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Where would you live.....


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I'm quite happy with Manchester, England.


I can't see why anyone would want to move to Japan? It's a wierd little place, full of little people. I would like to travel to some places (Australia, NZ, some Pacific islands, other places) for extended periods of time.. but England suits me just fine.

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I'm quite happy with Manchester, England.


I can't see why anyone would want to move to Japan? It's a wierd little place, full of little people. I would like to travel to some places (Australia, NZ, some Pacific islands, other places) for extended periods of time.. but England suits me just fine.


Looks like it's going to be pretty packed in the future, from all the people moving over there. :heh:

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Looks like it's going to be pretty packed in the future, from all the people moving over there. :heh:


Well, scientists predict that the natural decrease in the population (due to the high price of living (another reason not to move there?)) will leave the little eastern Asian islands with a significantly reduced population. I should think the infulx of Waps would counterbalance this trend.


On other news: Why does drink make the everage forum user use italics more? And who named Italics, Italics? The bastard/ess.

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somewhere topical.I love the heat but can't stand the cold


In that case I recommend Iraq :heh:


When I was in primary school I was asked this question and I said an environmentally friendly treehouse in the forests of Madagascar. I'm not sure I want that now though. For one thing I couldn't survive anywhere south of France, I really really can't stand heat. So probably my ideal place now would be somewhere in Scandinavia.

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I have had a longtime fascination with Seattle , or anywhere in the Pac NW and would love to be able to move over there.


Also , I have always been drawn to is Canada (the scenery , the people , general lifestyle) and ideally living in a big city there would also be ideal , namely Toronto or Vancouver (especially as the latter falls under the Pac NW anyway). Immigration into Canada seems almost impossible though unless you have family connections or a worthwhile trade/career.


As for this country , if I really have to stay here , I would love to get back to SE London. Yes , its a dump but it was home for all my life and I seriously regret ever leaving the place , although living in MK is far better than the 5 years I spent living in Yarmouth (sorry , but that place is a real shitpit).

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I dont really like hot places so wouldnt want to live in spain or somewhere like that. Im more a city person and would hate to be somewhere quiet. I love living in London and think the only other place I would like to live at the moment would be New York as it was amazing when I was out there in March. Maybe not Manhattan but just outside but not too far outside if that makes sense.


When im old I guess that will all change and im sure a nice seaside or country retreat will be what I want. Maybe Canada, It's nice there :)

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I haven't a freaking clue what any of that is! :/

Basically he's saying some foreigners can think that they can get off with Japanese women due to the fact that they are foreigners and all the cafes in Tokyo with women dressed up as maids that serve you.


For the record, this isn't why I want to go to Japan... I just have a general obsession with the place.

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I just want a relaxing place with clear blue waters and white sands, an indian island somewhere, but with Nintendo.


City wise i ADORE NY, such a big place feels much smaller when the people are good natured. Being a Currys salesman, i talk to around 150 people different people every day from my area and oh my god, i might aswell just go live in fucking Baghdad.


Seriously i hate Britain, full of incompetant fucks...

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