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Everything posted by Will

  1. I think with the social function improvements and the UI overhaul it's actually pretty decent. I'd buy it for the facebook stuff alone actually.
  2. I guess don't buy it then if you don't think it's worth it. I think it looks pretty good to be honest, it's been a fair while since the last one and this seems to add to it in all the right places. If I wasn't about to buy a new machine anyway I'd probably get the upgrade.
  3. On my way to work I drove past a class of school kids who must have been 7-9ish. As I went by they all stopped and cheered shouting various cool things about my car. There was also a hot teacher for me to browse as I went. A very enjoyable start to the day.
  4. Amended for your pleasure.
  5. I just patched my game with an HD theme, a few screenshots:
  6. hahaha, that so should have stayed!
  7. Haha, political aspirations of my iPad, who am I to argue?
  8. I don't really see the point, its not really going to help, and as has been said it can be reversed if they change their mind in the future. I agree that benefits need a big change too, it should be something no one wants to be on, and do their best to get off. Right now it seems all to easy to live your whole life puff the state.
  9. Best thing today - my Visa application form came through! With a bit of luck and trickery I'll be all set for a big change in a few weeks time.
  10. Happy Birthday! Have a good one!
  11. I bought a couple of pairs of Converse: The second pair could well be the best ones I've ever had, very comfy and look cool, I like them a lot!
  12. Ah ok, thanks very much, I look forward to the next layer of vegetation.
  13. So as part of my Garden Centre I've been working on I need one of the floors to have a pool of water. Does anyone have any clue how I can go about making that happen? Every time I place water it just disappears.
  14. Maybe if you've been studying Camponomics at GU, nowhere else though.
  15. I like it a lot! Where do the black blocks come from?
  16. I used to work nights for a summer when I was at uni in a lock factory. It would have been pretty awful but I did it with 3 of my best mates so we made the best of it. It's pretty horrible, I was constantly tired as it's so hard to get any sleep during the day, it totally messed with me from that point of view, I guess it could depend on exactly what work you're doing though... In answer to your questions: 1. If you don't like the job it will quite mess with your happiness 2. Without a doubt 3. There's a high possibility, this is the one upside imo
  17. They're also connected in that they're freaks and should be kept away from normal people (except hot lesbians, they're allowed.)
  18. I wish someone had told me internet transfers were done with pretend money before now, only now do I realize I've wasted so much real money!!
  19. That's true, though I thought Paypal dealt with the currency conversion side of things? Mine just came up as a flat £8.83 from my account so I'm assuming they did. It's well worth the money to be honest, for less than a tenner I've had hours of fun, made some fairly cool things and got to play around in other peoples even cooler things. I'd pay the money again without a doubt.
  20. Very cool tower guys, looks awesome as you close in on it. Look forward to seeing how the interior turns out.
  21. I think I paid about £8.80 in the end. You're not going to end up far off there I wouldn't have thought.
  22. Well I build the start of a train system tonight, a secret station in the temple and the first bits of track. My minecarts kept messing up though so no idea if it is going to work. I was thinking of building it just going out of the city to a new are we can build in. I've stayed up far too late on this now, it's bedtime.
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