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Everything posted by Will

  1. Without a doubt go for the tux, people that go to balls etc. in normal suits always look like plonkers.
  2. Just finished watching the debate, I think it's pretty safe to say Gordon should start packing up his belongings ready for a house move. I'm really not sure which way to go with my vote, as expected I thought Cameron came over much better in this final economic debate than he had done previously. I think I'm going to have to look into the policies of Lib Dems and Conservatives a bit more before I make my mind up once and for all.
  3. I'm very surprised they're bothering with this, after the recent success of 'hardcore' Wii titles it seems like a very strange move. It's going to have to drastically change if they want to make us a success. Like a few others I too assumed this was an aprils fool.
  4. Bertolli is definitely the best spread, I hate it when I have to use anything different. Busy day for me, have been in meetings with our US equivalents all day and soon we're going out for dinner/drinks with them. Same again tomorrow. All going well so far and they seem like pretty decent guys. I think some good opportunities will come out of this so I'm happy.
  5. I actually thought Dubai was alright last year, certainly not as bad as the other recent additions to the calendar. Obviously they're not the very best races to go to but there are other reasons behind picking them, Dubai as I now know people out there who I can stay with and Korea as I wanted a holiday there anyway and thought why not align it with the GP? I don't like to talk about the Spa race, I was invited to go with the Lotus Club as a drive across Europe + GP extended weekend, unfortunately the car isn't going to be up to it.
  6. How is there another weekend of no F1 coming up? I am not happy about this! I thought for sure it was time for some F1. Anyone planning on going to any of the races this year? I've been looking into it and should be going to the final race in Dubai so long as I can get a ticket for the race. Also hoping to do Korea if the track is sorted out in time.
  7. My Hayfever is horrendous at the moment, I hate the fact that alcohol makes it worse. I must must must remember to pick something up for it tomorrow.
  8. Blimey I didn't realise you could still get sidekicks. I seem to remember that despite them being rather nasty it was an absolute necessity to get one with every drink when we were younger.
  9. This is currently my number one most anticipated game for the year, looks so so good. Loving the decent long running campaign they are starting to run with, could do very very well for them if they keep up the quality.
  10. As far as I'm aware I'm the only one left on these boards at SEGA and I still have my job. So a good start to the day. I feel really sorry for everyone that has lost their jobs but I totally understand why it needs to happen - hopefully after this we won't need to make any more cuts. Been out tonight in Soho for a friend of a friends birthday tonight, met a really nice girl who I am definitely going to ask out if I can work myself up to doing it - not done it in a long time and I feel like a young boy about it, totally ridiculous but also very very nice at the same time.
  11. Thought it was much more even tonight, nothing really between any of them to massively effect things. I'm still leaning towards Lib Dem but I'll have to see how Cameron does next week.
  12. You'll easily be able to see it all in a day, it's grown over the years but a day will still be plenty of time.
  13. Very rarely do I take a day off work, never pulled a sickie since I've been working full time. In my current job I've had 1 week off in total, and that was only because I could barely move and even if I could it was very dangerous to be too far from the toilet... I think it depends on the job you do, I love mine so don't really see the need to have random days off, for those that simply do the job for money I can imagine it's very tempting to skive.
  14. I'm a little more tempted to go this year, think I'll see if work have any spare passes for it though.
  15. They were both a little dodgy imo. Not 100% sure why they weren't called up on it. Just glad Alonso didn't have to sit behind Massa again, could have been another race stuck behind if he hadn't of made the move then.
  16. Unless they've significantly reduced the charges since I got mine I really don't think the insurance is worth it.
  17. Mostly the don't work. A couple of the apps can do it but will only show your details if both users have signed up to the app. Nothing to worry about really.
  18. I'm not really into football at all but I do enjoy the world cup. I adopted South Korea as my nation back when they hosted the thing - hopefully they can have a decent tournament. Still trying to find out where the Koreans go in London to watch the games, hoping to join them at some point for some jokes.
  19. I don't even know why allowing the ex-bf to stay has even been considered to be honest. Regardless of how things stand now it's just not something you should be doing if you have a new bf - especially if they don't know each other. Just make him stay with one of your other friends. Pancake - that's a pretty mental reaction, sounds like you're better off without him.
  20. I totally agree, but the chances that this is the final finished version of the phone are fairly slim. I may be totally wrong but I'm going to go with the option of the side edge being solid by release.
  21. I would have thought that this far out it won't a final version. I really can't see Apple launching it with random gaps in the sides.
  22. Me too, I can't wait for this one to come out. I bet there's loads of people in this situation waiting for the new one to come out.
  23. Will

    Doctor Who

    I actually think Matt Smith is pretty good, he needs to develop the character more to his own style a bit but so far I think he's doing a pretty good job all in all. My only real problem with this series so far is that they've made The Doctor seem a bit incompetent, it's meant to be him saving the day rather than the assistant. So far she's been doing far more to sort things out than he has.
  24. I really hope you're right, right now though it looks like he's totally lost it. He needs to improve big time if he's going to be in with a shout of beating Rosberg. Another great race, Hamilton and Alonso once again proving they're the best racers out there. Hopefully we will have many more wet races this season.
  25. The best device iPhone OS4 will be available on and it's not a selling point? I really don't know what people expect Apple to do sometimes. Looks nice, good to have a front facing camera, I'll certainly be buying one once they come out - my current iPhone is almost dead.
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