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Everything posted by Will

  1. Someone else said that to me last night, I must admit it is weird for me not to be with a woman though, so I can understand the error.
  2. He's a Japanese guy, the SVP of Operations for Europe. I get on with him very well, good guy.
  3. K-Pop for $20, mainly because I fancy them.
  4. Whenever I went to town with my parents we'd park in the multistory carpark. At some point they started putting up those "motorists, don't leave valuables in your car" signs. For the longest time I thought they said "Mothers, don't leave vegetables in your car" I thought it was to do with them getting too hot and making the place smell bad. Only later did I realise the dark truth of what makes a carpark smell.
  5. Everything about this is horrendous, I do not like it one bit.
  6. My God this game with the wheel is absolutely freaking fantastic. I think the best thing I've played on the PS3 yet, maybe even my favourite game ever, I totally love it. 'Completed' the game at the weekend and got a Veyron, which is awesome. Loved the karting challenges but now I'm upset that they're done. I think we're up to about level 18 now. I can see this being the first GT that I fully complete, infact it's already my most completed in the series. The wheel is so so worth it.
  7. Just watched a few videos from the final, Matt and Rhianna was by far the best duet, I don't like him or the song but damn that worked well. Will.I.Am and Cher was pretty excruciating to watch, yet I like both the song and the people. Christina was better as a teenager. Robbie is cool but One Direction sucked. Also the winners song seems pretty crap this year. I also watched the auditionees song with all the crap people. The asian girl from the group is absolutely delicious. I want to take her out.
  8. It's been an alcohol-infused weekend for me, the best things from the last few days. Thursday: drinking with new female flatmate, lots of fun and a bit of naughtiness. Friday: work xmas party, lots of drinking. Saturday: more flatmate drinking, me, female flatmate and male flatmate (her bf - oops) he went home early, more naughtiness. Sunday: female flatmate almost got caught in my bed, never been so relieved. Played GT all day with male flatmate.
  9. 37 inch 1080p Panasonic. $500. OnLive gaming system, $120.
  10. I totally thought we were about to see:
  11. I wander around for ages trying to find something good for people, all the time thinking I'm terrible at it. Then blam! I find the perfect gift and all is well with the world. Luckily I only usually buy for my Mom, Dad and Sister, and generally if I get the sister part right then parents are happy anyway. Haven't started looking this year so I need to get my skates on.
  12. This was a great find in a sports shop evening party the other day. The pic is from facebook so if you can't see it let me know and I'll put it somewhere else.
  13. $100, and should arrive tomorrow. Can't wait to get my Gran Turismo on.
  14. Right, quick advice, should I order this TV? Panasonic Or pay more for 1080p? 1080p
  15. Well done on the job Llama, what will you be doing there? Best thing for me has been getting my new furniture and getting it all setup, finally I have my own space here. My hands are cut to shreds and red raw but it was well worth it. I'll get some pics up in the other thread soon I think.
  16. That's pretty much it. The whole thing is a bit of a mess but I have no doubt it will be sorted out by the start of the new season. Bernie will make them come to some sort of agreement over the naming issues before too long.
  17. Having grown up around Birmingham I can safely say it's not somewhere I would go out of choice. But then I don't think Leeds is the best place in the world either. Go to whichever is the best uni imo.
  18. Once you're into proper rental agreements I'd usually start looking a month before you want to move, due to usually there being a one month notice period on properties. Then that breaks down into 2 weeks of looking, 2 weeks of sorting the paperwork and a few days left over when things take a bit of time. I'm surprised they will offer such short term agreements, they must need people in pretty desperately so I'd try to negotiate a fair bit on price. On the deposit front I've usually paid a small amount as a holding deposit then the rest on the day of the actual move. I think Moogle is right, give them a ring and ask them all these questions, they may well have differences to other people so our advice may not be right at all. That said if you have anything specific you want to know I can certainly tell you what's happened with me in the past.
  19. My big trip to Ikea was yesterday, I didn't get everything but I may have accidentally bought some extras. I also got the smaller bed as it seemed more appropriate for snuggling girls and trying to make sure I don't bring any fatties home. It's being delivered tomorrow so I'll post some pictures of the building fun and completed items.
  20. Well I guess it's the same as anything, some people like particular games, particular music, particular clothes... particular furniture. I'm just a big fan of the simplicity of it, the way you can mix and match so even though your particular items may be owned my many people the way you actually use them can be very different. This quote pretty much sums up what I love about it, clean, cold, square etc. I don't want my furniture to be a big statement about the person I am. I personally can't imagine anything worse than living in the kind of space that chairdriver posted above. Different things for different tastes though, I'd certainly enjoy visiting but it's not for me. I don't know if it's unique to gaming but there seems to be a thing on this and other forums I frequent that anything popular, or enjoyed by the masses is bad, and that's simply not the case. I really couldn't care less how 'individual' I am, as long as the stuff I do/things I buy make ME happy. To summarize, I like stuff and sometimes other people to do but other people don't like it and we're debating it on a games forum.
  21. I think it's definitely a good idea, we can all help out sorting the area and then get spots to build our own stuff on. When do we start?
  22. Ah I'm glad you like that chair after extended use, Mr_Odwin. It certainly seemed good on a quick test but it's good to know people have found it good over a number of years. I think I'm pretty much decided that the stuff above is what I'll go for, should make for quite a nice space in my new place. Also some of those Ikea Hackers things are very good, I wish I had the skills to do some of them!
  23. My mac stuff came today and I finally got some folders to tidy all my paperwork into, yay for clean work desk. Hopefully these will be overtaken by a date with a hot girl later but I'm not entirely sure that's going to happen.
  24. and of course and other home furnishings you care to talk about... So with many of us being at an age where it's appropriate to buy things for our homes here is a thread to discuss what delightful things we plan to, or already have, bought. I'm a big fan of Ikea stuff, it's cheap (relatively), stylish (generally) and you have a lot of fun building the stuff, kind of like a giant adult lego set, only you're a bit screwed if you smash it up at the end. So having just moved to America, and gotten rid of all of my stuff back in the UK (I came here with just a suitcase) I've just moved into a place and I need to furnish it, naturally Ikea is my first port of call. Being a sociable chap I've moved in with a few other people so the only room I need to buy for is my own bedroom. I like to have a sleeping and a chilling area and luckily the room I'll be in long term has two distinct areas to it. I'm in a big square one at the moment but that shouldn't really cause too much trouble. Anyway, the things I need are: bed area, TV area, and desk area. Cupboards are built in so I don't need a great deal of storage extra. So, my intended purchases: Malm Queen Bed ($199 + $250 for the mattress) Karlstad Loveseat ($579) Lack TV Unit ($49) Patrik Chair ($199) Vika Gruvan Desk ($169) Those are the main bits, I will also buy a rug and some of those cool glowing lights to go around things. Then a few storage boxes and laundry baskets, then I should be set I think. So what's the thoughts? Good things? Right colours? What do YOU want to buy?
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