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Everything posted by Will

  1. Oh great times - I'm £56 better off!
  2. My iPhone 4 is out for delivery! I really hope they're not lying to me. Fingers crossed then, I'll keep my eye out for the UPS man.
  3. I'm going to swap when the white one comes out... Haha, it made me smile so i guess it's ok, one day I will know the love of driving again!
  4. Great! Pre-ordered and added to my tracker.
  5. Can't see any issues with it myself, something had to be done and I can't see it effecting me too badly.
  6. My iPhone 4 is prepared for shipment, my micro sim is set up and working - roll on Thursday!
  7. Looks awesome, definite day one purchase for me - do we have much of an idea on when its out?
  8. Exactly, it's something that's very rarely enforced. In your situation importing is exactly what you should be doing - 3G is 100% fine on imports and warranty work is also confirmed as being fine.
  9. I did Business Studies and worked at Panasonic for my year out, going to Oz sounds like a wicked idea - can I come with you?
  10. Without doubt do a year in industry, either here or abroad. It will be the single most (only?) useful thing you do while there to help you get a decent job afterwards. I'm sure your uni will have some sort of advice office to help you sort things out, speak to them to get a general idea of what to do with regards to the abroad thing. Other than that just check out websites of companies you like or industries your interested in and check the job listings. Many will list placement opportunities that you can just apply for. If they don't then write to them anyway, some cheap work from a good person is a great thing for any company to have so you should at least spark some interest from them. At least you've started early, I didn't really get going with my hunt till after Christmas of my second year. Looking back that was a big mistake - though it worked out OK in the end.
  11. They've had a long time to get things like this working. If it's true that it doesn't work sitting down then I'd imagine it's a pretty major issue that they can't sort out. I'm pretty certain natal will just do what eye toy did. Great initial take up but after that is anyone really going to care? I just don't see anyone being that interested outside of the initial novelty.
  12. They've always been fine with me for stuff like that. I don't think you'd be able to reserve it if it wasn't there and available for you. I'd take Mr Odwins advice and give them a call before you make the trip.
  13. Brilliant! This will be a must have for me, love pilot wings so much.
  14. Overall it's pretty disappointing to be honest. They're trying to pull in casual gamers and then they release a new console that looks like a miniaturised gaming pc from 1997. I'll buy one as i want to try natal properly at home and my current 360 is broken, but it will definitely be hidden behind a cupboard.
  15. Either way it's the same end result isn't it?
  16. I've ordered the black for the time being. Depending on what networks are offering I may cancel with Apple and go with someone else. I may also just buy a white one later if I can't sort that out. Glad it's sorted though, and whatever happens I will have one for my trip in two weeks. Oh, does anyone know how the hell I can change my simplicity tarrif. I've been trying the website and calling them all day - I don't seem to have the correct number at all.
  17. Is this for any particular reason though? I'm now not sure what to do, I really want one at launch but I also really want a white one.
  18. Why aren't the white ones available? Are they going to be set on a certain network deal? The guy opposite me has just ordered and his delivery date is already into July. Looks like it might be a case of queueing on release day.
  19. I honestly can't tell if all of this stuff is for real or fake, everything about it is horrendous.
  20. So far my list is something as follows: Trip so San Fran Get my car back Weekend driving trip to Paris Mates wedding Plan trip to Korea Plan trip to Dubai Go on some dates Hmm, that's more than I thought already. Hopefully I can at least get some of it done.
  21. Isn't this exactly what Ashley posted a little while back? As for what that guy says, o2 will definitley be offering preorders on the 15th. This whole thing to me seems insane, this is an iPhone, not the second coming of Christ, they're going to be very easy to get hold of no matter what exactly it is you want from your contract.
  22. Well registering interest on the o2 they say they will be sending out microsims at some point between now and the phone coming out. So I assume they have no issues in people transferring onto a microsim. At the end of the day given a choice between picking up £20 a month on a sim only contract or nothing because the user has gone to another network they'd be mad not to.
  23. Just get them to send you a micro-sim then? Don't see that this is an issue at all.
  24. The Internet thing doesn't bother me too much, since the day i bought my 3G I've used 1.1gb of data - stupidly low! The minutes and texts are more my issue, you get practically nothing with any of the iPhone deals. I really hope the outright cost of the phone isn't too ridiculous. To be totally honest I can't see it being any different to previous releases.
  25. I don't see any reason that they would change it now. I expect we will see pretty much exactly the same deals as we have done for the past few years.
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