserved it. But he will still have 'followers' using terrorism against the country and they will plan more attacks elsewhere.


However, the West has mostly put this sort of thing behind them and they control the economy whereas the middle-east is still stuck with our past ways.


The thing is though in 1991 loads of people went against him. 300,000 people are still missing in Iraq. He drained some marshalnds that had been inhabited for 5000 years by settlers forcing ttem to Iran. People went against him but he beat them down bad. We are so lucky to live in Europe this shit is all to common all over the world.

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He was a piece of shit, plain and simple. You should avoid sanitising his regime in light of what has happened since.


That is actually quite incorrect, as there are clearly some shades of grey in Saddam's reign. He was clearly insane fuckhead, but he was also solely responsible forthe fact that 90 percent of Iraqians can read. During early 70's he established new school network, granted free hospitalization to everyone, and gave subsidies to farmers. Iraq did have one of world's most modernized public-health systems, and in fact, Saddam even got prize from UNESCO for his humanitarian work.


In addition of these improvements, Saddam was also responsible for Iraq's shift from agriculture to heavy industry. He also improved woman's rights and basically said big "fuck you" to islam extremists. In fact, before Gulf War, Iraq was both richest and most progressive country in the area. There is good reason why many Iraqians do idolize him.

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