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Everything posted by Will

  1. Had a good time today, felt pretty crappy this morning after far too much alcohol last night - not good when you're with your boss! Just got back from the cinema, saw kick ass. Great film, I want to see it again. Now time for some food and Doctor Who before an early night so I can rise up for the Grand Prix tomorrow.
  2. Oooh I really hope so, I'd love the series to have a proper finish to it.
  3. I wish this could have another series, I really enjoyed it. I want a Terminator like her to look after me...
  4. This is exactly what I did today, thank god for bonus! I'm just sad it all goes in one minute. At least it's one less debt done with. Now to enjoy myself!
  5. I know most people will have seen this but I still can't quite believe it happened:
  6. In the same situation as an exam? Just you at a desk with your pen?
  7. I've never understood exams at all to be honest. Is there ever a situation in real life where you have 3 hours and only what's in your brain to do something? I actually quite hope there is, but I really doubt it.
  8. I've heard very similar. At the end of the day they know students can't pay for things like that so they don't see it as missed revenue. It's more an investment in the future when these people are forced to legally buy very expensive software for business use. Personally I don't see piracy as a big problem, in the vast majority of cases things that are pirated wouldn't have been bought anyway so you can't chalk that up as a loss. It IS stealing though, maybe not in exact terms but you're still taking something that doesn't belong to you. The best comparison I can think of is it being like sneaking into a theme park and using all the rides/facilities without paying.
  9. This is so true, I think back in the day I wouldn't have been anywhere near smart enough to go to uni, as it is I fucked around for 4 years doing anything but work and still came out with a degree. From an academic education point of view it was a total waste of time. Anyway, why the hell shouldn't graduates be unemployed? There seems to be a view that a degree is a free ticket to an instantly great job, the fact is you still need to be better than every other applicant. Something that the current system just doesn't allow on a consistent level.
  10. I think he should be back in the sport asap. Don't get me wrong, I don't like the guy, but he's another of the characters that the sport could do with having around.
  11. I think if your eligible to vote then you should watch at least one of them over the next few weeks. It will give you a better idea on the parties view points than just reading up on them.
  12. I've never even come close to filling the 8gb on my iPhone, I do tend to manage my music and podcasts quite a bit though. My personal favourite apps are: Tweetie Facebook foursquare Stocks Flight Control Epicurious IMDB Angry Birds Orange Wednesdays
  13. I'd say Clegg came off best by far. Gordon is totally screwed. Currently my vote is sitting with Lib Dems, I think they have a pretty good chance right now.
  14. Pancake, the trouble is the sensible front covers up a massively racist organization. I saw that clip too and from just that you would say they had a decent idea, look into it a bit more though and you'll see they're pretty nasty people.
  15. I'll post mine up when I get home, I need to sort them out anyway. Don't think it will be quite the huge list of Welsh Gamer's though.
  16. I could possibly accommodate, but there would be a VERY strict approval process.
  17. I'm 100% definitely coming, nothing booked though as I live just down the road.
  18. Yes, basically. From a personal point of view I would always go with the flat rate of tax. Looking at the bigger picture I just don't see it as a tenable position for anyone. As a voter I'd go for the people who broadly give a large tax free allowance, a wide standard rate of tax and a big tax on very very high earners. As far as I can see that is the fairest way of doing it.
  19. On the income thing the fact of the matter is that over a certain amount of money there is absolutely no need for it to be able to cover your basic human needs. I do in general agree with a flat tax rate for all, but the fact of the matter is once you're earning above a certain level there's no arguable reason not to tax it at a higher rate.
  20. I could actually see the lib dems doing very well this time round, there's so much hatred towards the other two they may well pick up a lot of votes. As a long time Conservative voter this could well be the first time I change my vote - currently I'm totally undecided as to who to vote for.
  21. I do agree with you, but at the end of the day for most people it's not just a financial consideration. You still have to be able to generate more money and have the lifestyle you're used to. I think the argument of people will move away if you tax them too much is one of the worst thought out things ever. Did the country empty back in the days when the top rate was something like 80%?
  22. I believe a young persons Oyster card caps at about £4.50 - not entirely sure, but it's about that. I'd be very surprised if theres a situation where you can buy a paper ticket and have it cost less than using Oyster for the same thing.
  23. At the end of the day the government have to make their money somewhere. Ideally I'd totally agree with a flat rate of tax for all but I just don't think it's financially viable, if it is then it should be brought in asap. As for the moving away from the country thing - it's just not going to happen. Sure some people where it's viable for them may do, but the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of people will be staying put. As for the F1 driver thing, in reality they are traveling so much their nominated home doesn't make much difference, of course you would say you live somewhere with a low tax rate in that situation. In reality I doubt it makes much difference to them being here or anywhere else and would happen regardless of actual tax rates. Basically it's a balancing act, everyone wants a 0% income tax but the money has to come from somewhere. Everyone should vote, even if it's just by spoiling their ballot paper and dropping it in the box. It's one of the few times we have a chance to make a big change and a high turnout really does make a difference.
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