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Everything posted by Will

  1. It's been good for me so far, though I am in London. I'd definitely recommend it, it's got quite a lot of fun stuff on there so even if you don't meet anyone it won't be a total waste.
  2. It's not really about picking perfect matches or being part of a couple though. It's being able to do things you can't with people you already know. Dating new people is just good fun. The only thing the online part does is help you pick out who to do it with, and gets you access to way more people than you usually would have.
  3. I think a bit of online dating is perfectly fine. I'd still feel a bit weird telling parents and family thats how you met someone but friends (ie. people my age) don't see anything wrong with it at all now. It's much better than meeting drunk girls in bars.
  4. This for me too I hope, my flatmate gets a mega discount thanks to working for Disney so he better take me! Off to San Francisco again in a few weeks time and then Dubai in November. Hoping to do Korea in October but I'm not sure that one is going to work out now.
  5. Agreed, it's fantastic. I bought all the extras for it - a very fun app.
  6. Embarrasingly I quite enjoy a few of their songs, only a few mind.
  7. I analyse the European video games market. It's good fun and pays quite well. I may be moving into the US market at some point which would be pretty cool. My favourites job was working in Game, I'd quite like to work in a shop again.
  8. I think thats the best one of those I've ever seen. Amazing.
  9. I just can't help wanting it though! It doesn't help that I have Lego Harry potter on 360 and would quite like to play it! I'll need a 360 at some point though, perhaps I'll wait unti pl i can get a natal bundle.
  10. Just been checking a few dates as i was worried I might have a clash, turns out July is longer than i thought and I am definitely free to come. I'm sure you're all thrilled to hear such news.
  11. Last night I had my second date with the girl who the first went well with, and it was another great success. I'll definitely be seeing her again. Not sure what to do today, I might go and buy one of the new xboxes but I'm not sure if i really want one. Maybe I'll just buy a game?
  12. My battery is completely fine, I don't run it down to 0 very often but it's easily lasting 48 hours on a charge.
  13. Probably the best call! Was just going by my own experience of it being free when they did my old 206 a few years back. Has to be done sooner rather than later which if you're paying a fair bit yourself is a massive pain!
  14. What did the Jumper Pak do? I don't remember it at all.
  15. Your windscreen replacement should be free on your insurance, I'd be surprised if it wasn't. Been hard at it with work today, seems to be endless. Two bits of very good news though: 1. Car should be back with me by the end of next week 2. Girl from the date earlier in the week is seeing me again on Saturday Off out for a few beers with one of my best uni mates tonight, all in all a great day. Very happy!
  16. Will


    I love London, don't think I'd want to live anywhere else in the uk, just not enough going on elsewhere.
  17. That's pretty much exactly what's happened. They have the chassis + any bits that can't really be transferred brand new from the factory, now they're dismantling my car before putting it back together on the new chassis. Then there will be a few repairs to the bodywork and I'm good to go! 100 hour job for them apparently. On the American cars going on for ages, a big part of it is their climate is much kinder to cars so helps in their longevity.
  18. Both of those events look good, I'm getting pissed off at how much I've missed by not having my car for 4 months. As soon as it's back I'm going to go to as many car based things as possible.
  19. I'm on Virgin as internet is far more important to me than TV or phone, having 3 heavy internet users in the house it's essential for that to be top notch - which Virgin is. I pay just over £50 a month for the XL TV/Phone/Internet package, don't have any extras on top of that.
  20. I don't think I've ever got a car past 50k. I'm always impressed when people manage to get cars that far.
  21. Just back from a very successful first date Hopefully the first of many... a very good day indeed.
  22. Close racing but felt quite boring imo. I'm very glad webber managed to win having had the good parts taken away from him beforehand. Alonso's season just seems to be one big ball of bad luck, he's doing amazingly well overall considering. I'm hoping he can have a better second half to the season, would love him to still be in the running come the last race.
  23. I'm not sure whether I'm excited or scared.
  24. I don't think so, you're stuck with green and grey as far as I'm aware. It's annoying, I'd really like to be able to change that.
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