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Intel "Little Falls 2" Motherboard with intergrated Intel Atom 330 (1.6ghz Dual Core)






My server died... 10 years. Great, great thing. It shall be missed.

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Wow, that reminds me. I wanted to go camping this summer. At least now I know where to buy bright and conspicuous tents.

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Finally decided to get this, didn't want to pay full price for it and I saw it reduced today...




Was in Curry's (damn that place has gone downhill) and it was priced at £14.67 or something, but the price mysteriously plummeted to £9.97 when it got to the till, needless to say I kept quiet :heh: anyway they did keep me waiting there for a good few mins at the till so ::shrug: anyway yeah, bargain... just got to find time to play it now... >>'

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I was very surprised at trade-ins in GameStation. I got my money back for Too Human (I got it from the Game next door last week) and I got £17.80 for Prince of Persia, meaning that I spent 19p to play through the whole game.


So I got:



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Bah, I've been wanting to watch that for years but never found it/forgot about it (Shame me). I will get it though, I did downlaod it though, but it's not the same as havingi t on DVD.


Past week or so, bought:


x1 Flight to Sydney (730 quid)

x1 Australian travel Visa (£20)

x1 360 Arcade Bundle w/ Lego Indiana Jones/Kung fu Panda (£29.99...traded my Wii in, got £100 for it)..not gonna touch Panda, Indiana is fucking awesoe though

x1 Spider-man Web of Shadows (£24.99)

Diary of the Dead (£7)

Eye Test Tomorrow (£15)

and Glasses to go with that test..god knows how much that's gonna cost...not looking forward to the price of those >>


and as I type this just purchased [oRec] I love it (£4.99)

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and Glasses to go with that test..god knows how much that's gonna cost...not looking forward to the price of those >>


Yeah glasses are such a rip off now that they have become a "fashion item". All the budget own-make glasses I find to be utter shit. I have to wear mine every day and they get beaten about a fair bit. So I end up paying 300 and upwards for my glasses :(


Which reminds me I could do with a checkup!

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Exactly, not looking forward to the price tag, I am going to Specsavers..so hopefully that'll knock something off, I know in the past we've had to pay 300 quid or so for 2 pairs, and I know my eyes are fucked, ah well at least i'll get some shiny new specs

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Exactly, not looking forward to the price tag, I am going to Specsavers..so hopefully that'll knock something off, I know in the past we've had to pay 300 quid or so for 2 pairs, and I know my eyes are fucked, ah well at least i'll get some shiny new specs


Eeep. New glasses are win though! :D couldn't come at a worse time of the year always broke in january :heh:


I suppose for that price tag you get thinning on yours as well? Its a must for me, I'm a +3.5 and +3.


@android: is that kanji de manga worth a buy?

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