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Everything posted by Will

  1. I'd leave the keyboard for a bit to dry out, disconnect everything and then set everything back up. If that doesn't do the trick you'll have to get yourself a new keyboard.
  2. Also the touch wouldn't need to be running all of the phone stuff in the background, that's probably enough to just push it into useable territory.
  3. Have any of you signed up for game center yet? My ID is will' if anyone wants to add me.
  4. I really enjoyed this, regardless of whether it was staged or not it was bloody good TV. Am I right in assuming there will be another one in a month? Or was the countdown he started just a little message that we could all change our life like he did in the next 30 days?
  5. A cyclist ran a red light this morning and hit my car. Repair estimate is £2,000. So angry!
  6. Love Sciroccos very cool motors and one where the modern update actually seems to do job that lives up to the original. I really like the look of yours, muchos respect on that! Love the pics in the other thread too, I really need to get to some car shows soon.
  7. Successful, happy and with no regrets. Pretty general really, there's nothing in particular i want, so long as things broadly fit into those 3 things then it's all good by me.
  8. Don't believe in them at all, just varying levels of compatibility. I'm sure that there are many different people that we each fit with to the extent of a 'soul mate' it's just dependent on which one you happen to meet at the right time and in the right situation.
  9. At the moment I'm not sure what I have to look forward to, mainly because I'm waiting to hear on something that could change everything. At the moment I have: Scenario 1: Dubai Trip + Grand Prix South Korea Trip + Grand Prix Car being totally fixed Scenario 2: New Job Moving house New Car Pretty good either way, I'm hoping scenario 2 is the one that works out though.
  10. There's quite a difference between a tablet PC and a straight out E-Reader. If you want a tablet PC I'd get an iPad, if you just want the E-Reader part I'd get the new Kindle.
  11. Will


    I've just been adding people as I see their usernames in here, not sure if I got everyone though... Mine is WRCox, trying to use it a bit more lately but it quite often ends up being a clone of my foursquare. I'll try and be better at it if more people follow me though...
  12. I'm very excited for this, I heard a few mumblings that it may be delayed, I really hope thats not the case.
  13. I like it with these big threads gone, far too easy to miss a day on the forum and then pages and pages of stuff have appeared that I just can't be bothered to read through. I like it as it is, lots of smaller topics rather than a few really big ones. At a push I wouldn't mind too much if post your purchases came back though.
  14. I've lost count of the times I've almost gone through the windscreen this week. Seems to me that I smack the brake whenever I'm reversing, I'm so used to controlling a car with the clutch. I certainly agree on not wanting to drive one for a while. Lotus should be back tomorrow, I can't wait.
  15. That looks very cool, I think I'll give it a go for sure. No doubt I'll be way way off the best times though.
  16. Just been having a play, seems very nice so far.
  17. I like the shuffle and the apple TV, I think I'll probably pick up both pretty soon. Game Center looks good, I'm looking forward to having that. I just wish OS4 was here for iPad, it really really needs it imo.
  18. They don't have the top I'm after :-( The Senna trailer looks awesome, I can't wait to see that film.
  19. We should all get PS3, and get some sort of N-Europe Championship up and running. I can't wait!
  20. God I absolutely hate cyclists, the vast majority of them at least. When they're not on the pavement they're running red lights or undertaking big lorries turning left. I'm sure there's more but I'm too enraged just thinking about it. I really really hate them.
  21. Totally agree with this, buying my recent suit turned into a nightmare due to utterly incompetent or rude staff in the stores. So glad I don't have to do it on a regular basis.
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