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Everything posted by Will

  1. Will definitely be buying one on day one. I'm in desperate need of an upgrade and the camera stuff alone makes is great for me. It's good enough that I can get rid of both my digital camera and my flip. Hoping the pricing isn't too bad for us here.
  2. Did they though? Without just placing another question in it's place I mean...
  3. The thing with Lost is they didn't answer anything. I'd be happy if all the random little threads could be linked together, rather than outright answered. But it doesn't seem like the writers could even manage that.
  4. Looking at the rumours we could be in for a pretty good set of things this year. I'm going to be giving apple a lot of my hard earned this year! Hope those colours are true, I'm totally bored of black phones now. Had thought of getting white with the new one but now I'm tempted to go crazy and have a blue one!
  5. Just ring them up I think, i thought they only did it for out of contract phones though?
  6. Yes, you only have to buy out the contract if you want to end it and start a new one to get a subsidized phone. To get it without one you'll just be buying the phone outright for probably what the 3GS costs at the moment and changing the sim card in it.
  7. Yeah just cut it down, by all accounts it seems to be very easy from people doing it for the iPad. It's certainly what I'll do if it does use a micro sim.
  8. Got to be worth selling it before the new one is out if you want top dollar. I hope there are some decent contracts for the new one. As it stands I think I'll be buying one outright and sticking my rolling contract sim card in there. So much better than any of the contract iPhone deals.
  9. Will

    Doctor Who

    Ah ok, hopefully they all will be, I'm not sure it's the kind of thing I'd actually want to pay money for.
  10. Will

    Doctor Who

    I actually really liked this weeks episode, it's not often something ends on a bad note and i thought it was handled pretty well. I quite liked rory but for the sake of the story i really hope he doesn't come back. The games could be ok, free to play aren't they? No reason not to give them a try in that case.
  11. It was a pretty good race, would have been nice if the rain had come down a bit harder though. I think webber is definitely gaining the upper hand in the title race now, I could see him winning a good few more races by the end of the season, that red bull is just far too good.
  12. It's very good, a lot like the first couple of c&c games on the pc. It's a little scaled back and don't think they've got the controls quite right but for the £7 or whatever it is i paid for it I'm pretty happy. Not played through much of it but it's easy enough to get into that I think I'll eventually play through the whole thing.
  13. I think that complete collection will be a purchase for me. Looks cool and it's something I'll definitely watch through again.
  14. My current list of favourites: Things Worms F1 timing app Epicurious Red alert Geometry wars Harbour master iWork Gaurdian eye witness Wikipanion Imdb May be more, I'll post them up if I've missed any.
  15. I can understand that view, at it's core it IS just a big iPhone. With extended use though you soon see that the extra screen space multiplies it's practical use by way more than you would expect. Apps are far more akin to something you'd find on a desktop than a phone, it really is a joy to use. My iPhone never got much use outside of commuting due to just not being very good once in the home, the iPad on the other hand has been with me constantly since I bought it and I'm using it for something or other pretty much all e time. It's a shame people can't borrow one for a weekend or something, i really think it's a device that needs time for people to really grasp just how special it is.
  16. Depending on how this turns out i think it could be a very interesting device. The only ing that would hold me back from buying one is that fact the ps3 is s damn good for media use. This would have to be very special to take it's place.
  17. Apple generally only support the latest 2 versions of OSX, keeps people on the upgrade ladder.
  18. Definitely do BSG is a great show with a good ending, even if it is pretty obvious. I'd thoroughly recommend it. Has flash forward got any better from the start of the series? I haven't watched it since the little break it had but I feel the need for something new now Lost is over.
  19. That's a bit of a bugger. Guess you need to upgrade your OS with a Leopard purchase in that case.
  20. Having just watched it for the 2nd time I actually think it was a pretty good end to it, albeit with a few glaring nonsensical bits that just don't seem to tie in with the overall theory behind it. It was a good end to the show from a character development point of view, everything ending nicely and rounding up the journey we've seen them take over the last six years. I would have liked to of seen some of the earlier series wrap up better, as it is I think a bit too much of the earlier stuff has just been left with no explanation or without being wrapped up properly at the time. Overall though I think they tied up the main story well, my only problem was, and i may be remembering wrong here, but didn't they pretty much totally forget about the smoke monster for a few series and then all of a sudden he's actually the main bad guy. It always seemed at the start he was more of a weird curiosity. Anyway, I'm happy with the ending and leaving so much open will probably turn out to be a good thing in the long term.
  21. There will most certainly be some evening drinking times, there's a good few of us keen on the idea I think. I almost had to miss this due to one of my mates stag weekends but looks like that now been changed, good times.
  22. Yes, everything you've already bought can be put straight onto the iPad. To be honest though unless it has native iPad support it really isn't worth it - the iPhone apps are horrible on it. Some developers have chosen to make the apps separate, Angry Birds for example you have to buy again to get the iPad version which is a bit crappy. There's a lot of good stuff on there already. The difference between the iPad and the iPhone is massive in terms of app usability.
  23. My Tesco order has been despatched. I will definitely use them again. Can't wait to give this a good play - hopefully I'll get a chance at some point over the weekend.
  24. App store is now live in the UK, some apps still being held back for the actual product launch but it makes it a bit easier to spend silly sums of money on things for it. Still agree with what I said above, this is possibly my all time favourite gadget.
  25. Been using mine pretty much nonstop since yesterday now and I have to say I am very very impressed with this thing. Apps, games, browsing and video are all most excellent. For home usage this will easily replace my laptop. I absolutely love it. Looking forward to next week when the app store will be fully available here (I know i could get a us account but with only a week to wait I'd rather keep everything under one account). I think anyone with doubts should really give one a go, they are very very impressive in the flesh. All of the doubters at work have pretty much been instantly converted.
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